Mar 25, 2000
Reaction score
Quantico, VA
No this forum is not good the way it is. Make the general forum the main forum.

Again...been there, done that...not going down that road again. The emphasis is to keep things on topic, move them if they are not, and keep the level of communication high. Having said that...I just made myself persona non grata around here. :) LOL!

My prtion of this unpaid advertisement is complete...please carry on. :)


Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
I don't know why I am continuing this line, but as a long(er) time Viper owner it appears something needs to be said.

When I purchased my RT/10 back in May 1995 the Viper was in a dead heat versus the Corvette for performance. No total ********** as you seem to indicate. In fact the Corvette ZR-1 advertised more horsepower (oh my God!). I ran one on a track back then it was a dead heat. The Viper was decidedly less luxurious, wearing a toupee and plastic side windows, but had an alluring look about it. It was clearly a back to basics, fun to drive performance car. Not the king of the hill so often stated today. It also was less expensive than the top Corvette. Neither the ZR-1 nor the Viper had a significant amount of go-fast goodies available in the aftermarket so stock or near stock was the norm.

So I guess I am in denial since I do not know much about Viper history. It was never about having the most horsepower. It was about having the most fun to drive, challenging performance car that was affordable and ****. The order of that is based on the individual.

When the GTS came out many RT/10 owners (and Bob Lutz) were concerned that it was becoming too civilized. It had lost its back to basics approach with A/C (actually first offered in 1993), power windows and such. That trend continued throughout it current history with each change reducing the back to basics aspect and increasing ease of driving and luxury (hard to even say that word around a Viper but compared to a 1992 RT/10 the later Gen II and Gen III's are much more refined and luxurious).

Now we enter the SRT generation. In 2003 the SRT was in the lead for performance with the first affordable 500 hp sports car available. And the addition of the "requested" convertible top lost some more of its back to basics concept. It also seemingly lost some of the "****" or timeliness styling. Some of that may have been inherent in the choice to do a convertible. But that is what the owners were asking for at the time. I sat in the VOI reviews where time after time the requests were for a true convertible, more power and better brakes. Well Dodge delivered on those requests (remember when the 500/500/500 was announced at VOI - there were no voices in the crowd saying "that is not enough." We all clearly thought it would be enough for the foreseeable future). They may not have achieved other attributes that some wanted (looks), but at the time I believe owners assumed continuation of the Viper appearance. The problem is it is difficult to follow a legend. No matter how good looking the SRT was to become for some it would never be able to live up to the expectations of Viper owners and afficianados.

And so here we are. The SRT is only 3 model years of age and the negative press has shifted from appearance based (oh how well I remember the Gen II owner bashing of the appearance 2 years ago), to performance based. The fear is that Corvette (oh my) may actually equal (or heaven forbid) outperform a Viper. Well it did earlier in the Vipers history and life went on. As it will this time as well. The evolution of the Viper and the Z06 will probably go back and forth in the foreseeable future with each in the so-called lead at times.

But so what. Does the future product diminish that which we already have? Did the Gen II launch make Gen I's regrettable? Did ABS Gen II's make pre-ABS cars laughable? Did the initial SRT detract from Gen II or Gen I owner's delight with their cars performance? Of course not. Evolution and performance growth is expected. So let's grow up and accept the inevitable. Each car should be compared with the cars in its own time, with acceprtance that it may not bridge across all future generations with the same level of superiority. The SRT from 2003 through 2005 clearly had that superiority. It may regain it again in a year or 2. If so what is the big deal? I will still enjoy my car as much as ever. It will not slow down because a newer car has higher (potentially) performance.

So give it a break and let's enjoy these cars for what they are. Incredibly fun to drive performance machines that continue to catch the public's eye wherever they go.

RON .. probably one of the most well written responses on this topic. I couldn't agree more!..

Joseph Houss

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jul 19, 2000
Reaction score
Maybe the answer is to have a group of forums known as the rants and raves forums (or "in my humble opinion" forums), where both negative and positive comments about the looks, performance, or resale (seperated by model) can be posted, and lets leave the the unique "generation" forums that exist, as forums to include posts of OWNERS with REAL questions or comments about mechanical/cosmetic information.


Dec 18, 2001
Reaction score
Silicon Valley, CA, USA
I had a feeling that this would happen when we created the separate forums for Gen III discussion. I understand that the reason for this had to do with archiving. Unfortunately the result (as predicted) was dividing up the Viper Nation into two groups. The Gen I/II and the Gen III. Naturally this created an "us and them" atmosphere. Then there was the "riot" in Off-Topic. The sniping and heated arguments that led to bannings and suspensions provided for some very entertaining reading but ended up with us losing some good contributors.

So now we have a site dedicated to one car, the Viper. But we divide the site up into sub-categories. The sniping and insults continue as before except across the bounderies of separate forums. Some of the Gen III folks seem to resent it and take it personally when anyone criticizes their car. Its criticism that envokes improvement. Its criticism that got us glass windows in the RT/10. Its criticism that got us ABS. Its criticism that got us the best braking system out there.

If we all agreed and sat around stroking each other and congratulating each other on having the best cars around, there would never be any improvements.

I've been on the site for a while. Lurked for about a year before buying the Viper and registering on the site. I felt that I should be an owner before posting. That's my own preference and I don't mind seeing non-owners posting. Some of the non-owners do contribute quite a bit. I do however feel that, as an owner and a VCA member, this is my house. A non-owner is more then welcome to be here to contribute to the discussion. They should also conduct themselves as guests in the house and conduct themselves accordingly.

As far as the suggestion or creating more forums, I'd have to disagree with that. As a matter of fact, I think we should take it back to where it was before. One forum for all Viper discussions. We can call it "Viper Discussion" One forum for Off-Topic. Lets call it "Off-Topic." Breaking up Off-Topic and calling on area "Snake pit grill" and the other one "Viper Alley" has been far from a success. The traffic there is no where close to what it used to be.

Lets not fragment the site and the Viper Nation. Last I heard, VCA stood for Viper Club of America, not Gen I, II or III Club of America. As far as the hurt feelings out there, remember, its just the internet.

BTW, Tony (the poser) Vipermad is doing a great job! :2tu:

Vipera Russelli

Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Viper SRT (Ron Stene) -- Thanks for chiming in and sharing your thoughts on the matter. Very nicely done. And I couldn't agree more.

Eddie N

Oct 1, 2001
Reaction score
Bakersfield, CA
The job is all yours...but with all of 100 posts...I think you might not have a good idea of the differences between a site where 1000s and 1000s of pimple popping teenagers (I can say that...I have one!!) own an S2000...and a Viper website.

No thank you. I do have a job managing forum with ~20,000 users among others. And besides as said I don't have the experience :smirk: . Try Craig, he has like 4,000 posts? He must be the one.

Well then here is an idea, since you're sooooooooooo great. GO START YOUR OWN SRT FORUM!! You can invite whom ever you choose! You can make it SRT Owners ONLY and lock out those pesky GTS and RT10 owners. But why stop there? How about limiting the forum to owners that make at LEAST $200k a year. That will keep all the losers out!



Viper Owner
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
Vipermad said:

What needs to be done (I am writing this public to see if this would offend anyone):

- bump all SRT-not-specific threads to a general forum
- delete posts which do not follow the logic of thread and the product focus
- issue warnings and if they would not help put on black list members who would not follow these guidelines. There are not many of them
- renaming general forum from off-topic to something more car based sounds to me like a good idea.

You need to divert the chatters traffic off this forum to a general forum. That's the general idea. General forum is exactly the place to discuss Z06 vs. GTS vs. SRT and cry why the hell new coupe has not 800HP.

This would certainly make the forum more enjoyable and useful than it is for most owners of Gen 3 cars.

Despite the fact that I worked very hard to earn the large amount of money necessary to buy an SRT-10, I don't really care if you think it is ugly or slow or whatever. I know that many Gen I and Gen II guys don't like the Gen III - So what?

However, just take a look at the lists of threads. It looks like a Z06 forum or a forum that should be entitled, "Why the SRT-10 *****." OK, I can ignore those threads since I'm not interested in them. I try to read the threads that may help with my ownership experience. Right? That's the reasonable thing to do. But.....

Almost without exception, each of these threads are hijacked by someone wanting to talk about the Z06 or how ugly my SRT-10 is. Any thread, whether it is about windows or tires or exhaust, is hijacked by some troll who wants to talk about what a terrible car I've spent my hard earned money on. Look at the posts in this thread. They are less brutal than usual, but still the same old thing.

How many different times can the same guy talk about how ugly he thinks the SRT-10 is or how great the Z06 is when compared to it?

In its present state, this forum is useless for anyone looking for information helpful to owning an SRT-10. I expect it is also useless for anyone who is considering buying one.



Viper Owner
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Stevensville, MD
A simple ingore feature would help those of us who use the board regularly. I too am tired of hearing how ugly and slow my car is and how I paid way too much by a certain select few.

