\"Thock\" Noise Solved
Some time ago I had a "thock/thunk" noise that seemed to come from the rear end of my 97 GTS and transmit up through the drive train and I would almost feel it in the console. It happened intermittently when I was making a slow turn, typically to the right, while going slightly downhill (such as pulling onto a street from a parking lot). My Viper tech, J.D. Farmer at Marietta Dodge, solved it as he did on another customer's car. It was apparently caused by the flex of some piece under the center console that was being stressed and would flex under those conditions. Exactly what he did I will try and post as a reply to this message. Sorry for the delay in posting this as there are probably others who have expereinced same.
I had already changed the diff. fluid etc. and still hadn't solved it. Some speculated spider gear etc. so I was relieved when he figured it out.
Some time ago I had a "thock/thunk" noise that seemed to come from the rear end of my 97 GTS and transmit up through the drive train and I would almost feel it in the console. It happened intermittently when I was making a slow turn, typically to the right, while going slightly downhill (such as pulling onto a street from a parking lot). My Viper tech, J.D. Farmer at Marietta Dodge, solved it as he did on another customer's car. It was apparently caused by the flex of some piece under the center console that was being stressed and would flex under those conditions. Exactly what he did I will try and post as a reply to this message. Sorry for the delay in posting this as there are probably others who have expereinced same.
I had already changed the diff. fluid etc. and still hadn't solved it. Some speculated spider gear etc. so I was relieved when he figured it out.