The Elephant in the room

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Oct 2, 2000
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Whether that is true or not, Chris has nothing to do with the VCA any more. He no longer owns a Viper and resigned from VPA. Lee resigned from his office and is not on the Board. Mary was never part of leadership and a new person has been contracted to take over VCA operations. Dan posted all of this previously. So rumors to the contrary, none of the people you named above have any power vis a vie the VCA.


Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
Whether that is true or not, Chris has nothing to do with the VCA any more. He no longer owns a Viper and resigned from VPA. Lee resigned from his office and is not on the Board. Mary was never part of leadership and a new person has been contracted to take over VCA operations. Dan posted all of this previously. So rumors to the contrary, none of the people you named above have any power vis a vie the VCA.

So I take it your answer id "D"? :lmao:


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
No. That is why I said: " Whether that is true or not". To show just how 1984 ish the anti VCA forces have become, take a look at the letter below AND WHO SIGNED IT. It was posted on the Jalopnik website. It is real and was sent out. There are many people ignoring some basic facts about what happened here. Among those facts are what recently came out in the discussion on this forum between JonB and me regarding the formation of VPA. Jon clearly stated that VPA's formation was a great bargain for the members although it was perceived as harmful to his business and the business of some other vendors. Go back and look at all of the posts alleging awful stuff regarding the VPA formation. Those posts were all wrong. Mary should have never been part of this at all. It was shameful that she was dragged into it.

To all VCA Region Presidents: Your board of directors have been spending significant time over the last 2 weeks working through some big steps to propel the club forward. We have committed as a group that a focused charge to create significant and swift changes is needed. There are a number of extremely significant objectives the team has laid out, all of which keep the membership and the club's health at the forefront. You'll be hearing of the many changes that we plan on making over the coming weeks. Lee will be addressing the club in a letter by the end of this week on some of these changes as well as transition to a new President going forward. Lee understands that there is a lot of passion about the current direction of the club, he has constantly and diligently been working for the betterment of the club. Lee outlined to the board last night that his job is going to require a lot of time over the next quarter and that a transition to a new President will be the best for the club at this point. We thanked Lee for putting the club’s needs ahead of his office. Again, Lee will be addressing all of you directly in the coming days. You are welcome to share this with your members.
Maurice Liang
VCA Secretary on behalf of the VCA Board of Directors
cc: VCA Board of Directors

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Viper Owner
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Willis, Tx
No. That is why I said: " Whether that is true or not". To show just how 1984 ish the anti VCA forces have become, take a look at the letter below AND WHO SIGNED IT. It was posted on the Jalopnik website. It is real and was sent out. There are many people ignoring some basic facts about what happened here. Among those facts are what recently came out in the discussion on this forum between JonB and me regarding the formation of VPA. Jon clearly stated that VPA's formation was a great bargain for the members although it was perceived as harmful to his business and the business of some other vendors. Go back and look at all of the posts alleging awful stuff regarding the VPA formation. Those posts were all wrong. Mary should have never been part of this at all. It was shameful and cowardly that she was dragged into it.

To all VCA Region Presidents: Your board of directors have been spending significant time over the last 2 weeks working through some big steps to propel the club forward. We have committed as a group that a focused charge to create significant and swift changes is needed. There are a number of extremely significant objectives the team has laid out, all of which keep the membership and the club's health at the forefront. You'll be hearing of the many changes that we plan on making over the coming weeks. Lee will be addressing the club in a letter by the end of this week on some of these changes as well as transition to a new President going forward. Lee understands that there is a lot of passion about the current direction of the club, he has constantly and diligently been working for the betterment of the club. Lee outlined to the board last night that his job is going to require a lot of time over the next quarter and that a transition to a new President will be the best for the club at this point. We thanked Lee for putting the club’s needs ahead of his office. Again, Lee will be addressing all of you directly in the coming days. You are welcome to share this with your members.
Maurice Liang
VCA Secretary on behalf of the VCA Board of Directors
cc: VCA Board of Directors

Got any answers Bob.? Or are you just going to keep ignoring the questions.? Oh and btw, did Mary try to change anything?. Nope. She went along benefiting from the little gravy train her husband set up. That means she was COMPLICIT. Look it up if you are having a problem understanding the word.

