The Elephant in the room

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Paul Hawker

Oct 1, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, Calif, USA

You sound like an interesting guy. Would like to meet you sometime.

We might need to turn our respective club shirts inside out, but still think we could have a friendship.


Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Who said? Chaos, panic, & disorder, my work here is done. A. Chris B. Lee C. Mary D. All of the Above
Whether that is true or not, Chris has nothing to do with the VCA any more. He no longer owns a Viper and resigned from VPA. Lee resigned from his office and is not on the Board. Mary was never part of leadership and a new person has been contracted to take over VCA operations. Dan posted all of this previously. So rumors to the contrary, none of the people you named above have any power vis a vie the VCA.

Bob, Let me dissect your post, and your comments, with regards to my post #152. I must have overlooked your points!

First, I did NOT say "Who said this, that is currently in power in the VCA".

Next, Lee resigned when he got damn good and ready and had transferred all the strings to a new puppet master.

Mary was never part of leadership? Obviously she had a different set of duties from most Executive directors that I have ever worked with, however, at $60K the pay certainly seemed to be in line! In the new age of transparency can that new Executive Director's, Operations Manager's or Phone Flunkie's or whatever other title they have, pay scale be divulged?(I'm just trying to save time on the lawyer dodges)

And then, The Lord Dan spoke and thus it must be so! I finally understand what a Puppet Regime is!

And finally, I only said "WHO SAID". Not when did they say it, what was their position when they said it or what was their current position, location, level of control or sphere of influence!
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Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
Apopka, FL
No. That is why I said: " Whether that is true or not". To show just how 1984 ish the anti VCA forces have become, take a look at the letter below AND WHO SIGNED IT. It was posted on the Jalopnik website. It is real and was sent out. There are many people ignoring some basic facts about what happened here. Among those facts are what recently came out in the discussion on this forum between JonB and me regarding the formation of VPA. Jon clearly stated that VPA's formation was a great bargain for the members although it was perceived as harmful to his business and the business of some other vendors. Go back and look at all of the posts alleging awful stuff regarding the VPA formation. Those posts were all wrong. Mary should have never been part of this at all. It was shameful that she was dragged into it.

Bob, lets take a look at who wrote and signed this email. You keep harping on the fact that Dan offered to reinstate Maurice into the club right? Here's the email inviting Maurice back:

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 9/11/2013 3:38:52 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: VCA - Going Forward


This may come as a surprise to you, but you know how “hard headed” I can be with the facts, just as I know how “hard headed” you can be with perception and tone. Either way, right is right and rule of law should prevail. As usual, the best solution is usually somewhere in the middle J.

I planned to bring this up at our meeting tonight and would bet that you will be re-instated in some way. Not sure exactly what position you’ll be re-instated for as Lee named a secretary. I surely won’t be the one to suspend you and will support your re-instatement and future involvement at whatever level we can work out. I hope you will accept.

As an aside, I know how important your next year’s Nor Cal Club party is to you and I would hate to screw that up for you. That would be like making Jon B miss a VOI, which we did and some of us now regret. Remember when I proposed that you and I meet with Jon in SF to try and get him back into our group months ago? I (we) could never get Lee to go along.

I would ask you to please sign a properly executed COI form (as I’ve asked in the past) and decide which position you wish to hold, either Regional President or ?

In any case, I’ll let you know what our new team decides.

You know me well enough to know that I’m not afraid of a fight. I do wish it could be avoided though. A prolonged battle causes casualties on both sides and would not be in the best interests of the membership and believe it or not, I have no desire to be President, never have. Perhaps we could work together to get this club back on the right track? Alex could be helpful too. I always enjoyed debating him and will miss that.

Acting President for almost a day now.



Let the spinning commence...


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
I thought CFL, N TX, KS, and MD/VA were staying. They deleted everyone's info. Maybe they are gonna have to go with regional membership in the form of SE, NE, NW, SW, etc.... instead of individual states since there aren't enough. People can only speculate since the *** doesn't answer any questions.

Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
I thought CFL, N TX, KS, and MD/VA were staying. They deleted everyone's info. Maybe they are gonna have to go with regional membership in the form of SE, NE, NW, SW, etc.... instead of individual states since there aren't enough. People can only speculate since the *** doesn't answer any questions.
The Movie: “A Few Good Men”

You want answers?

Current, Potential and Former VCA Members:
We think we are entitled to them.

You want answers?

Current, Potential and Former VCA Members
We want the truth!

VCA: You can't handle the truth! People, we live in a world that has walls. The VCA built or rented those walls. They need to be hidden and their location and contents kept secret.. Who's gonna do it? You? We have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Randall and Maurice and you curse the Marshalls. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what we know: That there are only a few nuts and bolts and useless molds left. And our continued existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, ruins lives...You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want us. You need us to swell the ranks of the VOA. We use words like honor, code, loyalty...we use these words as a punch line to a decade spent pillaging and looting the VCA. You use them as a promise to defend and uphold the sanctity, integrity and property of the VOA. We have neither the time nor the inclination to explain ourselves to a group who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very clueless existence that we have provided for years, then questions the manner in which we provide it! We would rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, We suggest you start your own damn club! Either way, we don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!

Current, Potential and Former VCA Members:
Did you order the code red?

VCA: (quietly)
We did the job Marshall sent us to do.

Current, Potential and Former VCA Members: Did you order the code red?

You're goddamn right we did!! Viper Paint RN Viper Red, GQ Emerald Green, JE Dandelion Yellow, X3 Viper Black, JE Viper Bright Yellow, BE Viper GTS Blue, W1 Stone White, We ordered at least one of every color code, packed on the VCA-1 jet and headed for an un-named country with no extradition treaty!

Some of the names may resemble those living and facts that have been twisted, it is intended solely for the sake of entertainment and to poke fun at that which has gone beyond funny and is now so hilarious that it is back to being funny!
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Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Pretty cute and funny Sam. Now you are a screen writer?! First a lawyer. Then a doctor. Now a screen writer. His Momala was heard to say: "That's my Sam. He's a genius." L'Shana Tova Secular! Your לאַנדסמאַן


Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Pretty cute and funny Sam. Now you are a screen writer?! First a lawyer. Then a doctor. Now a screen writer. His Momala was heard to say: "That's my Sam. He's a genius." L'Shana Tova Secular! Your לאַנדסמאַן Bob
Thanks! It was never proven, the genius part, Mensa wouldn't take me. They said I would screw up the curve for all the rest!


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Hahahahahaha. Too funny. Get your tuchus down to Florida so we can shoot the breeze and tell war stories in warm weather.
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Viper Owner
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Willis, Tx
So I'm guessing any answer to post 17 is going to be avoided at all cost. So much for the much touted increased transparency at the VCA huh?


Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
So I'm guessing any answer to post 17 is going to be avoided at all cost. So much for the much touted increased transparency at the VCA huh?


I know the answer and I can tell you, but then they might want to kill us both! I'm sworn to secrecy for 26 hours, 56 minutes and 33 seconds!


Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego
Thanks Sam, that is good :D

The Movie: “A Few Good Men”

You want answers?

Current, Potential and Former VCA Members:
We think we are entitled to them.

You want answers?

Current, Potential and Former VCA Members
We want the truth!

VCA: You can't handle the truth! People, we live in a world that has walls. The VCA built or rented those walls. They need to be hidden and their location and contents kept secret.. Who's gonna do it? You? We have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Randall and Maurice and you curse the Marshalls. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what we know: That there are only a few nuts and bolts and useless molds left. And our continued existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, ruins lives...You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want us. You need us to swell the ranks of the VOA. We use words like honor, code, loyalty...we use these words as a punch line to a decade spent pillaging and looting the VCA. You use them as a promise to defend and uphold the sanctity, integrity and property of the VOA. We have neither the time nor the inclination to explain ourselves to a group who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very clueless existence that we have provided for years, then questions the manner in which we provide it! We would rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, We suggest you start your own damn club! Either way, we don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!

