TNT Motorsports does it again


Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
Gonzales, LA
TNT Motorsports had the quickest time at the V10 Nationals.
A 9.51 was run by Nick in the TNT Viper.
He also had the front wheels of the ground about 6 inches. I will post a picture soon.
I guess they are still Home of the worlds quickest 6 speed Vipers.
Congrats to all at TNT.



Apr 15, 2001
Reaction score
Austin, TX.
TNT Motorsports had the quickest time at the V10 Nationals.
A 9.51 was run by Nick in the TNT Viper.
He also had the front wheels of the ground about 6 inches. I will post a picture soon.
I guess they are still Home of the worlds quickest 6 speed Vipers.
Congrats to all at TNT.


Dean, RSI still has the quickest Vipers(6 speed) around. I ran 9.45 in the Geralds car, Albert ran a 9.46 in Rohn's car..



Dec 28, 2001
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Cypress, Tx.
I had a great day and hope your time at the event was as pleasant as the rest of ours. I was unable to catch up with the early exit of the TNT caravan as I was about to challenge Nick with Albert driving my Viper. This was the first time that I saw a 2003 run outside of the 2 100% Stock Vipers that were at the VOI that ran 12.19 and 12.15. :eek:
I did enjoy watching Nick come out of the gate sideways on his first qualifying attempt, intense. :D
2003 V-10 Nationals 1st Place Unlimited winner
Driven by "The Iceman" Albert Chlouber


Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
Gonzales, LA
Although yours and Albert's "personal best" time is impressive, it is just that, a "personal best".

World records are set during compitition. Wouldn't it be nice if athletes could walk up to the podium and turn in their "personal best" and take home the trophy. It's not done that way. Unless it is a one off event such as climbing Mount Everest, then an origination is in charge of recording the event thus making it a world record. If they used "personal best" in NASCAR then Buddy Baker would have the pole at Daytona every year. He still has the track record of 226 mph (in a Dodge). But instead they go back to the previous years competition results for the "pole shoot out" and then run the "twin 125's" to fill the field. If qualifying gets rained out at a NASCAR race, they don't use "personal best"; they use "points standing" which has been established during the years competition.

So when I say TNT Motorsports is "Home of the World's Quickest Vipers" it is because it was set during a major event. In the last two events TNT has been consistent; they continue to be within 3 hundreds of their World Record. They had a 9.50 at the Supra event and last weekend a 9.51. Were as you and Albert have just barely been within 2 tenths of your "personal best".

However, this is not a slam, you guys won the event. Congratulation. I only wish I could drive like you and Nick. But to say you have a World Record is just not the way the sports world does it. Everyone is good at their home track and under the ideal conditions of that setting.

So I remain, TNT Motorsports " Home of the World's Quickest Vipers"



Dec 28, 2001
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Cypress, Tx.
And that is the world according to garf.

so when a team announces that they are going to the salt flats to try for a land speed record it does not count? If it is not sponsored by Bud, Winston even though there is a track full of cars running nothing counts? Any time a team goes to the salt flats they should wait until it is deemed a major event or their record does not count? You might explain that to Ron at SVSI, they spend major dollars at the salt flats for nothing, does not count is that what you are saying. lol


Jul 25, 2000
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Gonzales, LA
As I said if it is a one off event, then an independent organization is there to record it. I don't have to explain it to Ron, but I will to you, Ron challenged the salt flats organization that sanctioned those events. They're for challenging the current record holder. If there is none then the run is ruled a world record for anyone else to challenge. You are right about NASCAR, during practice the track is full of cars, but no times count. You have to wait for qualifying. And it can be sponsored by anyone, such as Food City, O'Reilly Auto Parts or the VCA. nloljf



Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Cypress, Tx.
And I appreciate you taking time to explain your thoughts of how things should be or your belief of "how they are".

"The world according to gaft"

What you said is exactly what Nick told me every time another tuner would go out.

The part of this board "Records" is now void as per the rules set forth by CV. No official events no records, not even dyno numbers. The auto trans run is just a PERSONAL BEST because the event had ended.

I personally believe that until fox sports, bud or whomever covers our races a qualified time slip counts.

Nothing personal,
V-10 WORLD CHAMPION 2003 (Car owner)
1st place


Apr 3, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I'm sorry, you poor thing! I love having two legs. Maybe stem cell research will allow you to grow another one. I just can't see letting someone else race my car every single time, and then bragging about the times it runs. Are you sure you aren't AJ Foyt and not Rohn. lol I guess I'd just want to learn to drive my own car if I spent that many duckets on it. Don't get me wrong, your car is awesome, you should drive it though!
May 28, 2002
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Houston, Texas, USA
Rohn wrote:

"I was unable to catch up with the early exit of the TNT caravan, as I was about to challenge Nick with Albert driving my Viper."

Rohn, with all due respect,

Nick will race you this weekend at Baytown. All you have to do is make sure your car is legal to run there and show up.

CajunViper has brought up an interesting point. Running fast in mineshaft air (called "testing" at night during cooler months) and running fast in the heat of the day at a race event are two distinctly different things. You "think" your car is faster than Tony's based on your testing. But in the last two events where everyone ran on the same track, in the same air, you have come up short.

If you want a third chance to watch Tony's car go quicker than yours you can have it this weekend. Side by side, going down the same track, and in the same air. Nick is not hiding from you, as evidenced by his attendance at the last two events. If you wanted a grudge race with him at the end of the V-10 Nationals you shouldn't have waited until he was leaving to chase after his trailer and then come online and try to portray him as a chicken.

And do me a personal favor next time you guys race. Don't go up to Nick in the staging lanes and tell him you are going to back off with the incessant harassment and in the same breath threaten to sue him for $250,000.

That tends to mess with a guys head. You wouldn't want anyone doing that to Albert, now would you?.

Be professional.


Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Cypress, Tx.
Mr.Greg Good
The time was last week, YOU and NICK both know that I can not run at baytown so why even bring up baytown. Missing work I am behind, I will be in Dallas from May 12-18 and then in Atlanta for 3 days. It seems as though you are Nicks appointment clerk so I will call you when I return.
By the way Mr. Good I did talk to Nick at the track and thought that Nick and I were square as far as being casual on and off this board and track. By mentioning that Nick made a fast exit before I could get ahold of him is nothing more than a statement where there is nothing that you could read into it unless you chose to.
About "I think that my car with another driver vs Tony's car with another driver is faster or slower is you again reading into something that has never been posted. Yes I would love to see my car run next to, in front of or behind Tony's car, why not the car is fast. With my motor from RSI we both know I would actually have a chance.
For the carrot and driving my own, when Tony drives his. Now before Greg reads something into that, its only a statement.
Then to wait until he was leaving, I was still at the races, others were still running, who would of known that he would leave after that run.
I have no idea what you are talking about, 250,000 law suit, I shock his hand and said good-luck.
Where in any post do I call Nick "Chicken", you are so high school. To watch Nick run as I have the few times he is a very qualified driver, to watch him come out sideways and stay in it is more than I would have done. Greg, get your facts first, please.
This third chance, I hope he does not run a 9.44, will not count.
And you call your 3rd party knowledge of what went on Professional?????
Best to you and yours.


Jul 30, 2001
Reaction score
Virginia Beach
I dont understand the "let someone else drive my car" thingy. Why???? Its like having a trophy wife AND letting the poolboy nail her...


Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Cypress, Tx.
Many owners do not always drive. I have all plans to drive my car eventually. As the TNT car owned by Tony has a driver for now so do I. You may put your wife and Viper in the same garage but I do not.
Thank you I did get a lol out of that.
I have beem driving the new final addition as a car to learn on.
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Houston Texas
This is some good stuff. You guys keep it coming. Every tuner is going to have guys backing them. I don't know if Nick wanted you guys posting this stuff about racing at Baytown, everyone knows 99% of Vipers can't run there. Also I think if he really wanted to run he would have made a phone call. Not started a ******* match over the internet. My chance to line up against Nick will come this year I'm sure with all the events that are in the process of being planned. I'll see you guys at the track and don't bring any strawberrys.LOL

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
Not to beat a dead horse, but I get aggravated when people try to discredit the work of others...

Cajun, here is what you said:

"TNT Motorsports had the quickest time at the V10 Nationals.
A 9.51 was run by Nick in the TNT Viper.
He also had the front wheels of the ground about 6 inches. I will post a picture soon.
I guess they are still Home of the worlds quickest 6 speed Vipers.
Congrats to all at TNT."

You never said they had the quickest 6-speed time, your statement was they had the quickest time. That is not correct. Then you said "they are the home of the quickest 6-speed Vipers". That is also not correct.

What *IS* correct is that on that day, TNT had the quickest 6-speed Viper time (apparently). It is not correct to then say they are home to the quickest 6-speed Vipers or that they had the quickest time of the day.

Furthermore, regarding what is and is not a legit time, you can't claim "world records" based on this event. Any record is only as good as the sanctioning body. If you win class XYZ in an NHRA competition, it doesn't mean you have the fastest car, it just means you won that class of the NHRA competition. I see guys in their turbo Mustangs at the track running 8's at well over 150mph, just for fun. Does that mean their times are less valid than others?

Cajun, don't you see the irony in talking about NASCAR and other sanctioned events when there was no sanctioning of this event you are saying TNT "won" the best time at?

On another note, I never did understand not driving one's own car.
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, Texas, USA
I don't know if Nick wanted you guys posting this stuff.....

Also I think if he really wanted to run he would have made a phone call. Not started a ******* match over the internet.

First off, I didn't come in here and do any grandstanding. I'm against boasting. I responded to Rohn's post about wanting to race Nick, and I also pointed out that fast test runs in good conditions don't always add up to fast times in race weather, as you have already found out.

Second, if you think I'm a liar, have the temerity to say so in clear terms. Better yet, instead of thinking it and making an accusation on the internet, call Nick yourself and ask him if what I said is true. 713-880-0279.

If you're going to go around suggesting I don't tell the truth you had better get some Rogaine for your balls first.
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Houston Texas
I don't know if Nick wanted you guys posting this stuff.....

Also I think if he really wanted to run he would have made a phone call. Not started a ******* match over the internet.

First off, I didn't come in here and do any grandstanding. I'm against boasting. I responded to Rohn's post about wanting to race Nick, and I also pointed out that fast test runs in good conditions don't always add up to fast times in race weather, as you have already found out.

Second, if you think I'm a liar, have the temerity to say so in clear terms. Better yet, instead of thinking it and making an accusation on the internet, call Nick yourself and ask him if what I said is true. 713-880-0279.

If you're going to go around suggesting I don't tell the truth you had better get some Rogaine for your balls first.

You took what I said it the wrong terms. But if you want to be a dick then fine. You seem very defensive for some reason. I like all the guys over at TNT, but if there is an issue that I need to know about let me know.
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, Texas, USA
Albert, I took it as you wrote it. Words have meanings.

If you want to call my character into question know this: expect for me to defend myself.

If that is being a dick, as you say, then I am a dick.


Dec 5, 2001
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
While I think that competition and friendly rivalries are good for a sport, I also think that public ******* matches over nothing just make everyone look bad.

There is a deal on going for a Viper drag racing series. And I would suggest that these kinds of public *** for tat deals be taken offline.

From most of the Viper drag racers I have spoken to, there is a real sense of something special happening for the drag racers out there

For the first time, there could be a series much like Viper days for drag racers. What a great opportunity. Lets not degrade this process with Jr. High internet spats.

Let's let the numbers at the track speak for themselves. TNT had the quickest 6-speed ET at the V10 Nats. RSI holds the low ET for a 6-speed Viper. Something both camps can be proud of. Make it positive guys, a lot of people are watching!


Amen, let's not all fall into "high school" mode.



Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
Gonzales, LA
Mike Bruton,

When did I discredit any thing? I used words like Impressive, Congratulation, and no discredit there. You are trying to discredit me.

I will explain to you as I did to Rohn, The sanctioning body is YOU. The fact that the event is public and published on this board gives it weight. By giving Viper Nation time to accept the challenge or show up and witness the show means it is official. Therefore a claim can be made by me, TNT is Home of the Worlds Quickest Vipers. And then my claim is only as good as THE VIPER NATION as you put it. I believe and support The Viper Nation with all its faults and shortcomings. If you can find any.

The whole bit about abnormal Viper’s and drag racing was settled a long time ago. When we say Viper’s it means a car that has not had it’s basic configuration changed. I think you were around then to remember the debate. If not check the archives.



Apr 15, 2001
Reaction score
Austin, TX.
Screw all this, I was talking to Nick at B.G., we both have decided to give up drag racing and go do some road racing with my C5... :cool:
