Some drunk hit my Viper

Cop Magnet

Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Kenilworth, IL
Okay, this is a story in development since the middle of winter. Just got some pictures back, so I thought I'd tell the story as it stands. First off, sorry for the long post. Secondly, please no flames regarding the dust and dirt on my car. I am currently in an apartment situation, and although much less than desirable, I'd rather have the car close to me even when I can't drive it.

I have a great parking spot on the first floor right across from the entryway. Leaves me plenty of room and no one should really be anywhere near me. The only people across from me are the ones parking in the handicap spots. Whenever it snows badly, though, people from the uncovered top floor do tend to park in the handicap spots.

The morning after our last big snow, I came out to find the left rear corner of my car bashed in. The tail-lamp was busted, the rear panel cracked, the bumper cover scraped, and a gouge in the quarter panel. See for yourself:
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Hmmm, maybe I should replace those screws by the inner panel vents..
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The offender left no note, and the only evidence was a single piece of trim off the other person's car. Looked like a backup lamp housing, but smaller. There is a video camera pointing at the entrance, and I hoped it might show my car and what happened, but unfortunately it didn't. Of course, this was clearly an accident, and probably occured from someone backing out of the handicapped spots. But just in case you're thinking maybe they hit my car and didn't even realize it, take a look at what i found on the back window. I've lived here for three years and no one has ever once messed with my car. To the contrary, everyone seems to look out for it and I always get positive comments. Yes, mods, it's Homer Simpson:
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So here's where the story takes a turn for the better. Later that night, after no positive input from the police or the apartment staff, I did a little detective work. I took the little piece of this guy's car around the parking lot with a flashlight, and checked all the rear bumpers of the other cars. Lo and behold, a direct match on the top floor. A black, full-equipped X5 sport. What is this little piece? Ironically enough, it the cover from the friggin park-distance control!
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And here's the corresponding damage on his car, matches up exactly to mine.
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So I leave this guy a note, and say he hit my car and better call me and the police were already involved. He called me the next morning and initially was very defensive and denied it could have been him. So I tell him we are looking at the video, which does show my car, and that I found the piece of his car there. He then says maybe it was his wife, as she drove that morning. He assures me he is very wealthy, would pay any reasonable amount out of pocket, and would prefer not to have the police or insurance involved at all. He drives the X5 and also has a BMW 6 series convertible.

The snow delays an estimate a little bit, but in the meantime I find out a little more about the guy. Nobody knows what he does, but he seems to have a lot of money. Older guy, and he's divorced (so the wife story was BS as suspected). He's an alcoholic and has had some trouble with the law and the apartment building. I remembered he was passed out in the lobby about a year ago, and I checked on him while an ambulance was on the way. Again, I live in a very nice place, son't let this or the condition of my car fool you. I also remember his BMW 6 was parked in the loading zone for about a week after this, presumably because he was in detox or something. So now it made sense why he wanted to pay cash and not have the police involved. Probably has a few DUI's to boot.

So I get the guy an estimate, $3K, and he agrees to pay right away. Made me feel I should have padded the bill a little. But then he starts stringing me along. He says his lawyer told him to get a copy of the "cancelled" pollice report. He calls me multiple times and says he'll be dropping a check off later that day, but doesn't. I stop by his apt many times without any answer. Finally, he calls me at 4:45 AM one day and says he'll be dropping the check off and just wanted to let me know. I start tearing into the guy, and he apologizes and says he's on his way to the airport and it was the only chance he had to call. Of course, no check later the same day.

So I call him later and get his voicemail. I rip into him and tell him I've been more than patient. His request for a cancelled police report is ridiculous. I am doing him a favor by not calling the police, I don't owe him anything. I tell him the police report will include his plate number and the "video".

He drops a check off the next day, $3K. And yes, it did clear. Then he calls me a few more times telling me he wants to get together and shake hands over this. What a *****. I don't want to become friends with this loser, I just wanted the money he owed me. It's not like I came out ahead on any of it.

