Yea, I agree with the JH. But before this topic goes away I, as Remstupid would say, "can't be silent."
Well Lord knows I tried, but I have found it impossible to feel sorry for this guy...And before you waste your pity on this particular fool, lets reflect on what pearls of wisdom he has had for us so far:
First, he has a lot of advice for you on how to be successful just as he was once. Huh? He's a punk that never achieved the success he believes he did. Hello! We are talking about "paper" success during the dot com insanity that fooled a vast majority of the investing public -- including Remstupid himself.
A couple of years ago, any idiot could join one of these companies that was spending other peoples money like no tomorrow (with no hopes of defying the laws of economics for much longer) and become a paper millionaire. Heck, even some secretaries were worth millions -- would you be taking their advice today on how to be successful?
The true smart/wise ones are the ones that realized this anomaly and cashed out early instead of late. The real idiots of the idiots were the ones that were on margin and taking out loans against their "paper" wealth so they could to live incredibly extravagant/irresponsible lives... Gee, I know one person that comes to mind:
Remstupid's quote: "$40,000.00 a month in loans payments is hard to come by..." "Some of my moves were designed for maximum effect... like buying the F50 and the Diablo at the same time. You should have seen the sales guy's face

Over $1M in sales in one day."
A truly smart group of people during that time were the people that catered to these spending idiots like Christian Lassen and the exotic car dealers. But in all honesty, they are saying to themselves now that it was fun while it lasted... Not believing like our friend here that it's just a minor setback...
But wait, we should see honor that Remstupid extended himself so gallantly to help his community and friends during his peak periods of wealth... "I gave a lot of money (probably more than the paint job amount)."
Wow, what a great guy. However, let's not forget that before that particular comment he said, "let's remember that the cost of the paint job was peanuts, barely a rounding error." Whew! I hope I don't win a humanitarian award for donating the change in my couch to the needy!
And strange, but after all this somehow I just don't feel responsible like Remstupid would like us to feel for the fact that he keeps losing money on the toys he never realistically should have owned. "Owe the bank 260K on [Diablo]... but people will give me 190k for it. Losing money again." I don't know, I just don't think I am going to give him $180K for a bastardized car worth $40K just to make him feel whole again. Poor baby.
And maybe I don't feel this sense of responsibility because now, during Remstupid's down and out, rock bottom depressed state, he takes the time away from filing for bankruptcy to start a new post of how many cylinders he use to have and currently has in his garage. Gee, you can really see from his setup to brag on the Viper board that this poor guy is down to merely basic transportation. Come on gang -- we have got to get a relief fund going for this guy so we can get him back in those cars!
Ah, but he did prove that he can take a punch and **** it up like a man, "I'll make it back one of these days." We'll buddy, bad news. It's pretty unlikely that the world will fall again for another dot com scam anytime soon -- so your brand of genius wouldn't have me betting that you'll top Donald Trump's ability to make a comeback.
But here's the good news: At any time you can be as success as you once thought you were. Just close your eyes and repeat "I am stinking rich and better and smarter than anyone else in this world..."
No one, I repeat, no one can take away from you.
-------------------------------->>> Now haul this puppy outta here!!!