The letter you are trying to use out of context and twist to your own little narrow minded vision was written as an honorable way out for Lee. And as we all know, the fool decided to do as much harm as possible to the club instead of taking the high road. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you try to actually answer the questions asked instead of your feeble little attempts at a misdirect.

But, as was noted before. It is Christmas Eve. I hope everyone has a great one and can spend it with the one's they love.



Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
The Board has not ignored the questions but I am going to put you on ignore. Anyone who continues to attack Mary deserves same.

Got any answers Bob.? Or are you just going to keep ignoring the questions.? Oh and btw, did Mary try to change anything?. Nope. She went along benefiting from the little gravy train her husband set up. That means she was COMPLICIT. Look it up if you are having a problem understanding the word.

The letter you are trying to use out of context and twist to your own little narrow minded vision was written as an honorable way out for Lee. And as we all know, the fool decided to do as much harm as possible to the club instead of taking the high road. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you try to actually answer the questions asked instead of your feeble little attempts at a misdirect.

But, as was noted before. It is Christmas Eve. I hope everyone has a great one and can spend it with the one's they love.

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Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
To all VCA Region Presidents: Your board of directors have been spending significant time over the last 2 weeks working through some big steps to propel the club forward. We have committed as a group that a focused charge to create significant and swift changes is needed. There are a number of extremely significant objectives the team has laid out, all of which keep the membership and the club's health at the forefront. You'll be hearing of the many changes that we plan on making over the coming weeks. Lee will be addressing the club in a letter by the end of this week on some of these changes as well as transition to a new President going forward. Lee understands that there is a lot of passion about the current direction of the club, he has constantly and diligently been working for the betterment of the club. Lee outlined to the board last night that his job is going to require a lot of time over the next quarter and that a transition to a new President will be the best for the club at this point. We thanked Lee for putting the club’s needs ahead of his office. Again, Lee will be addressing all of you directly in the coming days. You are welcome to share this with your members.
Maurice Liang
VCA Secretary on behalf of the VCA Board of Directors
cc: VCA Board of Directors

Bob, I'm confused as to why you would post this letter again on the forum. You know when this was written and you know why it was written. This was when Lee told the entire *** he would resign and it was reported and picked up by Jalponik as a follow up to a previous story they wrote on the VCA due to the letter from Chrysler. Less than a week after the letter Lee and Dan suspended 2 National Offices and a *** member. Then a bunch of others quit. That letter was written when the VCA was salvageable. It no longer is.

I agree that Mary has never done anything to harm the club, that was all her husband.

The VPA wasn't perceived harmful to vendors, it was. I'm sure you saw the letter signed 7-8 of them. That doesn't include Tire Rack which also dropped the VCA. ALL of those posts were NOT wrong.


Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Gustfront, if you are a enthusiast, have you been previous VCA member? Have you dealt directly with Mary? Join the VOA where your commentary would be valued. It is simple as that.

It really is a first class act to trash someone and wish everyone a Merry Christmas in the same post.

One more any of this related to the original topic?

Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
I used to have the utmost respect for those that were running the VCA. That was when I thought that it was being run by volunteers. The word "volunteer" takes on a whole new meaning and a HUGE line forms for people willing to take one for the team, when the numbers involved are finally revealed to those other than a chosen few.

I don't want to dredge up old feelings and discuss the actual numbers, but when you get up around $200K in compensation a year, I expect faster, better and more competent service!

I owned and ran an alarm business for nearly 20 years , open 24/7 365! We were able to answer the phone and give you 100% accurate answers to anything we had on file about you and your property, within a matter of seconds or minutes. If we didn't do it correctly we lost a customer or could be sued for millions of dollars. We maintained an inventory of about $250K that we turned 4-6 times per year to service our customers and to sell to about 25 other dealers that we monitored alarm signals for. We also provided billing and collection services for those other dealers, serviced their accounts when they were unable or unavailable and in general provided legitimacy for them to even operate in the marketplace. Hey, I just described a symbiotic relationship somewhat like the National VCA and it's Regions! Did I mention that we did this for an average monthly fee between $7-$20 per customer. In an industry that thrives only by the terms of their 3-5 year contracts and annual fee increases I flourished with 30 day month to month contracts and NEVER raised anyone's rates unless additional services were asked for. I believed and still believe that if you provide quality service and take care of your business you don't need a bunch of words on paper to operate or to be successful! In the end all the words on the paper don't serve anyone except it gives the lawyers a place to start making money. Writing, interpreting, defending and appealing what some frat brother sold you as his interpretation of what you needed to protect your business!