So I took my car to Ron's shop in Northbrook. Ron is Zen Garage on this forum. An all-around great guy and total car enthusiast. Autowerk's is the name of the shop, and it looks first-rate. The shop is filled with Ferrari's, high-end BMW's, AMG's, and Bentley's. The paint booth is amazing. They also sell all kinds of aftermarket gear. Ron's owned a few Vipers in his day and is a devoted Club member. It's nice to have someone who knows what they are doing and who you can trust with your baby. I'll post pics of the "after" version of the car as soon as I can. Thanks for reading!


Aug 19, 2004
Reaction score
Chesapeake, Virginia
Nice piece of detective work! BTW, the most likely time to be able to reach someone at home is around 4:00 am.:(



Aug 28, 2006
Reaction score
Orland Park
I once caught a 80 plus year old woman who hit my two week old Lexus 430 and drove off, while I was watching, but couldn't catch her plate. I was able to track her down, as I had been hit in a church parking lot and figured she would be back the next week. Sure enough, she showed up with her car AND THE PAINT FROM MY BUMPER, along with the paint from about 5 other cars. I took pictures, of the paint with a yardstick to show the height and prove that it was the paint from my car. Her daughter tried to deny it initially, but eventually gave in. Based upon her bumper, her general way to know when to stop backing up was when she hit something and then she would go forward.


Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
That's awesome - I would have been so excited to catch a "hit and run" - now report him to the police.


Viper Owner
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
South Carolina
Let me know when you move away. I would like to pay him a visit and say hello. I really like the kinda of guy that hits a Viper and leaves. Maybe I can shake his hand and become friends. I think that he will like to get to know his car a little better as well. I hear that the BMW 6 series has a large trunk. ;)


May 5, 2005
Reaction score
Shoulda milked him for more.

My neighbor backed into my truck and denied it. I knew it was him and proved it. He did'nt want to go through insurance, so since he was a complete ass to me and denied it for weeks... the bill was $2,000 more then it should of been.

2 wrongs dont make a right? maybe... but he won't do that to my car again :)

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
That is easily more than 3K damage. The fender has a gouge in it and a new fender alone is $4,500 last I checked. If the trunk bucket is cracked (which it very well could be) then there is another 6K. Diminished value is 10-15K.

If he had money you should have taken him to court. I got hit by someone with no money and no insurance so our justice system screwed me.


Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
I enjoyed your post.

So what is going to stop Mr. Drunky from doing this again? Are there any additional precautions you can take parking in shared parking lot?

I ask because I am considering renting a parking spot in a nice condo building but I am wary of situations like you just experienced.


Viper Owner
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Oh I am soooo glad to hear you caught the SOB! What a crime, that ****** me off to no end.

I would have charged him 10% on top of the repair costs, just for your trouble! You really had him over a barrel too, and can't believe he tried to wheel and deal you. Good job!


Viper Owner
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
I would've turned it in to insurance and told the police myself, but nice detective work by the way.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Oh I am soooo glad to hear you caught the SOB! What a crime, that ****** me off to no end.

I would have charged him 10% on top of the repair costs, just for your trouble! You really had him over a barrel too, and can't believe he tried to wheel and deal you. Good job!

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May of wanted to put it in his face, just for the little doodle he left also!
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Cop Magnet

Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Kenilworth, IL
Believe me, the doodle was the one thing which was putting me over the edge in all of this. But in certain situations, you've got to decide if it's worth risking all to get what you want off your chest. I could have called him on the issue and reported him to the police from the get-go, but since there was no video and only the circumstantial "evidence", I might have wound up with nothing. The police really didn't care, and even said if there was a video they weren't going to spend the time to look at it. If I printed them a picture and brought it to them, maybe. The apartment complex said they wouldn't give me free access to the images anyway. I had thought if I was forced to go that way by his not payin, I would have to "find" a witness.

