Flemington Dodge dealer claims that they have 2 viper tech on staff. Any body have experience with this dealership?
Thx for any feedback
Jerome: he he perhaps you ought to firm up your girly hands that brake so easily before trying to punch anyone
kidding too
Just some simple stuff, 1st oil change, and have them look at the door that I have to slam to shut, and some squeaks and rattles, nothing major yet.
Yes I did hear about Tator, they must be reliable if every one ie recomending them ! they are about 100 miles from here.
Regarding your inquiry, Dick Greenfield Dodge - Route 1 between Princeton and Trenton. 1 Viper Tech. They have experience in all Vipers as far as I can tell. Eatontown - Just too far. For normal car service, they have 24 hour/day service if you work the night shift.