Viper Owner
Well My viper just hit the 13K mark on the odo and i started looking for tires, figured I would go with the ps2's but i started thinking aftermarket wheels (20's rear) so i didn't want to buy tires until I knew what i wanted with wheels.
Anyways I took a road Trip down to Atlanta over the weekend (with bald run-craps on back) so yesterday i was heading back home and just as I was entering the on-ramp and i hear this loud noise coming from the rear and just like that it was gone so I ran up to speed and then noticed my radio (RB1) keep turning down then i finally noticed LO TIRE on the dash.........crap so i pull of at the next ramp and start calling around for a tire.......THAT WAS NOT EASY!!! I was kinda lucky to find a dodge dealer about 10 miles away and could get me a tire in a few hours......5 hours later and 510.00 less i was back on the road, but the moral of the story was I was thinking of going with the ps2's but if that happend with them i would have been really screwed had that been in the virgina mountains at night...... I've decided to keep the run flats for sure for the stock wheels but still may go with the aftermarket wheels/tires but if taking a long road trip switch back to the run-flats. Also the dumb jack-ass at the dealer put 44 pounds of air in the tire. Just Figured I would check the pressure and was floored that this guy filled it to 44 psi. Told the service write-up guy that he should really pay attention to who he hires and showed him the guage, he then proceded to look at the sidewall of the tire to get the "right psi"
jack-ass #2. Anyways i was 5 hours behind and needed to get on the road so I thanked him for getting me the tire and left...........
Anyways I took a road Trip down to Atlanta over the weekend (with bald run-craps on back) so yesterday i was heading back home and just as I was entering the on-ramp and i hear this loud noise coming from the rear and just like that it was gone so I ran up to speed and then noticed my radio (RB1) keep turning down then i finally noticed LO TIRE on the dash.........crap so i pull of at the next ramp and start calling around for a tire.......THAT WAS NOT EASY!!! I was kinda lucky to find a dodge dealer about 10 miles away and could get me a tire in a few hours......5 hours later and 510.00 less i was back on the road, but the moral of the story was I was thinking of going with the ps2's but if that happend with them i would have been really screwed had that been in the virgina mountains at night...... I've decided to keep the run flats for sure for the stock wheels but still may go with the aftermarket wheels/tires but if taking a long road trip switch back to the run-flats. Also the dumb jack-ass at the dealer put 44 pounds of air in the tire. Just Figured I would check the pressure and was floored that this guy filled it to 44 psi. Told the service write-up guy that he should really pay attention to who he hires and showed him the guage, he then proceded to look at the sidewall of the tire to get the "right psi"