So he could have called my bluff and I could be out $3K. Maybe my insurance would have fought him, but no one has a vested interest like me! Sure as hell, no one else would have been out there in 15 degree weather looking at all the cars like I did. Yeah, I could have screwed him after the fact, but I am a believer in what goes around comes around. I did the right thing. He'll get what he deserves one way or another, if paying 3 grand out of his pocket is not enough.

As far as the damage, the quarter panel was repaired. Ron's body man cut out a large wedge and hand-formed a piece to fit right in. A smaller amount of fill, apparently, is prone to fall out over time. I have to honestly say there would be no way this guy or anybody would pony up another $5k. And no cracks in the tub or anywhere else. The cars already been apart.

Thanks for all your responses. I like the trunk idea, but am thinking this might be his "line of work" already with the cash and no visible means of support thing.

zen garage

Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Glenview Illinois
Doc, I am glad you are happy with the results.

If anyone ever needs my services, I offer pickup and drop off anywhere in our 48 foot enclosed trailer. My shop does everything under one roof and I am probably one of the largest in the country. Interior, electronics, custom paint, wheels/tires, performance and more. I am the midwest distributor for many high end lines including Lorinser for Benz, Brabus and Mansory for Bentley.

Feel free to give me a call if I can help.


Sep 18, 2001
Reaction score
Manhattan, USA
Interesting read. Glad to see a reasonable result. I don't know about "milking" the situation. That begins to make for some bad Karma all around.

I'd be pleased that you did your homework and got some serious cash. I WOULD concentrate on making your parking spot safer. Here in NYC, folks often place highway contruction pylons in front of and behind their cars. Use the tall ones, the tops of which will be visible in a rear view window. If you leave 2 behind your car, they also serve to soften any parking bumps. Anyway, just a suggestion.


Nov 7, 2000
Reaction score
New Canaan, CT
Cop Magnet, your car is dirty. But it still looks better than mine on most days. Yeah, I too live in an apartment complex with almost 700 apts. That's 2 cars per apt and 2 floors of parking space. Over 50% of the residents are over 70. I know and feel your pain.


Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
I know your living in an apartment but why not pay to put your car in secured storage? Just curious...


Jan 11, 2001
Reaction score
Pardon the juvenille response...but

Holee Juvenille Jealous Mother F**ker!!

Glad you tracked him down.

You should also consider cleaning your knuckles on his face... repeatedly.



Viper Owner
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well, even without the cops being involved, you could have easily taken him to civil court and won hands down, so one way or another, you would have gotten the cash back to fix it.


Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Woops, double post with the one below. But I will add this (not in the post below)

I think the "homer simpson" charachature was TOTALLY NOT THAT GUY. Think about this objectively, you just hit someones car, do you REALLY think your going to get out and draw an insignia of "homer simpson" at the scene of the crime, if you dont want to get caught? Hell no, you get the F outta there.

Two separate events. I'd really bank a good chunk of change on that. We often get called "homers" for having those cars, and also often get asked/told that we must have a small "homer." I think someone was just walking by your car and put that on it, probably before the accident even occured, or AFTER. As someone saw you had damage and maybe thought you were a "homer" for wrecking your own car. Your hit and run guy was truly a homer, but I realllllllllly doubt he got OUT of his car, and put that on yours, as he is already wanting to get the F outta there, because its probably alcohol related.

Thats 4 cents now.

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Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
I think you guys are leaving off a VERY significant detail. There was no witness to this incident (other then the driver who isnt going to rat on himself) and the video didnt show sheet, so thats no good. Even having that piece to the car, wouldnt do much, its not like DNA, its not proven without a doubt that it belongs to the guys car. I think this would have been problematic in court to say the least. They would have told him (cop mag) to just file it under his insuarnace and be done with it. Effectively making him have higher premiums for that jerks actions.

I think, you faired FAR better then most would have in this situation. I commend your detective work, and your "adjustment" of the facts to convince this guy to play ball. He is a true **** bag, and you effectively beat him at his own game (and I hate saying that as it might seem to deduce that your a **** bag too, but thats not at all what I mean by that. Sometimes when you mess with pigs, you gotta get dirty too. In this case it was warranted in my book. 2 wrongs made a right here.) I also think the dollar amount you recoverd is pretty damn good for the situation too.

