That's a good reason for damaging someone's property? I don't think so.
I'd be willing to bet my left nut that ShadowLight is a female who has keyed a car before. Before I was married, I established some groundwork policies with any female whom I dated. I suggest that Viper owners adopt my policies as their own. Feel free to print this out and distribute to any females whom you are dating, at the outset of said relationships.
1. If you as much as put a smudge mark on my Viper(s), you will be at risk of a sledgehammer slamming into your back.
2. If any of your goofy friends convince you to take my Viper out one day when I am at work, you better put a hose on that fire of an idea, unless you and your giddy cronies want to inspect the inners of a wood chipper and the sensation of being flung out in pieces into an alligator pond.
3. If you go into my garage and clumsily drop a rake on my Viper(s), I will consider it an act of violence and retaliate with the mighty swing of The Bambino by sinking the rake teeth into your formerly useful buttocks.
These three wholesome policies establish a "no nonsense, no tolerance" sort of environment that should keep your beloved Viper safe from harm.