I personally have seen several variations on this problem in our area of the country (including an out-of-state Viper that had been to 2 Dodge dealers without success). Understanding the system (and it's limitations) is a must. Operator error seems common. I have seen more than one Viper that required a couple of programming attempts with a DRB III before success was achieved. Notice that I did NOT say to use a StarSCAN or StarMOBILE device...some techs try to use these to no avail.
Be SURE all of the batteries in the sensors are good AND that the sensors used are the correct units. One friend had his new tires and sensors shipped by a MAJOR supplier, mounted by a great shop, and asked me to program his Viper afterwards. I tried...and got nowhere. I showed him a VIPER TPS and he noted that it was different from the ones installed. So, all 4 sensors were dismounted, CORRECT sensors installed, and programming went along easily.
As you can see...it's not always simple. Try another dealer.