Re: SRT wires are about a week away from being completed. I need to get a c
edit. being professional
edit. being professional
Well the mighty midget with a big mouth has spoken...
Robbie and I are not fighting each other, unlike you and I right now. That's my only association with him.
As for this thread, asking about spark plugs in a spark plug wire thread is NOT spamming, if anything it will bring more attention to the wires themselves.
But if you want to get in a childish ******* argument go ahead.
I had some radio hum with MSD wires as well as magnacores. I switched to quality wires wires and couldn't be happier. MSD wires are a generic length (aka: too long on many of the wires) whereas the Quality wires are a perfect length.
my .02...
I quoted your post because I had the same concerns about the make of the wires as you did and because i asked a simple question everyone blew it out of proportion. End of story.
I quoted your post because I had the same concerns about the make of the wires as you did and because i asked a simple question everyone blew it out of proportion. End of story.
I have never seen any vendor on any forum I have ever been on that has less credibility than you.
I have never seen any vendor on any forum I have ever been on that has less credibility than you.
I have never seen any vendor on any forum I have ever been on that has less credibility than you.
You have never met me, talked with me, email me, or bought from me. Therefor questioning my credibility is based on nothing.
I have never seen any vendor on any forum I have ever been on that has less credibility than you.
You have never met me, talked with me, email me, or bought from me. Therefor questioning my credibility is based on nothing.
I was commenting on your credibility on this forum which is based upon the glut of often erroneous and always self-serving posts that you plague this forum with. Would you like me to start posting specific examples of you giving out incorrect information on this forum or self-promoting on other vendors' threads?