I have not seen a single post the on RT/10 side in which an SRT owner claims that the GTS was an 'abortion' and you were an idiot if you bought one.. And yes, I read them all.

There is only so much incivility one can take before becoming incivil themselves.

Craig 201 MPH

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Toronto Ontario, Canada
A simple ingore feature would help those of us who use the board regularly. I too am tired of hearing how ugly and slow my car is and how I paid way too much by a certain select few.

I have not seen a single post the on RT/10 side in which an SRT owner claims that the GTS was an 'abortion' and you were an idiot if you bought one.. And yes, I read them all.

There is only so much incivility one can take before becoming incivil themselves.

That's because the GTS wasn't an abortion. There is no denying that the car is absolutely beautiful and not once have I ever heard of anyone say that the look "grew on them" the car is insta hardon.

The reason for all of the bashing on the SRT is simple. The ******** Viper owners and enthusuats are a tad bit miffed to see the direction the car has gone. Styling aside the SRT is a great car. It performs very well but it doesn't have a roof that is essential for those who want to race on weekends or for those that just plain want a fixed roof becuase they like the looks of a coupe. Now we have the "new" GTS that has been the product of extensive focus groups according to DC. Afterall they did polish the wheels and make the glass longer. I mean THANKS DC!!! you have a winner now :rolleyes: I cannot fathom why DC did not introduce the coupe without more power and/or decreased weight... oh that's right they didn't really develop this car, they just sent one of the extra 500 SRT-10's to metal crafters and told them to make a GTS rear end and slap on a roof. What an insult, hell you can see the seam on the roof where the SRT winshield support stops! I bet the people at Overhaulin coulda thrown something better together and not used old "classic" GTS lights for the rear end combined with a goofy reflectoy purchased out of the wal-mart auto center for the sides of the rear quarter panels.

How can you not be concerned when the new Z06 has:

1) Cheaper price
2) Shorter gearing
3) same power
4) Less weight
5) Better brakes (although the SRT has phenominal brakes)
6) Dry sump oiling
7) Better interior

with such intangibles as a racing program and what is going to be a more extensive/cheaper aftermarket. What can the GTS offer that a Z06 can't? Exclusitivity? That's a joke and a tired excuse. At 75K The Z06 is going to be pretty damn exclusive in it's own right.

I am still steaming from reading Don Knott say that the new styling is "comtemporary" Someone should fire his ass.

If you SRT whiners and DC sackriders want a sanitized for your protection, SRT love - in cirlce ****, I hope that Moderatormad :laugh: Tony gives you guys that place where everything is just peachy keen and you can block the outside world. I think it's pretty laughable that someone's opinion posted on the internet of all places hurts your feelings. Are you not man enough to be content with your decision and not give a flying f*ck what other people think??

I'm starting to see that generally in most situations that the SRT owner is definately a different kind of Viper owner. It doesn't hold true in all cases but I've never before seen so many people cry over having their car criticized. Viper owners generally subscribe to a "I don't give a $hit" what you think type of attitude.

That's it for now, please start in with the barrage of "you can't afford even a mustang" posts so I can laugh my ass off.


Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score
Prague, CZ - San Jose, CA
I would like to suggest everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) who says he is happy the way this SRT forum is to compare RT/GTS forum and SRT forum.

Are RT/GTS owners more intelligent? Educated? I don't think so. Just the trolls from both GTS owning and non owning camps are focusing on SRT forum and instead of vomitting on the general forum they do this on SRT forum.

And Tony, the MODERATOR, is not doing one damned thing to stop this. Why should he, he is a GTS owner and 'his' board is ok. Sorry Tony, but that's the way it is or at least - it looks.

Listen, either start doing your job or give it up to someone who has time to do this. I am certain we could find one SRT owner who can do this and is willing to listen to other SRT owners whom this board is primarily for.

If you don't know what to do let me repeat: move all general SRT / coupe / Z06 whining threads to a general forum and leave this forum only to threads which actually discuss something specific on SRT. Do not hesitate to delete posts or ban posters who repeatedly violate SRT forum ethics.

Edit: In between writing and posting my post I see that Craig made a 'nice' contribution. Craig - why don't you start the thread about Z06 on GTS and general forums? you have message for GTS owners too, don't you? Don't you want to tell them that GTS is a crap which will not stand against Z06? Don't you want to tell them to setp up and press on DC to make the car better?

Craig 201 MPH

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Toronto Ontario, Canada
I would like to suggest everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) who says he is happy the way this SRT forum is to compare RT/GTS forum and SRT forum.

Are RT/GTS owners more intelligent? Educated? I don't think so. Just the trolls from both GTS owning and non owning camps are focusing on SRT forum and instead of vomitting on the general forum they do this on SRT forum.

And Tony, the MODERATOR, is not doing one damned thing to stop this. Why should he, he is a GTS owner and 'his' board is ok. Sorry Tony, but that's the way it is or at least - it looks.

Listen, either start doing your job or give it up to someone who has time to do this. I am certain we could find one SRT owner who can do this and is willing to listen to other SRT owners whom this board is primarily for.

If you don't know what to do let me repeat: move all general SRT / coupe / Z06 whining threads to a general forum and leave this forum only to threads which actually discuss something specific on SRT. Do not hesitate to delete posts or ban posters who repeatedly violate SRT forum ethics.

As the person who has been moderated most on this board (likely by Tony) I would like to tell you that you are fawking laughable. Tony is probably one of the most level-headed, fair people I know, regardless of how often he or one of the other's have put a ":D" in my posts. Tony want's what's best for the board and the club, from all generations of Viper.

Go put your head back in the sand f'n newb.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Clear Lake, TX
I would like to suggest everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) who says he is happy the way this SRT forum is to compare RT/GTS forum and SRT forum.

Are RT/GTS owners more intelligent? Educated? I don't think so. Just the trolls from both GTS owning and non owning camps are focusing on SRT forum and instead of vomitting on the general forum they do this on SRT forum.

And Tony, the MODERATOR, is not doing one damned thing to stop this. Why should he, he is a GTS owner and 'his' board is ok. Sorry Tony, but that's the way it is or at least - it looks.

Listen, either start doing your job or give it up to someone who has time to do this. I am certain we could find one SRT owner who can do this and is willing to listen to other SRT owners whom this board is primarily for.

If you don't know what to do let me repeat: move all general SRT / coupe / Z06 whining threads to a general forum and leave this forum only to threads which actually discuss something specific on SRT. Do not hesitate to delete posts or ban posters who repeatedly violate SRT forum ethics.

You must be registered for see images


Viper Owner
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Stevensville, MD
I've never before seen so many people cry over having their car criticized. Viper owners generally subscribe to a "I don't give a $hit" what you think type of attitude.

That's it for now, please start in with the barrage of "you can't afford even a mustang" posts so I can laugh my ass off.

The sad part here is Craig, that you actually mix intelligent arguement with statements like the above. I was enjoying your little read for about 60 seconds. Your generalization of who a Viper owner is is a wonderful opinion. However, I think you need to understand a bit of marketing. It is not a Harley Davidson.

The Viper has changed. It is no longer a car without windows nor a modern day shelby cobra. If you don't like it, then don't buy it. You want to cry because Joe Dimaggio doesn't play baseball anymore, go cry.

I care not what you have to say about my car. I do however, care that the VCA on its official site, tolerates mom jokes.

So, take your weak sauce images and let us know when you buy your beloved GTS. We are none the wiser for your tired rants.


Viper Owner
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Stevensville, MD

That's because the GTS wasn't an abortion. There is no denying that the car is absolutely beautiful and not once have I ever heard of anyone say that the look "grew on them" the car is insta hardon.


Entirely your opinion. Guess you never heard the clow shoe one before. The GTS has still not grown on some. I guess they would have sold all those FE's right away?

I am not in the least bit 'concerned' about what Corvette does. If they produce a $70k car, it should be competitive. The next gen or iteration of the Viper should be another innovation. Anyone who owns or purchases an SRT could buy a Corvette. That is indisputable. I think that several this board will do just that. Great for them. If the market doesn't like the car, it won't sell. Ala, the SRT Vert was clearly over produced.

Yet, still outsold ever other Viper model in any other year.

Craig 201 MPH

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Toronto Ontario, Canada
I've never before seen so many people cry over having their car criticized. Viper owners generally subscribe to a "I don't give a $hit" what you think type of attitude.

That's it for now, please start in with the barrage of "you can't afford even a mustang" posts so I can laugh my ass off.

The sad part here is Craig, that you actually mix intelligent arguement with statements like the above. I was enjoying your little read for about 60 seconds. Your generalization of who a Viper owner is is a wonderful opinion. However, I think you need to understand a bit of marketing. It is not a Harley Davidson.

The Viper has changed. It is no longer a car without windows nor a modern day shelby cobra. If you don't like it, then don't buy it. You want to cry because Joe Dimaggio doesn't play baseball anymore, go cry.