I sent an email a couple years ago asking about availability and pricing for a set of tires and wheels, for my Gen II GTS, to VPA, actually to CM himself. I waited a month or so for a reply and then forwarded it to him again and CC'd a ranking VCA officer, at the time. The officer emailed me and sent me a link to the VPA site with tire pricing posted. I am still waiting for a reply and/or a quote, but stopped holding my breath a few days ago!

My point is that I paid FAR LESS money for more competent and qualified people to do more stressful and thankless work. 24/7 365 for nearly 20 years. There WAS a line formed and people wanted to work for me! I helped start and nurture many alarm companies in the marketplace and yes, actually took pride and made a few dollars helping some of them exit the industry, most of them set for life, with my help and guidance and their sweat equity. I myself invested a lot of time money and sweat, mostly into the Ohio VCA, but I also did things previously noted for National. Not for the money, before you all get on your high horses and start accusing me of profiteering. I can document the costs and income from what I have done and others for the benefit of both National, Ohio and other VCA Regions over 15+ years that I have been involved. Trust me it will make your head hurt and some might feel guilty. It will still show a large amount in the red! I served as President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer of both Regional and State Chapters of what is commonly known as the National Burglar & Fire Alarm Association. It has also gone through name changes and by-laws and affiliation changes. It is currently known as ESA and I am the Secretary/Treasurer of that organization and have served on a Board since 1981 in some capacity or another, in the industry. Except for about a year when I took time off to deal with cancer. Yes, we have problems finding volunteers to serve and have been accused of being greybeards and good old boys. Seems we are all that will find the time or have the inclination to serve. I do it from habit and to stay in touch with old friends! That was a long preamble to my next point!

We typically have a large event once a year covering 2-3 days. It has a golf outing, a bunch of day long educational seminars, lunches, dinners, presentations, raffles and awards, and a large Vendor show for equipment and services. It involves mailings, emails, making reservations, huge amounts of printing and coordinating everything from hotel room needs and reservations, menus and making sure that all the kids in the display area , that can't play well with others, are separated. Did I mention that the person that does all this also takes care of all the dues billing, newsletters and answers all the phone calls and emails all year? She also coordinates the website. Her fees are all inclusive at $1000 per month. Not $60K per year and another $50K every other year to coordinate the big show! While she has the personality of a Marine Corp Drill Sergeant, at times, she is very competent and does an excellent job and has for 15+ years! She has the title of Executive Director and Oh, by the way she isn't related to any Officer or Member of the Association, past or present!

Who doesn't know someone in their family or lives that could use a job in the $60-$110K annual pay range to answer phones, shuffle some papers, answer some emails and call a few hotels to set up an event every other year! If I have left something out, please add them to the list as I am only up to about $10-$12K and that's generous. I could track down a few of my old people and have a competent live person available 24/7, 365, for about $60K per year total, or less!

If that is an attack, put me on ignore! I simply state facts and my opinions!

Am I getting close to winning the contest for the most words in the fewest posts?

To save time and in case I hit a nerve and lose my posting Privileges I have listed some snappy comebacks below (I have more if needed):
I see you’ve set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
I’ll try being nicer, if you’ll try being smarter.
I’m really easy to get along with, once you people learn to worship me.
I can see your point, but I still think you’re full of ****!
Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe? I like you.
You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don’t give a damn.
I’m already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
Thank you. We’re all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
The fact that no one understands you doesn’t mean you’re an artist.
Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
What am I? Flypaper for freaks?
I’m not being rude. You’re just insignificant.
It’s a thankless job, but I’ve got a lot of Karma to burn off.
No, my powers can only be used for good.
You sound reasonable. Time to up the medication.
Who me? I just wander from room to room.
And your crybaby whiny-ass opinion would be?
Do I look like a people person?
You started out with nothing & still have most of it left.
You! Off my planet! Does your train of thought have a caboose?
Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.
A PBS mind in an MTV world.
Please introduce your selves.
Not all lawyers are annoying. Some are dead.
I’m trying to imagine you with a personality.
Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
If I throw a stick, will you leave?
Sarcasm is just one more service I offer.
[FONT=&quot]Is that your final answer, or are you still holding out hope that a brain will suddenly grow at the end of your spinal cord?[/FONT]
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Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Are you Ok Sam? Take it easy. It's just a Forum discussion and debate. And if you are referring to me, I do not want you banned or moderated. You have your opinion. I have mine. Thanks for the age reference. I am probably older than you. LOL. Zay gezunt.
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Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Are you Ok Sam? Take it easy. It's just a Forum discussion and debate.

