Can't blame you for being "upset" in way but, it is the economy and sadly it's just the way it is.
I think the thing is, is that there's SOOOOO much out there the person that wants to go from A to B can't make a choice. A to B people just want a car with four wheels, a motor, and seatbelts. After that comes the styling and all your other choices. I've had times like such when I'm in the Magnum, you'll always get that one finicky A to B driver that will tell me, "eww how can you like that thing it looks like a hearse" and some will say "wow, this is nice!" and kids will just freak cause it's a cool car. Guys like us that are into cars, what they do, the appreciation and how far we can push them are A to B to C to D people. When you start mentioning the motor and the other options reactions are mixed. The gas milage is about the same in my V6 as it is in the Hemi. Once that gets out I get asked "how come you didn't get the Hemi?" my response is well let's not forget the insurance, payments and everything else into consideration. I WANT a Hemi but I didn't want to go overboard on my budget either. I'm always reading about the Sebring pretty much everyday cause someone has to say something about the styling and the interior. I haven't driven one but I really don't see what's wrong with it, it's an A to B car!
And then there's those that simply look at the weight, scratch their chins and say, "Will gee wilikers, that's to much!" 2-4 years ago you'd hear stories how furious people where about Hummers, how they burn gas, they weigh to much then form a hippy protest and set them on fire. That is somewhat partially true but it's changed yet still the average Autobloger will read a whole article on a car, then start a war about how much the car weighs. Are we confused? I feel alot more safer in a 3800lb Magnum than 2921lb Prius, I forgot to mention I was making 25-27 MPG to Florida with what felt about 3/4 more stuff a Prius could ever hold.