Don't get too worried ,as many have suggested it could just be fluid. Heck, many times no friction modifier is even used for some folks racing , and then an old trick in the parking lot may alleviate the noise too. Go around in a circle about 10 times in one direction, then reverse and do 10 more the opposite way. You may find this makes the noise go away. I would not be surprised if just a fluid change, some friction modifier , and viola it is fine. If they have not tapped for a drain plug , give us a call, as that is a good idea ( unless you take it to someone who has never done it). Concerning when to change the fluid, 12,000 miles is not the magic number, as many Snakes will need a change as early as 5,000 miles ---- with all the torque Vipers have it often needs to be changed more often than suspected.
Those who run/ran Viper Days, will often change the rear end fluid after each weekend of racing. We have changed rear fluid at very low mileages at times and the smell from burned fluid would reek throughout the service bay. At this point your symptoms suggest nothing too major, but it would be wise to check it out , as most of the ideas given are possibilities.
Bill Pemberton
Woodhouse Viper