Radar & Laser Jammers/Detectors

Steve 00RT/10

Nov 18, 2000
Reaction score
Steve- I hear ya. I think a lot of the Columbus PD are carrying both (Ka & Laser), for many of the reasons you pointed out.
I'll check into it next time I talk to my friend's dad (COLS Detective).

What I can absolutely confirm: I-270 around Columbus is Cop Heaven. :D
Pick your poison (K, Ka, Laser, Air, Pacing, Lucky Guess).
They're all out there.

I guess that's my point Kevan. IMO ...there is no foolproof way to avoid a ticket, and/or legal expense, if you continually speed. Minimize risk maybe, but you will get a ticket sooner or later. It was all over when instant on came on the scene. I still think that overall there is more moving radar than laser in this country......at least where we've been.

I don't get the impression all of that is necessary. Just use the BearTracker feature which goes off when you are within 3 miles of an officer and their radio goes off. I do not know the frequency that their radio goes off, but it's something, though you probably will get "false" signals from police cars on nearby roads that you aren't concerned about ("false" as in you don't care about them, just the cops on your road).

Good points. Haven't looked at these things since the mid 90s. If they had that feature then...I forgot. Like you state...if the unit is set for the 3 mile radius, you could be getting a lot of false signal. To compound that..it wouldn't necessarily mean they were set up on your road...or even going in your direction. It could possibly be just idle talk. They could be going the opposite direction on a different road. It does seem a way to minimize risk, albeit illegal to use in many places. On the positive side for these things....the open road would be where you wanted to know the most info and they would likely work much better there.....unless they weren't talking much. In cities, running with the flow of traffic is pretty safe...except for the fact you're a Viper, which got me the other ticket in the Viper (4/06)... Picked out of the middle of a 10 car pack, in a city, when we were all going the same speed....15 over. Got one for 60/55. I got it reduced to zero points, but it's still on my record for insurance purposes if they look. I think insurance goes back 5 years now.


Tom F&L GoR

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Wappingers Falls
I travel the New York State Thruway between Poughkeepsie and Albany and it seems to be a practice area for NYS Police to use laser. The roadway is 2 lanes each direction, but very often separated by trees and/or large rock formations so that you can't see them in the median until you pass them. (Maybe they can't see you either?) There they are, with the bean bag on the hood, waiting for you.

Anyway, besides the rule of 10, the other rule is to be second or third fastest.

I do have one of those V1 stories- was heading north, coming up over a hill when the Ka signal started. Had about half second to slow before seeing the Trooper, which must have been enough. The guy behind me, who thought he could tail me safely, ended up with the ticket. Ouch for him, yippee for me.


Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
Explaining Viper things to you
I haven't said anything dumb in at least 15 minutes or so... my turn.

The Bearcat scanner basically would allow you to listen to the radio activity of cops and by such hear that they are at a particular location doing something like looking for speeders? I mean if so, then that sounds great for those that want to spend their drive analyzing police chat on the radio and figuring out what it is. Sounds like that would make your drive pleasant... :rolleyes:


Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
Queens, New York
V1 here and works great. best $400 i ever spent. heading to VOI in detroit from NYC it saved me and the caravan 3 times. at an avg of about 85-90mph in 65 zones it saved us big time especially through OH. oh saved us in detroit too from the drag strip to the chrysler testing grounds where there was a speed trap. poor timmy with his shelby got pulled tho...

also just alst week heading down the garden state pkwy in NJ it went off twice when i was traveling at anout 85mph and little to you know both times there was a NJ State police car in the median with radar.


Sep 18, 2001
Reaction score
Manhattan, USA
V1 here and works great. best $400 i ever spent. heading to VOI in detroit from NYC it saved me and the caravan 3 times. at an avg of about 85-90mph in 65 zones it saved us big time especially through OH. oh saved us in detroit too from the drag strip to the chrysler testing grounds where there was a speed trap. poor timmy with his shelby got pulled tho...

also just alst week heading down the garden state pkwy in NJ it went off twice when i was traveling at anout 85mph and little to you know both times there was a NJ State police car in the median with radar.


