Mr.Greg Good
The time was last week, YOU and NICK both know that I can not run at baytown so why even bring up baytown. Missing work I am behind, I will be in Dallas from May 12-18 and then in Atlanta for 3 days. It seems as though you are Nicks appointment clerk so I will call you when I return.
By the way Mr. Good I did talk to Nick at the track and thought that Nick and I were square as far as being casual on and off this board and track. By mentioning that Nick made a fast exit before I could get ahold of him is nothing more than a statement where there is nothing that you could read into it unless you chose to.
About "I think that my car with another driver vs Tony's car with another driver is faster or slower is you again reading into something that has never been posted. Yes I would love to see my car run next to, in front of or behind Tony's car, why not the car is fast. With my motor from RSI we both know I would actually have a chance.
For the carrot and driving my own, when Tony drives his. Now before Greg reads something into that, its only a statement.
Then to wait until he was leaving, I was still at the races, others were still running, who would of known that he would leave after that run.
I have no idea what you are talking about, 250,000 law suit, I shock his hand and said good-luck.
Where in any post do I call Nick "Chicken", you are so high school. To watch Nick run as I have the few times he is a very qualified driver, to watch him come out sideways and stay in it is more than I would have done. Greg, get your facts first, please.
This third chance, I hope he does not run a 9.44, will not count.
And you call your 3rd party knowledge of what went on Professional?????
Best to you and yours.