I'm fine, It's cold outside, I took a nap and my buildings are all packed up tight. Even my neighbor is gone so I have no outlets to use up all this nervous energy. You can't have a debate if you don't have an opinion to start with! Quite frankly 90% of the members of either VOA or VCA don't care about all the politics anyway. They rely on others to take care of all the details. Really what they get from either club for what they pay is a hell of a bargain. Show up to a couple events or lunches and you have ALL your dues money value back.

These benefits are funded by those that pay their dues, read their magazines, or re-read their magazines,as the case may be and allow others to enjoy the events that their funds provide. Not all attend every event, some only one and others none. When it comes to our events and fundraising stuff, again a loyal few, the old 90/10 rule, attend and buy most of the items. Those are the active people you mostly see involved in the politics, because they have the most invested. Their investment could be money, time, emotions, devotion. Whatever you call it they have very strong feelings and many feel they have been deceived and let down. They don't know who to blame and are just frustrated. That feeling is exasperated by promises of openness and transparency that are then not forthcoming!


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I read you but its still just a car club. It really does not have a large impact on our lives - or at least it should not. It's not too late. With all that pent up energy and your linguistic gifts you should go to law school.
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Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Are you Ok Sam? Take it easy. It's just a Forum discussion and debate. And if you are referring to me, I do not want you banned or moderated. You have your opinion. I have mine. Thanks for the age reference. I am probably older than you. LOL. Zay gezunt.

For the Goyem , Chochem, and the Badhkin Bob wished me to stay well and good bye!

A sheynem dank, Bob! (Thank you very much)

Biz hundert azoi ve tsvantsik
(Live until you are 100 like you are 20)
Zol zion mit Mazel
(Good Luck)
Gutte Neshome (Good Soul)
Mentsh (Decent Person)

Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
I read you but its still just a car club. It really does not have a large impact on our lives - or at least it should not. It's not to late. With all that pent up energy and your linguistic gifts you should go to law school.

Already became an armchair lawyer from many years in the courtroom and preparing for cases. I know for a fact that many times in my cases I had more knowledge than some of the attorneys involved. Then again I had more vested in the case than they did. Also became an armchair doctor and have testimony under oath that several doctors, from their own words, knew nothing about cancer, even though they were the primary care physicians tasked with first line detection of it!

I remember once cracking up an entire room full of lawyers at a deposition when someone asked if anyone had something to say off the record before a case started. I looked around the room, raised my hand and asked " If we hear sirens do they have to leave?" My attorney kicked me under the table and asked for a couple minutes in the hall. I was already pissed that I was even there as I had nothing to hide or add to this particular case. My attorney said don't let them get you mad, if they ask you something and you need a minute to think or calm down, ask them to repeat the question. It's in the deposition! 37 times I asked them to repeat the question or could you re-phrase that, I didn't understand it. What's your name, Please repeat, What's your position, Repeat Repeat Repeat 37 times! Finally after about an hour they gave up.
Sue me, I couldn't care less, been there done that for millions of dollars more times than a normal person has fingers! It takes many years to get to court, then trial, then appeals and then more appeals. The system wears you down and I have no patience for the bull**** that you have to put up with from both sides of the aisle, Sorry!

I actually studied Psychology at OSU ( Ohio State) and then Business Administration at Franklin University. My course was set at an early age when my family owned so many different types of businesses. I was involved in them all, but did not really benefit from them other than the skills and knowledge obtained. My father took pleasure in starting and getting businesses running on their own, then on to the next one. I took a much more active roll in mine and financially was much more successful. My wife worked for OSU for 30 years and retired almost 6 years ago. No children, unless you count all my neighbors kids that I fund the public baby sitting service for.