Whenever my V1 goes off, even briefly, I take my foot off the gas. I can't count how many times somewhere up the road (could be 1/4 mile or 3 miles), there was a leo shooting radar or laser from somewhere. If I've had to slow down 20% of the time for false alarms...well so what? Well worth it not to get a ticket. Sometimes my biggest problem is when there's some instant on radar way off in the distance. I can get a reading 4-5 miles before getting to the trap and I have to keep disciplining myself not to speed back up before I find and pass the leo.

Like Tom mentioned, I've had annoying tailgaters pass me after my V1 went off (and I began to slow) and watched them get pulled over just 100 yards in front of me. THAT's great fun! :2tu:


Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
New Albany, OH
Like Tom mentioned, I've had annoying tailgaters pass me after my V1 went off (and I began to slow) and watched them get pulled over just 100 yards in front of me. THAT's great fun! :2tu:
Heh heh....
I've had cars pace with me after they notice that I have a RD.
When I see that happening, I turn the lights on the RD off (but leave the sound on) then brake at random intervals for a few miles.
I'm a ****. :D

Steve 00RT/10

Nov 18, 2000
Reaction score
I travel the New York State Thruway between Poughkeepsie and Albany and it seems to be a practice area for NYS Police to use laser. The roadway is 2 lanes each direction, but very often separated by trees and/or large rock formations so that you can't see them in the median until you pass them. (Maybe they can't see you either?) There they are, with the bean bag on the hood, waiting for you.

Anyway, besides the rule of 10, the other rule is to be second or third fastest.


I would guess the old bean bag on the hood isn't as prevalent at 10 below....or even shooting out an open window when it's real cold ;)

The problem with being the 2nd or 3rd fastest is when you are the only Viper in the middle of the pack. I was singled out. There is no doubt that Vipers are 'profiled'

I haven't said anything dumb in at least 15 minutes or so... my turn.

The Bearcat scanner basically would allow you to listen to the radio activity of cops and by such hear that they are at a particular location doing something like looking for speeders? I mean if so, then that sounds great for those that want to spend their drive analyzing police chat on the radio and figuring out what it is. Sounds like that would make your drive pleasant... :rolleyes:

I agree, but for those like the starter of the post who said slowing down isn't an option, this could be another tool to minimize risk. I had a friend a long time ago who used one inter-state successfully for quite a while until he decided the time saved wasn't worth the hassle or stress of continually speeding. The Bearcat was his radio. Pretty exciting stuff :dunno: I wouldn't get one today if they were legal here.


Whenever my V1 goes off, even briefly, I take my foot off the gas. I can't count how many times somewhere up the road (could be 1/4 mile or 3 miles), there was a leo shooting radar or laser from somewhere. If I've had to slow down 20% of the time for false alarms...well so what? Well worth it not to get a ticket. Sometimes my biggest problem is when there's some instant on radar way off in the distance. I can get a reading 4-5 miles before getting to the trap and I have to keep disciplining myself not to speed back up before I find and pass the leo.

Like Tom mentioned, I've had annoying tailgaters pass me after my V1 went off (and I began to slow) and watched them get pulled over just 100 yards in front of me. THAT's great fun! :2tu:

Same here. After you 'bond' with your V1, you can kind of tell if it's a real bogey or not, although I always err on the side of caution. You do need to look at your arrows right away to see what direction it's coming from. ...hate to jam the brakes when the signal is coming from behind. I've been caught in many 'sandwiches' over the years. It's amazing to watch the V1 work it's stuff, counting bogeys front and back, and flashing the direction with the strongest signal.

....But for all it's protection....with instant on....there is no way to avoid a ticket if you go fast all the time. Even though I generally only run 7-8 over, if my V1 goes off, I will slow to 3-4 over. You never know when they might get the itch to pull a Viper over or make their quota.



Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
From the Guys Of Lidar tests it looks like the "Laser Interceptor" product has the best overall results.


Mar 6, 2001
Reaction score
I haven't said anything dumb in at least 15 minutes or so... my turn.

The Bearcat scanner basically would allow you to listen to the radio activity of cops and by such hear that they are at a particular location doing something like looking for speeders? I mean if so, then that sounds great for those that want to spend their drive analyzing police chat on the radio and figuring out what it is. Sounds like that would make your drive pleasant... :rolleyes:

I get the impression you can do that, but that is not my concern. I don't get the impression the BearTracker feature works that way, but rather emits a beep if you are within 3 miles of a LEO and radio activity occurs (to or from the cop car?). In that case, it would be sort of like using a radar detector.

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