The best thing I've done all year...

black mamba1

Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
This year..

I bought a Bentley..
I had mods done to my Viper...
I started a scholarship fund...

But none of the above struck me like one year old Carley. None of the above gave me feelings like Carely...

Carley was an abused Pit Bull w/ the mainge and that had been totally neglected.
My wife and I adopted Carley. She was somewhat sad when we adopted New Haven all adopted animals must be she was sad when I picked her up.

She had the mainge, which was disappearing due to treatment. She had stitches from the spay surgery......she got the mainge from eating trash in the street...from being neglected....

I got Carley home yesterday from the Vet. She ****ted in the floor several times. But....her tail was wagging....she was happy...for the first time in her young life..she was happy. Her tail wagged...and wagged and wagged...for the first time in her life...somebody gave a damn and I fought off the tears.

None of my possessions produced this kind of reaction from me and my wife like Carley did.

We love her.

Adopt a pet soon guys....before the throttle body's, b4 the superchargers...go down to your local animal shelter and adopt a Carley....

and watch the magic happen.
Carley is the best thing I have done all year, for me and my wife...and for her.

Merry X-Mas to all of you.
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Viper Owner
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, TX
We got our 6 month old Chiuaua from a family that clearly did not love her. I would give up anything to keep her now and forever. We found the kitty by a dumpster and fished her out of the sewer drain, $1000 worth of Vet bills later he was part of the family as well.

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black mamba1

black mamba1

Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
We got our 6 month old Chiuaua from a family that clearly did not love her. I would give up anything to keep her now and forever. We found the kitty by a dumpster and fished her out of the sewer drain, $1000 worth of Vet bills later he was part of the family as well.

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Its amazing...I really hate to admit this..but I had to lie on my application to get Carley. They asked if we had another dog...I simply did not answer. B/c my German Shepard, Prince, acts too aggresive when not in his territory. But when a female is brought to his territorry he is a saint! We had to prove that to them...Prince loves Carley! Carley is so is so sad all the dogs that do not get sad.


Mar 11, 2002
Reaction score
The (UN)Constitution State
That's a great story. Good of you to rescue her when most people believe only the bad press about pitbulls.

I'd go nuts if I didn't have my dog, Star, around. I bought her from my uncle (he breeds champion labradors) six years ago to give to my gram who lives alone and was 74 at the time. I didn't think a lab was the best choice for her given its size and energy, but she had seen the pups and fallen for this one.... so I HAD to get it for her. Before long it became apparent that, yes, she was too energetic for my gram to keep her sanity. So she came back home with me. :D

She turned into the dog I always wanted when I was a kid. Always running, well behaved, would fetch the ball all day long and never strayed more than five feet from me in the house.

The sad part of the story is that over the last year she has rapidly become an old dog. Her knees have crippling arthritis for which I give her shots, but it's only getting worse. I even built a handicapped ramp to my deck so she can come in from the yard easily. It pains me to look at this dog who is both the strongest female example I have ever seen of her breed AND the prettiest in her facial expressions... and to know that she won't see 14 like she should have. It's a crime.

Carley's a great name. I like Star, but never would have chosen it. She's stuck with what my gram named her, lol. Do you two have any kids to play with the dog?
black mamba1

black mamba1

Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
That's a great story. Good of you to rescue her when most people believe only the bad press about pitbulls.

I'd go nuts if I didn't have my dog, Star, around. I bought her from my uncle (he breeds champion labradors) six years ago to give to my gram who lives alone and was 74 at the time. I didn't think a lab was the best choice for her given its size and energy, but she had seen the pups and fallen for this one.... so I HAD to get it for her. Before long it became apparent that, yes, she was too energetic for my gram to keep her sanity. So she came back home with me. :D

She turned into the dog I always wanted when I was a kid. Always running, well behaved, would fetch the ball all day long and never strayed more than five feet from me in the house.

