Just got back and no Juli, no 'equipment' issues at all on the ride home. I'm waiting for Black Mamba to post pics of this morning's infamous event.
Crystal got nervous when the trooper told all three of us to get out of our cars...she started recording it.
I definitely need to get that 'broken speedometer' fixed this week.
We had a blast driving up this morning and even though we missed the rendezvous with NY we had some interesting events that made up for the caravan. Jimmy, Keith, Crystal it was a blast driving up together. Keith your Viper is sweet and an absolute monster. Jimmy, nice Viper...your car must run on air alone because Keith & I fueled twice today and I think you barely put anything in your Viper.
It was a decent turnout. Where was everybody??? I think we had half the number of Vipers there as compared to last year. Glad to see Chuck there and thanks Chuck for hosting this one today. We had many visitors come check out the Viper pit, no doubt, the Viper pit attracted lots of attention this year.
All of the Viper looked great! It was a pleasure meeting you all today and hopefully everyone had an uneventful ride home.