Here's a set of before and after graphs from a '97 GTS with tubes, filters, high flow cats and fabricated 3" cat-back. The change was the addition of the Supercharger with an 8 psi pulley (2.65" diameter). This was on 93 octane gas.
If you wanted to get closer to 700 at the wheels (about 805 at the crank), you'd have to look at adding 1.7 rockers (adds 26 RWHP at the peak) headers (about 25 RWHP at the peak) and race gas (allowing more timing advance). The net result should be about 650 SAE RWHP, with about 685 actual on a 65 degree day. Heads at about $2,560 would get another 50 at the rear wheels. Then you'd need the fuel pump voltage booster and maybe a Walboro 255 pump. I know of one guy with a similar combination that is making 675 SAE RWHP (stock pump, voltage booster, 7 psi pulley, heads by a shop in his area, etc).
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