I care not what you have to say about my car. I do however, care that the VCA on its official site, tolerates mom jokes.

So, take your weak sauce images and let us know when you buy your beloved GTS. We are none the wiser for your tired rants.

The thing is I do understand marketing, not all of it but I have a pretty good grasp of the concepts. The SRT is stagnant. Maybe dodge needs to advertise more, maybe they should have built a coupe first, maybeeeeee just maybeee they should have listened to the criticisms on this board a little bit more when they first released pics. The only changes they made were a slight tweaking to the tops of the fenders and the rear spoiler which was barely noticable.

I firmly beleive that to build any sort of serious reputation you need to race the car. It's as simple as that. Dodge has given SRT owners literally nothing to be passionate about and I think that is unfortunate. I truly beleive that dodge owes it to it's customers to put it's product in the forefront of competition and beat up on the cars SRT owners could have purchased instead.


Viper Owner
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Stevensville, MD
Maybe maybe.

Racing the car in a factory backed effort would be enjoyable. If Nascar-economics has taught auto manufacturers anything it is that winning on Sunday sells cars on Monday. Tell me I am wrong, but I don't see that strategy paying dividends on a limited production line. It is perfect for Team Corvette. Not here. The demographic for which the remaining Dodge branded product line is aimed (Durango, Magnum, Caravan) do not watch LeMans.

Factory backed racing is about marketing. I am dissapointed but certainly understand why the Comp Coupe progam is not feasible.


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
I've never before seen so many people cry over having their car criticized. Viper owners generally subscribe to a "I don't give a $hit" what you think type of attitude.

That's it for now, please start in with the barrage of "you can't afford even a mustang" posts so I can laugh my ass off.

The sad part here is Craig, that you actually mix intelligent arguement with statements like the above. I was enjoying your little read for about 60 seconds. Your generalization of who a Viper owner is is a wonderful opinion. However, I think you need to understand a bit of marketing. It is not a Harley Davidson.

The Viper has changed. It is no longer a car without windows nor a modern day shelby cobra. If you don't like it, then don't buy it. You want to cry because Joe Dimaggio doesn't play baseball anymore, go cry.

I care not what you have to say about my car. I do however, care that the VCA on its official site, tolerates mom jokes.

So, take your weak sauce images and let us know when you buy your beloved GTS. We are none the wiser for your tired rants.

The thing is I do understand marketing, not all of it but I have a pretty good grasp of the concepts. The SRT is stagnant. Maybe dodge needs to advertise more, maybe they should have built a coupe first, maybeeeeee just maybeee they should have listened to the criticisms on this board a little bit more when they first released pics. The only changes they made were a slight tweaking to the tops of the fenders and the rear spoiler which was barely noticable.

I firmly beleive that to build any sort of serious reputation you need to race the car. It's as simple as that. Dodge has given SRT owners literally nothing to be passionate about and I think that is unfortunate. I truly beleive that dodge owes it to it's customers to put it's product in the forefront of competition and beat up on the cars SRT owners could have purchased instead.

That was the best and most thoughtout post I have ever seen you post, if people agree with you or not does not matter in the least, I honestly think all your posts should be like that one.

I think people just get tired of you being negative about the viper 98% of the time and considering this is a viper board they kinda have a point.

Hell if your favorite viper is the gen 2 so be it, so is mine (thats why I bought a gen 2)

Craig 201 MPH

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Toronto Ontario, Canada
Maybe maybe.

Racing the car in a factory backed effort would be enjoyable. If Nascar-economics has taught auto manufacturers anything it is that winning on Sunday sells cars on Monday. Tell me I am wrong, but I don't see that strategy paying dividends on a limited production line. It is perfect for Team Corvette. Not here. The demographic for which the remaining Dodge branded product line is aimed (Durango, Magnum, Caravan) do not watch LeMans.

Factory backed racing is about marketing. I am dissapointed but certainly understand why the Comp Coupe progam is not feasible.

I see exactly what you're saying and it does make total sense in terms of return because racing a GTS-R in ALMS and FIA isn't really going to amount in a lot of new sales, the only thing it really does do is strenghten brand image..provided you can win. I doubt it really sells more vettes either but GM does it because it does wonders for perception of the car. ALMS is a very good series for getting your cars seen. At this point I would even settle for a comp coupe in GTS class among the 360 modenas and porsche GT2's and GT3's as a full factory backed car. The com coupes do great in WC GT but that series just doesn't get enough attention which is a shame. At least ALMS is bradcast on NBC. If you had a winning car that was usually in the lead all that time with your car on TV with the name being mentioned is bigtime free (relatively) advertising.