Current, Potential and Former VCA Members:
Did you order the code red?

VCA: (quietly)
We did the job Marshall sent us to do.

Current, Potential and Former VCA Members: Did you order the code red?

You're goddamn right we did!! Viper Paint RN Viper Red, GQ Emerald Green, JE Dandelion Yellow, X3 Viper Black, JE Viper Bright Yellow, BE Viper GTS Blue, W1 Stone White, We ordered at least one of every color code, packed on the VCA-1 jet and headed for an un-named country with no extradition treaty!

Some of the names may resemble those living and facts that have been twisted, it is intended solely for the sake of entertainment and to poke fun at that which has gone beyond funny and is now so hilarious that it is back to being funny!


Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX US
Good debate. I myself am saddened at what has happened, so I personally don't want to know how many renewals we have right now. If we have more than the VOA, it's still a third of what we have today, so it's a failure. I love how they can be excited about 1/3 of the existing membership, it's nothing to get excited about, we are a small group of passionate people, that are now 2 smaller groups of passionate people, and we've driven a large portion of great people away.

As to regions, we HAVE answered the question. We are not taking the propaganda at it's word, we have 7 disassociation letters, and we are bringing new guys on board to cover some of those. As I've stated before, they will have more regions out of the gate, they are taking an existing org an changing the name, we have to create a new one we are having to start over (as wrong as that is).

Sorry, we're not spending time making pretty maps and counting our chips, we are putting in new management entities, printing magazines, and executing. In the long run, I think that will make a better organization.


Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
I agree that what's happened is sad and shouldn't have had to happen.
I disagree that you've answered the region question. Saying that regions are all "represented" doesn't mean much to someone on the fence about rejoining. I'd be pissed if I took that as "real" regions, only to find out there are 3-4 other people now in my entire "region".
I also disagree on not wanting to know the numbers. The VCA officers may not want to because they know they're bad, but again, as a person on the fence, I would want to know REAL numbers of renewals. Same situation as before. What if you join and then find out it's so small and nobody is near you?
It really is pertinent information for people to make an informed decision.

Nixon's SRT

Mar 17, 2009
Reaction score
Good debate. I myself am saddened at what has happened, so I personally don't want to know how many renewals we have right now. If we have more than the VOA, it's still a third of what we have today, so it's a failure. I love how they can be excited about 1/3 of the existing membership, it's nothing to get excited about, we are a small group of passionate people, that are now 2 smaller groups of passionate people, and we've driven a large portion of great people away.

As to regions, we HAVE answered the question. We are not taking the propaganda at it's word, we have 7 disassociation letters, and we are bringing new guys on board to cover some of those. As I've stated before, they will have more regions out of the gate, they are taking an existing org an changing the name, we have to create a new one we are having to start over (as wrong as that is).

Sorry, we're not spending time making pretty maps and counting our chips, we are putting in new management entities, printing magazines, and executing. In the long run, I think that will make a better organization.

I disagree.

The VOA did not take the VCA's existing organization. They created a new organization with the same options and services the VCA said they could provide. The members or the current organization, VCA, left because of the issues that surfaced for all members/non members to see.

Think of it like your cell phone provider. Your going to start second guessing your current provider when they start editing your text, not sending you information on the future of your service before you renew your contact, and canceling your service at will to remove your post that contain truthful data. When your contracts up, your going to look for a new provider. The VOA exist for members looking for a new service.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
The VOA exists because people chose to form it after Lee resigned instead of helping to repair the VCA. The rest is pure propaganda and BS. They left Dan and the new Board holding the bag that they helped create over a number of years. Since then their minions, "the splinters" have done nothing but attack the new Board and the VCA because they did not instantly fix everything. That is unmitigated chutzpah. 2014 will be an exciting year for the VCA and those who really care about it. An indication of things to come is the event the Central Florida Region had last Saturday where Dick Winkles was the honored guest and spoke for an hour. It was well attended.