I make a little money doing some consulting and brokering work in the security industry, my graphics work and I attend local live auctions and buy just about anything that suits my fancy. The neighbors all call my 10,000 square feet of buildings Sam's Club and have learned to check with me before they buy anything, as I may have a skid full of it stashed. I sell a lot of stuff on ebay. having worked 7 days a week all my life, it's hard to slow down. My almost 20 years in the alarm installation/monitoring business was the equivalent to 50-60 years in people years! I have the ability to wake up and answer the phone on the first or second ring, talk about anything you want to talk about and be back asleep in 5 minutes.About 300 channels on TV and nothing I haven't seen or want to see!
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Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Sam, with all due respect, it has to be Christmas Day, in Ohio....get some Christmas Spirit (not the hard stuff) and stop whatever you are taking. It is a car club, not a life changing event. I am serious. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff and this is in the overall scheme of things.

Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Sam, with all due respect, it has to be Christmas Day, in Ohio....get some Christmas Spirit (not the hard stuff) and stop whatever you are taking. It is a car club, not a life changing event. I am serious. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff and this is in the overall scheme of things.

Is that your personal or professional opinion? Not sure what type of doctor you are? Do I owe you a consult fee or a co-pay? Are you in my plan?

No worries, I get what you say and I understand and appreciate your comments! But, seriously is there something wrong with me? Did one of my alter-egos sneak out again and get me in trouble? My wife says I sometimes type in my sleep!

Yes it's Christmas here too! Not sure if you know and I'm not sure if I am giving out secrets but many many years ago some old Jewish guys actually invented Christmas. Seems like they needed a lot of people to buy things at RETAIL! Our "Christmas" lasts for 8 days and we get gifts every day! That shows you the approximate markup on products!

Merry Christmas All!
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Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Hi Sam.

אַזוי? וואָס זענען איר בעת פֿאַר מיטאָג? איך וויסן עס איז ניט אַ טשיסטמאַס כאַם.

האָבן אַ ביסל סטשנאָפּפּס און אָפּשאַצן לעבן!


Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
Hi Sam.

אַזוי? וואָס זענען איר בעת פֿאַר מיטאָג? איך וויסן עס איז ניט אַ טשיסטמאַס כאַם.

האָבן אַ ביסל סטשנאָפּפּס און אָפּשאַצן לעבן!

Having turkey & some schnapps! You?


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
No. I was asking him he was. But I did just have turkey, sweet potato with melted marshmellow on top. Stuffing with gravy. Home made cranbverry sauce. Corn. Apple pie with ice cream. No schnapps. LOL.


Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
No. I was asking him he was. But I did just have turkey, sweet potato with melted marshmellow on top. Stuffing with gravy. Home made cranbverry sauce. Corn. Apple pie with ice cream. No schnapps. LOL.

Merry Christmas, Bob.


Viper Owner
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Willis, Tx
It really is a first class act to trash someone and wish everyone a Merry Christmas in the same post.

One more any of this related to the original topic?

I didn't trash anyone. Just stated the facts as the Marshal's brought this upon themselves.
And yes, it seems to have strayed from the OT. And, of course, no one has answered post 17 yet.

Although it speaks volumes that Ralph and his wife have joined the other club, I am actually taking a "wait and see" approach.
A few of the people involved with that club were also complicit in the gravy train game here at VCA. That doesn't sit well with me.

Merry Christmas,
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Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
Still waiting on answers to questions from a week ago. (post 17)

VOA went over 1,000 members today. What is the VCA at?

Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
really clark ????? ( do some research, lol )

Just sneak up to the glass house of cards at the VCA headquarters and wipe off the dirt. All the info is laying there, right out in the open, for all to see! Maybe it's not dirt just really dark window tint! LOL


Aug 26, 2003
Reaction score
Just sneak up to the glass house of cards at the VCA headquarters and wipe off the dirt. All the info is laying there, right out in the open, for all to see! Maybe it's not dirt just really dark window tint! LOL

ok next one, sam i am (look that one up, lol )

Next Phase

May 28, 2009
Reaction score
North Carolina
Please provide a list of official VCA regions for 2014. Regions that have fully committed to stay with VCA for 2014.

Also, which regions have people that are willing to "step in" and take over the VCA titled region?

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