So its about 8:00 PM Christmas night on a two lane country road about 15 miles from my house. Coming home from the kids house in the Viper I come up on a white Charger going 60 in a 55. I follow him for a mile or so and I wanted to drive faster... no one around out in the middle of no where so I pass him only to see CHP in two foot tall letters on the side of the car no markings on the rear. Now I don't want to but I complete the pass and the red light come on right away. Now Janis is laughing at me for being a bone head as I pull over. The cop comes up with a grin on his face and says don't ever pass a cop already going over the speed limit. Then he ask why did I pass him? I told him I've got nothing he laughed and said Merry Christmas and took off like a rocket. I drove home 55.