Well, at least you have moved on past the tax issue.
Let me answer these as I can:
1. Did ASC make any duplicate parts for the car? Will they be part of the win? I ask because many of the parts appear to be one off parts so if damage occurs they would not be replaceable - correct?
They did not make duplicate parts and there will be none included. They are indeed many one-off parts, with several "failed" examples (bad weave in the carbon, bend in aluminum, etc.) having graced their dumpster last year. And yes, I already went through the dumpster and only found a broken SSR bed cover and a discarded Big Mac meal from McDonalds. The apple pie was still pretty tasty though.
As far as damage, the car is being raffled off "as is". That said, if your transporter drops it off the truck they should be paying for any custom fabrication needed. If you wrap it around a tree, well, I hope you are wearing your seatbelt.
2. I assume that because there has been so much done to the car that the warranty may be gone - correct or only gone to the extent that any problem is due to the changes under the usually cited federal warranty law?
I am going to go with your first assumption, in that the factory powertrain warranty will probably not apply, at least to the engine. I can't say whether the warranty for things like the window motors and that type of thing still apply. I do know that both ASC and the VCA are providing the car "
as is" with absolutely no warranty expressed or implied by either party. What you work out with your friendly Dodge dealer is entirely up to you.
3. I could not see the dry sump resevoir in the last engine photo you posted. Was the image reversed or was the dry sump system removed?
I honestly don't know nor are we planning to dissect the car to that degree. Whatever is in the pictures I took is what is on the car today. I can identify which ones those are if need be and can post additional photos (lots of them) if you wish.
4. Does the vehicle run on pump gas?
The vehicle runs on premium unleaded - pump gas.
5. I noticed that the usual exhaust fume carbon coating on the twin exhaust outlets/tips is not the same as to both - any known reason for this?
If you are looking at the single picture of two outlets, I would venture to say it is simple physics: The force of the exhaust will push it back to the furthest outlet rather than take an immediate right turn unaided (no walled pipe). Or perhaps they only have one actually open to the front. I doubt that, however I would again emphasize that we are not planning to dissect the car to answer these questions.
6. It was mentioned that the vehicle might not be environmentally compliant in some states. Do you know which ones? It does have cats - right?
I can only assume that California would be one such state, however I cannot and will not account for any of them. It may pass with flying colors in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. It will pass in Kansas easily, as there is no testing there. As for having cats in place, I believe it does. But no worries:
As you probably noticed, among the many people reading this thread is Doug Levin himself. Having read your questions specifically he has offered to again donate a full factory exhaust system, with cats, to the raffle winner. If you get it to his shop in sunny Miami he will even install everything for you at absolutely no charge. He will personally do everything he can to help make the vehicle "emissions friendly" in the event it is not and the winner desires it. Generally speaking, it is the intake, exhaust, and tuning that directly affect that testing. Doug Levin Motorsports has offered to donate the parts
and labor to bring all three to factory specs to help ensure it is 50-state compliant. That said, if there are
internal engine modifications that would endanger that compliance, I don't expect Doug or anybody else to mess with that - at least not for free.
The bottom line is that this one-of-a-kind once-in-a-lifetime vehicle is being raffled off by the VCA, having been handcrafted by the folks at ASC. It has already been titled (to ASC) and is being raffled "as is" with approximately 50 miles on the odometer (yes, ideal collector miles). We cannot tell you every nut and bolt that was changed, nor do we have any intention of finding out. But I'll tell you what, since you have been so thorough in your questions I will give you a peek at just how much work went into this car. Here it is in the early stages (yep, Viper Blue!):
Now, when was the last time you had FIVE people working on your car simultaneously? Probably never - not even at the assembly plant (usually see two, maybe three max at one station at Conner Avenue). And see that design sketch by the driver's window? That is one of approximately five different ones they used and of which you will get full-sized copies. And no Bob, those wheels don't come with it either - they already came and went through the Viper Classifieds.
And BnI - I can almost GUARANTEE this car gets poor gas mileage. But to help those with
that tax concern, ASC has already paid the gas guzzler tax.

Hope everybody gets shot at the tickets before they sell out!