Craig 201 MPH

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Toronto Ontario, Canada
I've never before seen so many people cry over having their car criticized. Viper owners generally subscribe to a "I don't give a $hit" what you think type of attitude.

That's it for now, please start in with the barrage of "you can't afford even a mustang" posts so I can laugh my ass off.

The sad part here is Craig, that you actually mix intelligent arguement with statements like the above. I was enjoying your little read for about 60 seconds. Your generalization of who a Viper owner is is a wonderful opinion. However, I think you need to understand a bit of marketing. It is not a Harley Davidson.

The Viper has changed. It is no longer a car without windows nor a modern day shelby cobra. If you don't like it, then don't buy it. You want to cry because Joe Dimaggio doesn't play baseball anymore, go cry.

I care not what you have to say about my car. I do however, care that the VCA on its official site, tolerates mom jokes.

So, take your weak sauce images and let us know when you buy your beloved GTS. We are none the wiser for your tired rants.

The thing is I do understand marketing, not all of it but I have a pretty good grasp of the concepts. The SRT is stagnant. Maybe dodge needs to advertise more, maybe they should have built a coupe first, maybeeeeee just maybeee they should have listened to the criticisms on this board a little bit more when they first released pics. The only changes they made were a slight tweaking to the tops of the fenders and the rear spoiler which was barely noticable.

I firmly beleive that to build any sort of serious reputation you need to race the car. It's as simple as that. Dodge has given SRT owners literally nothing to be passionate about and I think that is unfortunate. I truly beleive that dodge owes it to it's customers to put it's product in the forefront of competition and beat up on the cars SRT owners could have purchased instead.

That was the best and most thoughtout post I have ever seen you post, if people agree with you or not does not matter in the least, I honestly think all your posts should be like that one.

I think people just get tired of you being negative about the viper 98% of the time and considering this is a viper board they kinda have a point.

Hell if your favorite viper is the gen 2 so be it, so is mine (thats why I bought a gen 2)

The gen 2 GTs is by far my fave, all black with cognac please.

I know that I can be way over the top in discussing what I feel are the shortcomings of the Viper since it changed. I can't help but feel that the new coupe is so half-assed when you look at what they did to make one. I really think they had an opportunity to make an amazing one. While the car will be outstanding I'm sure I'm still convinced they could have done better.

Eddie N

Oct 1, 2001
Reaction score
Bakersfield, CA
I would like to suggest everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) who says he is happy the way this SRT forum is to compare RT/GTS forum and SRT forum.

Are RT/GTS owners more intelligent? Educated? I don't think so. Just the trolls from both GTS owning and non owning camps are focusing on SRT forum and instead of vomitting on the general forum they do this on SRT forum.

And Tony, the MODERATOR, is not doing one damned thing to stop this. Why should he, he is a GTS owner and 'his' board is ok. Sorry Tony, but that's the way it is or at least - it looks.

Listen, either start doing your job or give it up to someone who has time to do this. I am certain we could find one SRT owner who can do this and is willing to listen to other SRT owners whom this board is primarily for.

If you don't know what to do let me repeat: move all general SRT / coupe / Z06 whining threads to a general forum and leave this forum only to threads which actually discuss something specific on SRT. Do not hesitate to delete posts or ban posters who repeatedly violate SRT forum ethics.

You're a real a$$hole. You're complaining about the guy who has probably done more peacemaking at this site than anyone else.

If you don't like the way the board is run, as I already stated, go start your own board. Stop screwing this one up with all your whining about what mr bigshot thinks needs to be done.


Marv S

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 25, 1998
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
And Tony, the MODERATOR, is not doing one damned thing to stop this. Why should he, he is a GTS owner and 'his' board is ok. Sorry Tony, but that's the way it is or at least - it looks.

<font color="blue"> Yep, this is Tony's board. He brought the VCA out of the antique board to UBB with it's beginnings as an archive hobby site. That archive hobby led to his countless hours developing and refining a site filled with features. A nice benefit is his ability to moderate conflits in the most peacemaking way I've seen on a discussion board </font>

Listen, either start doing your job or give it up to someone who has time to do this. I am certain we could find one SRT owner who can do this and is willing to listen to other SRT owners whom this board is primarily for.

<font color="blue"> Actually Tony is doing his job - quite well. That is to moderate under the guidelines given to him by the VCA.

If you don't know what to do let me repeat: move all general SRT / coupe / Z06 whining threads to a general forum and leave this forum only to threads which actually discuss something specific on SRT. Do not hesitate to delete posts or ban posters who repeatedly violate SRT forum ethics.

<font color="blue"> Tony or any other moderator is not going to take orders from someone who posts demands. That would be chaos. They answer to the VCA. </font>


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Let's just say that you aren't making any sense...
...talking lots of shyt actin' crazy. Look at you.
You must be registered for see images

You've stopped taking your meds again haven't you. ;)

Spoken like the true idiot you are.


And this is one of the civilized SRT boys.

LOL :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:


Dec 19, 2001
Reaction score
Dalton Ga. (Chatt. Tn.)
And Tony, the MODERATOR, is not doing one damned thing to stop this. Why should he, he is a GTS owner and 'his' board is ok. Sorry Tony, but that's the way it is or at least - it looks.

Listen, either start doing your job or give it up to someone who has time to do this. I am certain we could find one SRT owner who can do this and is willing to listen to other SRT owners whom this board is primarily for.

If you don't know what to do let me repeat: move all general SRT / coupe / Z06 whining threads to a general forum and leave this forum only to threads which actually discuss something specific on SRT. Do not hesitate to delete posts or ban posters who repeatedly violate SRT forum ethics.

Are you a ***** or do you just not think before you start typing ?????


Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score
Prague, CZ - San Jose, CA
You're a real a$$hole.


Right back at you Eddie. Grow up or get out of here.

I don't know why anyone should keep a peace. Are we at war or what? Or are you one of the vomitting members that you think we are?

The best 'peace' you can ever make is to keep the forum focused. Is this an SRT forum? Let's talk about SRT. Oh, you don't like SRT? Get out of here and vomit somewhere else!

This is a moderator's job. He might not be popular, at least for some members and for some time but in the long term this pays off.

Tony, what's big deal to move thread about HEMI v10 in SRT coupe to a general discussion? Do we have HEMIV10 in my SRT-10 convertible? Will we ever have HEMI V10 in our cars we bought? I don't think so.

There is completely wrong focus of the forums. I am saying that by making the General Forum the main forum and keeping SRT-10 Roadster and GTS/RT forums dedicated to these models you will make peace automatically.


Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score
Prague, CZ - San Jose, CA
<font color="blue"> Tony or any other moderator is not going to take orders from someone who posts demands. That would be chaos. They answer to the VCA. </font>

I am sorry if my suggestions were understood as demands. I didn't think they would look that way. I certainly think that board members who own SRT should decide.

Listen, unless you do per my suggestions this forum will have the whine and scream at least until they release Z06 and Coupe. Which means that this forum will become useless for whom it was originally created - folks who purchased and who intend to purchase SRT-10 roadster as it is in production today.

Although if your intentions are to kill SRT sales - job well done.

Craig 201 MPH

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Toronto Ontario, Canada
<font color="blue"> Tony or any other moderator is not going to take orders from someone who posts demands. That would be chaos. They answer to the VCA. </font>

I am sorry if my suggestions were understood as demands. I didn't think they would look that way. I certainly think that board members who own SRT should decide.

Listen, unless you do per my suggestions this forum will have the whine and scream at least until they release Z06 and Coupe. Which means that this forum will become useless for whom it was originally created - folks who purchased and who intend to purchase SRT-10 roadster as it is in production today.

Although if your intentions are to kill SRT sales - job well done.

This place isn't killing SRT sales, Dodge killed the SRT before it even hit the streets *******.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
I would like to suggest everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) who says he is happy the way this SRT forum is to compare RT/GTS forum and SRT forum.

Are RT/GTS owners more intelligent? Educated? I don't think so. Just the trolls from both GTS owning and non owning camps are focusing on SRT forum and instead of vomitting on the general forum they do this on SRT forum.

And Tony, the MODERATOR, is not doing one damned thing to stop this. Why should he, he is a GTS owner and 'his' board is ok. Sorry Tony, but that's the way it is or at least - it looks.

Listen, either start doing your job or give it up to someone who has time to do this. I am certain we could find one SRT owner who can do this and is willing to listen to other SRT owners whom this board is primarily for.

If you don't know what to do let me repeat: move all general SRT / coupe / Z06 whining threads to a general forum and leave this forum only to threads which actually discuss something specific on SRT. Do not hesitate to delete posts or ban posters who repeatedly violate SRT forum ethics.

Edit: In between writing and posting my post I see that Craig made a 'nice' contribution. Craig - why don't you start the thread about Z06 on GTS and general forums? you have message for GTS owners too, don't you? Don't you want to tell them that GTS is a crap which will not stand against Z06? Don't you want to tell them to setp up and press on DC to make the car better?

You need to step away from the keyboard. Now.

The Z06/SRT-10 Coupe threads ARE relevant. Discussing what passionate Viper enthusiasts want in the next car - which will STILL be called an SRT-10 - is relevant. Comparing the GTS to the Z06 isn't - unless you are Superman and can turn back time by that neat unrotating of the earth trick.

I never looked at a Corvette when we bought EITHER GTS. It wasn't even in the same league. We want that kind of separation AGAIN - both in looks and performance. Bob Lutz had a big role in the Z06 - you can almost see how everything he did was in direct answer to Viper. A dry sump oiling system, better brakes (6 piston and 4 piston) etc. all raises the bar. We want SRT to know that we still want the Viper to be King of the Hill - no King of the Mountain.

I hope that's not "bashing" the SRT - because that's not the intent.

Lastly - lay off Tony. Very few have given so much and frankly, you don't know enough about this board or him to be demanding change.
Mar 25, 2000
Reaction score
Quantico, VA
1)...I can't stay long....I have to get over to the GEN II board to get some help removing the darn taillight surround is KICKING my asp!!!

2) I don't get to read the board from work...but I can try to follow it by logging on to webmail and catching an e-mail version of it here and there. Uh...did someone see Craig?? Someone stole his username!! :) In all seriousness, Craig, what I have seen you post recently in this thread is the Craig I remember from years ago....I enjoy your kind of enthusiasm. I take NO joy in the :) , but there are times that I need the old you here...or no you. I'm not talking as the Admin...I'm just saying that I, personally, like it when you (in this case) can tell the difference between .org and the Alley. I do appreciate that.

3) Change is bad! We had a hard enough time when we opened up the GEN III area. Sure, I can make it so I can turn off access to individuals....but I loathe doing stuff like that. I prefer that people accept the guidelines of any given forum. Failing that, it can be cleaned up. FOR THE MOST PART I don't give ANYONE any stick about what is posted in the Snake me, that is the place that Joe (above) is talking about. It will take alot to get me to edit any content in there. is one user who wants an SRT forum, limited to discussing SRT's, but not the ZO6. That simply defies logic. Each car is where it is, or isn't, due to some sort of influence by the other (at some level). Since BOTH are debuting around the same time....obviously the Viper v. Vette thing is going to go up a notch.

4) The reason there isn't much talk about the ZO6 (for example) on the GEN I/II board is simple....the NEW ZO6 is aimed at the SRT (and the new SRT). Long before you ever registered, the GEN I/II board went through the same thing when it came to comparing the first ZO6.....

5) As I stated...there just needs to be an effort to help keep things ALL involved.

I thank everyone for their input, and I apologize because I do think we were not really putting forth as much effort to try to tame things down a bit (in this forum). This is a forum to discuss the SRT-10, trade tech tips, ask about mods, and compare. Everyone is an adult ( too Craig!! :) ) and are expected to act an effort to bring the level and quality of information to a higher standard. For light-hearted smack/ribbing/BS...there is General Viper Discussion...and the Snake Pit.

Now...someone go over to the GEN I/II area and answer my question about how to get that d@mned taillight surround off!! :)


Oct 11, 2001
Reaction score
Venice, CA - USA

Learn to respect your host. This site costs nothing to join and is a valuable asset for information on our cars. Also you have been here what like 6 weeks and you are demanding change. Outragous behavior- just downright rude. This isn't a Honda S2000 Fast and Furious Forum with post after post about how awesome the 4 bangers are. Have you even gotten out of the break in period of your SRT 10 yet?

The Viper was top dog the "King of the Hill" for American Sports cars. Now we are about to be tied for second. People just want that title back. Everyone has been gunning for the Viper - you probably are not used to this because the S2000 competitors are basically chick cars - The Porsche Boxster, Audi TT, BMW Z4 and the Mercedes SLK. In that circle HP and performance are not the key factors.

The Corvette and Viper are our Nations two premiere sports cars the same way Lambhorgini and Ferrari are Italy's. These cars are legendary. There are also a ton of Viper SRT posts on the Corvetteforum. This is a good thing. Competetion from the Viper has literally saved the Corvette and I beleive the same is about to be true with the Viper because DC will step up to beat the Z06.