Radar, yes. Laser detector, yes. Laser detector WITH jammers/shifters, usually not.
Some brands of shifter work better than others, sometimes you might still get busted. The point of the shifters is like stated before.
If you only have a laser detector, you are busted as soon as it goes off, due to the beam being so narrow, your detector will not pick it up unless it's being shot directly at you. At that point, all the detector did for you was let you know that the cop will be pulling you over shortly.
If you have a laser detector AND quality jammers/shifters, you detector goes off letting you know that you just got "hit", your jammers/shifters send the signal a different direction and the cop gets an "error" message (or just no reading) on his gun. Since you know you got "hit", you slow down to the proper speed very quickly. Good to go.
I honestly love the fact that more and more state troopers near me are going to laser. If you get hit with "pop" radar or your the only car out there and he hits just you with radar, you're busted. No jamming/shifting of radar.