All in all I commend your commitment to the principle of it, which was you were wronged by an azzhole and you made sure he made right.

Good Job,


PS. Ron Durchin (zen garage/Autowerks) is top notch, even if he wont return my phone calls. :( (so he's also a **** in my book too.. but a friendly one.. lol)
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got one

Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
Castle Rock
happened to me once, lets just say that we settled it outside of court and in the parking lot.

Glad to hear that you were able to take it into your own hands and get the results you deserved.

Cop Magnet

Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Kenilworth, IL
Well, this would be the first time I have ever agreed with Jon :D but I think he hit the nail on the head, at least about doing as well as I could have, if not for the Homer.

Believe me the cops could have cared less. They told me to come in and file a report, but that the only thing done with that was it was filed to the state for insurance purposes. I went in and the dispatcher told me to go home and call 911 or no one would come out. Finally an officer came out and acted like it was the biggest inconvenience ever. But it served it's purpose, as it allowed me to use the interaction as leverage.

As for the "Homer", I disagree. If it happened before, it would be the first time ever anyone in my apt has messed with my car. And a total coincidence being on the same day. I am in and out at least twice a day and would have immediately noticed that. Someone else? Would you go up to a car with fresh damage and mess with it? Only if you wanted to get pinned for the whole thing as some kind of vandalism act. I think the guy hit me, got out to see how bad it was, took two seconds to make his Homer, and took off. Maybe someone saw it, so he got out to act like he was going to leave me a note. This stuff happens.

As far as renting a secure spot, I'm paying a mortgage on a home with a four car garage I have no access to and rent on my apt, and the last thing I'd want is to rent anything else. Hopefully, my situation will clear up enough soon to be able to acquire something more conrete. If you need details, my sig says it all.


Nov 7, 2000
Reaction score
New Canaan, CT
Since you can't prove that the driver who hit your car did the Homer, you could have another jealous bastage in your apt complex. I don't think it was him. If somebody wants to leave an accident site and they are drunk, they don't step out, check the damage, draw a Homer and then drive off.

For the sake of your motor, I suggest you get a locking gas cap, if you don't already have one. I've had jealous mofos put sugar, sand, etc in the fuel tanks of my other toys.

As to getting secured storage, I hear you. Good luck with both settlements.

Cop Magnet

Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Kenilworth, IL
Just for the record, I don't think the guy was drunk when he hit me. I just think he's a drunk in general. That loss of touch with reality (calling at 4:45AM) say it all. It probably happened between 7 and 8AM the way I figure. Rush hour, probably HAD to get out to make it look good, and then when the coast was clear decided screw it and threw me the Homer.


Viper Owner
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Roselle, IL
I think you guys are leaving off a VERY significant detail. There was no witness to this incident (other then the driver who isnt going to rat on himself) and the video didnt show sheet, so thats no good. Even having that piece to the car, wouldnt do much, its not like DNA, its not proven without a doubt that it belongs to the guys car. I think this would have been problematic in court to say the least. They would have told him (cop mag) to just file it under his insuarnace and be done with it. Effectively making him have higher premiums for that jerks actions.

I think, you faired FAR better then most would have in this situation. I commend your detective work, and your "adjustment" of the facts to convince this guy to play ball. He is a true **** bag, and you effectively beat him at his own game (and I hate saying that as it might seem to deduce that your a **** bag too, but thats not at all what I mean by that. Sometimes when you mess with pigs, you gotta get dirty too. In this case it was warranted in my book. 2 wrongs made a right here.) I also think the dollar amount you recoverd is pretty damn good for the situation too.

All in all I commend your commitment to the principle of it, which was you were wronged by an azzhole and you made sure he made right.

Good Job,


PS. Ron Durchin (zen garage/Autowerks) is top notch, even if he wont return my phone calls. :( (so he's also a **** in my book too.. but a friendly one.. lol)

Agreed. You made out very well considering the situation. Nice work! :drive: