Steve 00RT/10
Steve- I hear ya. I think a lot of the Columbus PD are carrying both (Ka & Laser), for many of the reasons you pointed out.
I'll check into it next time I talk to my friend's dad (COLS Detective).
What I can absolutely confirm: I-270 around Columbus is Cop Heaven.
Pick your poison (K, Ka, Laser, Air, Pacing, Lucky Guess).
They're all out there.
I guess that's my point Kevan. IMO ...there is no foolproof way to avoid a ticket, and/or legal expense, if you continually speed. Minimize risk maybe, but you will get a ticket sooner or later. It was all over when instant on came on the scene. I still think that overall there is more moving radar than laser in this least where we've been.
I don't get the impression all of that is necessary. Just use the BearTracker feature which goes off when you are within 3 miles of an officer and their radio goes off. I do not know the frequency that their radio goes off, but it's something, though you probably will get "false" signals from police cars on nearby roads that you aren't concerned about ("false" as in you don't care about them, just the cops on your road).
Good points. Haven't looked at these things since the mid 90s. If they had that feature then...I forgot. Like you state...if the unit is set for the 3 mile radius, you could be getting a lot of false signal. To compound wouldn't necessarily mean they were set up on your road...or even going in your direction. It could possibly be just idle talk. They could be going the opposite direction on a different road. It does seem a way to minimize risk, albeit illegal to use in many places. On the positive side for these things....the open road would be where you wanted to know the most info and they would likely work much better there.....unless they weren't talking much. In cities, running with the flow of traffic is pretty safe...except for the fact you're a Viper, which got me the other ticket in the Viper (4/06)... Picked out of the middle of a 10 car pack, in a city, when we were all going the same speed....15 over. Got one for 60/55. I got it reduced to zero points, but it's still on my record for insurance purposes if they look. I think insurance goes back 5 years now.