Treesnake, you will find that the issues with the AEM box are fairly common. kllymartin is a local here that has had several issues with his AEM unit on his TT Viper, and it's been frustrating for him as well. Especially when he's sent the box back to AEM and they've checked it, sent it back, and still has issues. He grabbed a friends AEM, car ran fine, and found out himself that it was the unit itself that was having trouble, and finally got it replaced. Definitely not a tuner issue, just the AEM. There was a debate about this on the Alley, but I can't seem to find the thread now. He's looking to go Motec very soon as a result.
MAN...I have never heard a Viper sound that menacing! Awesome my man. I sure hope you get things worked out ok. Good luck buddy. Ray
Do you have any other shots larger resolution preferably 1920x1200...Your car is Desktop Worthy.
That means salt...which means a long "nap" on the lift...
AFTER, it's fixed...![]()
Thanks Malu59RT. That story sounds similar to mine. Yes, I have been hearing about AEM issues. They are finicky at best.
I asked my tuner about changing to MOTEC. he said it wasn't worth the money unless I was racing.
It is VERY frustrating!
John Reed is very confident in the Motec system, and I've never heard one thing bad about them, except the price. I believe John even makes harnesses for the Viper. He also talks highly about the Pectel(?) units as well.
Regarding AEM vs. Motec, I believe everyone agreed you wouldn't pick up power by switching to Motec. To me, I think the bigger question is if it's worth it to have a car that runs all the time, without ECU related issues. My friend in his TT Ford GT is converting to a Motec this winter and believes it will be worth the money. Either way, good luck in getting the car running the way you want it to. Hate to see you not be able to enjoy your car![]()
tree, this is a great thread for info. keep it going.
you mentioned the harness was "spliced"....whats that about ?
and what is LOUD beeper and flashing LED alarm warning signal for? this is something i have been thinking of doing this winter. maybe an LED for fuel pressue (or lack of) and beeper for AF ?
tree, this is a great thread for info. keep it going.
you mentioned the harness was "spliced"....whats that about ?
and what is LOUD beeper and flashing LED alarm warning signal for? this is something i have been thinking of doing this winter. maybe an LED for fuel pressue (or lack of) and beeper for AF ?
the Reed racing harness, on the gen III cars the aem or motec ecu is used to control air/fuel and a few other things. The harness is wired in allowing the aem/motec ecu to control the desired functions while leaving the factory ecu to control everything else. It's kinda like "spliced in anyway", since the aftermarket ecu via a control harness controls the cars functions in tandem with the factory ecu, each doing their assigned jobs
as far as 10K for the motec, unless you go crazy with sensors and enabling ecu functions, its probably closer to $6,500, including a harness. Yawpower dynamically/statically test the injectors and give you a spreadsheet that uploads and tells the motec unit exactly what the injectors are doing at different voltage levels, pretty cool stuff
On my car the Motec has the shift light flash red and emits an audible alarm via the digital dash if oil pressure is lost. It can be programmed to do that for lean conditions, etc
Also (treesnake) , while you are at it, get some yawpower injectors and get rid of the crappy lo impedance aem injector driver box (if your car has them installed)