Anyone know if the sun visors foe Gen1 and Gen2 are interchangeable?
So said Viperzilla
Can I ask why you considered/made this change (benefits, looks, etc)?
TOOOFST also recommended me getting the GEN1 visors. Where's the best place to pick a set up? I'll trade my GEN2 visors for GEN1 visors if anyone has a set in good condition.
Can I get new Gen1 visors? How much?
i put the gen 1 visors on cause of the size and the fact theyre leather, glad i did; looks much better than those fuzzyass ones. why did they (DC) change; yet another enigma of the DC think tank for the "not leaving well enough alone" story
I had my 01 visors covered in beautiful black leather from Andrew here on the board.
and i dont recall exact price but it was cheap with superfast turnaround!!!
and they came out awesome!!