Yes Richie - he sure does. The SC has been a real learning experience for me. Those A6's has really helped.
Rich V & Cobra pilot-I have not had a run in with a ZO6-few vetts around town but no new C6 ZO6. We all get along real well here-but don't know about "bad boy".
You talk about road warriors-I was in Somerset Ky for the Somerset show and cruise and this guy comes up looking at my engine. I got talking to him and he said "let me show you my project"-he pulled out pics of his Volkswagen New Beetle with a SRT 10 engine installed in it. He said a lot of mods had to be made( I would say so) and the big problem now was the computer system. He may have the car at the next show. Unbelievable. I would like to see that thing run.
Rich V & Cobra pilot-I have not had a run in with a ZO6-few vetts around town but no new C6 ZO6. We all get along real well here-but don't know about "bad boy".
You talk about road warriors-I was in Somerset Ky for the Somerset show and cruise and this guy comes up looking at my engine. I got talking to him and he said "let me show you my project"-he pulled out pics of his Volkswagen New Beetle with a SRT 10 engine installed in it. He said a lot of mods had to be made( I would say so) and the big problem now was the computer system. He may have the car at the next show. Unbelievable. I would like to see that thing run.
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