Amazing. How come people think that they can drive this car like a 4 cylinder Honda? I don't know what people were used to driving before they bought the Viper, but NOTHING prepares you for the amount of torque that is so readily available with this car. And, maybe this is a chick thing, but what's with everyone thinking they need to slam their foot to the floor in order to go fast? What ever happened to s-m-o-o-t-h? Jumping in your car and slamming the gas to break the rear end loose is lame. Not understanding that this car can do that in many gears, in straight line acceleration, on dry pavement is downright dangerous.
Here's a novel idea - drive the car like you have an egg between your foot and the gas. That doesn't mean you cannot use full throttle, it just means that you don't smash the go pedal. Gradually see how the car handles ina variety of situations and after a while you will find that the car is quite predictable. This does not mean you have to drive like a granny - you can still be agreesive, but smooth. Learn what the power feels like. Learn with the brakes feel like, learn what the car feelsl ike right before the rear end breaks loose. And yes, its best to do this at a driving school - and ViperDayus is the best venue, as you have more time in your car with instructors who know how the cars handle....
So, get to a driving school - but in the meantime, don't let any of your inputs be abrupt ones - that unsettles the car and allows the ends to swap positions. Good luck.