Has Left the Room!
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Dothan, AL
The VOA exists because people chose to form it after Lee resigned instead of helping to repair the VCA. The rest is pure propaganda and BS. They left Dan and the new Board holding the bag that they helped create over a number of years. Since then their minions, "the splinters" have done nothing but attack the new Board and the VCA because they did not instantly fix everything. That is unmitigated chutzpah. 2014 will be an exciting year for the VCA and those who really care about it. An indication of things to come is the event the Central Florida Region had last Saturday where Dick Winkles was the honored guest and spoke for an hour. It was well attended.

Holy crap! You live on Fantasy Island. You are the most delusional individual I have ever experienced.


Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
CwhiteRun. I thought you posted earlier that you joined the VCA. What's up?


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tysons Corner, VA
The VOA exists because people chose to form it after Lee resigned instead of helping to repair the VCA. The rest is pure propaganda and BS. They left Dan and the new Board holding the bag that they helped create over a number of years. Since then their minions, "the splinters" have done nothing but attack the new Board and the VCA because they did not instantly fix everything. That is unmitigated chutzpah. 2014 will be an exciting year for the VCA and those who really care about it. An indication of things to come is the event the Central Florida Region had last Saturday where Dick Winkles was the honored guest and spoke for an hour. It was well attended.

Yeah, Maurice the trouble maker who Dan asked to come back to the VCA.

Evil, evil, Maurice.

Brian GTS

Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
The VOA exists because people chose to form it after Lee resigned instead of helping to repair the VCA. The rest is pure propaganda and BS. They left Dan and the new Board holding the bag that they helped create over a number of years. Since then their minions, "the splinters" have done nothing but attack the new Board and the VCA because they did not instantly fix everything. That is unmitigated chutzpah. 2014 will be an exciting year for the VCA and those who really care about it. An indication of things to come is the event the Central Florida Region had last Saturday where Dick Winkles was the honored guest and spoke for an hour. It was well attended.

Thought I'd make a couple reads over hear before my membership expires in 6 hours. I'm glad I won't have to read any of this BS anymore. Good gawd.....put the nail in the coffin already. The deceit and negativity still rein over here.


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
The VOA exists because people chose to form it after Lee resigned instead of helping to repair the VCA. The rest is pure propaganda and BS. They left Dan and the new Board holding the bag that they helped create over a number of years. Since then their minions, "the splinters" have done nothing but attack the new Board and the VCA because they did not instantly fix everything. That is unmitigated chutzpah. 2014 will be an exciting year for the VCA and those who really care about it. An indication of things to come is the event the Central Florida Region had last Saturday where Dick Winkles was the honored guest and spoke for an hour. It was well attended.

Bob, did you read Dan's letter to Maurice?

A simple yes or no will work.


Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Work on the capability to read between the lines. Post #158. Darkside=VOA. Enjoy your Viper, drive safe now........................
My post was clearly a reference to the VCA. The VCA's loss is surely the VOA's gain.


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
As to regions, we HAVE answered the question. We are not taking the propaganda at it's word, we have 7 disassociation letters, and we are bringing new guys on board to cover some of those. As I've stated before, they will have more regions out of the gate, they are taking an existing org an changing the name, we have to create a new one we are having to start over (as wrong as that is).

I'll do my best BobP impersonation here.. "Can you please provide some data to back up your claims?"

How many regions and how many members, it's pretty simple.


Viper Owner
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Willis, Tx
Holy crap! You live on Fantasy Island. You are the most delusional individual I have ever experienced.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Bob does all he can to avoid answering questions that matter. But, will conjure up "facts" to support whatever fantasy of the day he is spinning.
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