Just another FYI. I have finally gotten a chance to pound on my new NON run crap tires and on my paxton car, I couldnt see any dicernable difference OTHER then warm up time. Non run craps take a little less time to "warm up", but once both tires get hot, they seem to grab (actually non-grab) relatively the same. No decernable difference on a paxton. Zen Garage has said it was night and day, and I say on a paxton car its pretty much unnoticable.
I wouldnt replace tires or swap out run craps just to gain that insignificant "traction benefit," more then anything, I would simply buy which ever tires were the cheapest at the time of purchase (which will always be the non run craps).
I wouldnt replace tires or swap out run craps just to gain that insignificant "traction benefit," more then anything, I would simply buy which ever tires were the cheapest at the time of purchase (which will always be the non run craps).