The sad part of the story is that over the last year she has rapidly become an old dog. Her knees have crippling arthritis for which I give her shots, but it's only getting worse. I even built a handicapped ramp to my deck so she can come in from the yard easily. It pains me to look at this dog who is both the strongest female example I have ever seen of her breed AND the prettiest in her facial expressions... and to know that she won't see 14 like she should have. It's a crime.

Carley's a great name. I like Star, but never would have chosen it. She's stuck with what my gram named her, lol. Do you two have any kids to play with the dog?
I dont think my wife and I can have any more kids, we are trying...mother nature will tell.

That is the trade off w/ adopted dogs...their health and livelihood is often compromised. But what little good life they have is fantastic.....understand that u have done a good thing...a very good thing regardless of how long the dog lives.
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black mamba1

black mamba1

Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Its amazing...I really hate to admit this..but I had to lie on my application to get Carley. They asked if we had another dog...I simply did not answer. B/c my German Shepard, Prince, acts too aggresive when not in his territory. But when a female is brought to his territorry he is a saint! We had to prove that to them...Prince loves Carley! Carley is so is so sad all the dogs that do not get sad.
since I cannot delete this post....I will simply say read my other posts!


Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Near Peoria, IL
This year..

I bought a Bentley..
I had mods done to my Viper...
I started a scholarship fund...

But none of the above struck me like one year old Carley. None of the above gave me feelings like Carely...

Carley was an abused Pit Bull w/ the mainge and that had been totally neglected.
My wife and I adopted Carley. She was somewhat sad when we adopted New Haven all adopted animals must be she was sad when I picked her up.

She had the mainge, which was disappearing due to treatment. She had stitches from the spay surgery......she got the mainge from eating trash in the street...from being neglected....

I got Carley home yesterday from the Vet. She ****ted in the floor several times. But....her tail was wagging....she was happy...for the first time in her young life..she was happy. Her tail wagged...and wagged and wagged...for the first time in her life...somebody gave a damn and I fought off the tears.

None of my possessions produced this kind of reaction from me and my wife like Carley did.

We love her.

Adopt a pet soon guys....before the throttle body's, b4 the superchargers...go down to your local animal shelter and adopt a Carley....

and watch the magic happen.
Carley is the best thing I have done all year, for me and my wife...and for her.

Merry X-Mas to all of you.

Excellent! I personally thank you as an animal lover. And, yes, your new friend will give you more than you will ever get from your other additions. You have a new friend in me also even though we may never meet in person. :)


Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
Phila Suburbs
Very cool. :2tu:

We had a one eyed all white cat with ticks and scabs all over him show up at my garage meowing one night when I was Zainoing the Vette. My wife started feeding him and he lived on our back stoop for a few weeks before we decided to bring him to the vet and let him move in temporarily until we found him a spot at a non kill shelter. It took over a month for them to get an opening but we finally got the call. I went to get the cat carrier to get the cat so we could bring him and look at my wife and she was crying. Apparently they took to long and my wife, or should I say, we fell in love with him. This is how Tony the Tiger as we call him has come to live with us. He really is a good cat and usually does not leave the property which is 3/4 acre. Actually he will go to the neighbors yards but rarely goes further than our immediate neighbors yards. He looks much better now that all the ticks are gone and he has put on a few pounds. We also put medicine in his bad eye everyday to prevent it from weaping which was all over his face when we found him so unless you look real close you cannot even tell one of his eyes is damaged. He will hang out next to the pool with us during the summer and keeps the field mice and moles under control and is basically our best friend. :2tu:


Think she is great now? Supercharge her! No....wait.....uh......

Your a good man...

Paul S Lacey

Nov 2, 2000
Reaction score
So far all my animals are a rescue we have the same problem as you guys in the USA so after one Labrabor, one Border Collie and a brown Terrier mongrel we have Mr Mungus a 4 year old Border Collie now and two rescue cats.

The Terrier died or rather committed suicide last year by jumping in the river I went in after him, in January...Brrrrrrr fished him out but he died in my arms, always makes me laugh we called him Chuckie after the doll as he terrorised everyone even me at time and his final act was to try and take me with him.

This thread just proves that all Viper owners are not selfish, but kind and generous people.:2tu:

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