I have also observed that there is "not a dimes worth of difference" between the two clubs, but more of a power struggle continuing by the same people that were on the old Board of Directors starting up a new club.
It is for the most part, not a new club, but just another club. It is made up by the same old entrenched VCA leadership, Same old VCA Regional Presidents, same membership, the same dues, the same magazine, the same By-laws (for the most part), the same advertisers, the same forum, the same premium membership (that gives those that pay more some kind of elite status in magazine and forum). There are some small structural differences, some of which are to empower the regional presidents, but little that will be of any signifiance to the rank and file members.
They wear the same type of clothes, bought on they same type of forums,but with different logos, drive the same cars, they both worship at the altar of Ralph and SRT. They both try to get the manufacturer to throw special events that only their club can attend. The new club has offered the Presidents of each region to become Board Members to appeal to their ego's (think about it) but do not really give them any more power. How many of the new presidents have helped writting the by-laws or choosing who will lead them. They really did not get a Vote on much, but have to join and go along,to see what they will really get. Some substance for sure, but also lots of smoke and mirrors clouded by slogans of power to the people.
I read some of the posts of why people are changing over to the new club, but after reading their VOA by-laws and comparing it to what I read on the proposed new VCA By-Laws that there is little really significant difference between them except the new cub is getting rid of the Zone Directors and requiring each Regional President to go one on one with their national board to voice complaints or get anything done.
I do also notice on their forums that if you dispute anything the secret "vote" has determined you are stifled by a flock of fan boys saying you are not a team player, and that you should go along to get along. They will not relent until you see the error of your ways and comply. (note the Viper truck membership fiasco)
I know as Western Zone Director of VCA I often was called to mediate between Regional Presidents and the National Board. It was my job to help the Presidents get their point across and bring upon a resolution. I often would get several Presidents together to make their needs known and help them have an advocate when dealing with the Board. Also, when the Board wanted to have consistant communications with items such as Zone Rendezvous I would assist in such coordination. I would also help the bringing new Regional Presidents up to speed and share best practices with them that other Presidents had shared with me.
Zone Directors were a great management training tool, where Regional Presidents could see how someone would do with leading a Zone before asking to lead on the National Board. They could see if he was a team player, dedicated to helping the club prosper, or just out for his own personal gain. Would also give that previous Regional President some experience leading other Regions, and coming up to speed before stepping up to National. I did not see any formal pathway in the new club by-laws to train and give experience to anyone to prepare them for a national leadership role. Both clubs need to provide opportunities for new "fresh blood" with fresh ways to come up the ranks to provide a continuing supply of fresh, and well trained leadership, other wise we are doomed to repeat the issues of the past. The idea of just leaving elections of new board member up to a "personality contest" could lead to an internal coup from anyone with a snappy slogan. (Hope and Change, Long Live…, We are in the right, God is on our side, We are Pure…They are Corrupt, this has to be done, it's Bush's Fault, I like IKE…anything that is catchy)
I am a bit concerned about the new club being pretty Internet centric. I know in many clubs, many members do not feel comfortable doing everything on the computer. We would add that personal touch with them to keep them in the loop. Not everyone spends much time on their computers and they also need to feel like they are not being left out in a club where all voting, communication and registration is done over computers. Sure this will work itself out, but for non computer centric members, still it is worrisome to me. (now I know that everyone on these forums had mad computer skills, but many members go for weeks without turning on their computers)
I kind of lump these two clubs the same as two religous sects. They each follow different leaders (profits) and call each others unbelievers, but underneath it all they are the same people, just waiving different colored banners. They will fight each other, and attempt to destroy each other so each can be the one true and rightful club of the ViperNation. Kind of look at the middle East at this time of year when religion is the center of most of the conflict.
One club = Peace, Unity, Strength, and occasional house cleaning.
Two Clubs = Hatred, fighting, squabbling, discord, brother against brother, anger, anxiety, back-biting, undermining, loathing, envy.
You can see it unveiling itself on this vary forum.