Viper Owner
How much Torco (oz ) must be added with 15 gal of 93 octane pump gas to get 97, 104 , 107 octane ???
(Torco web site provide mixing for for 10(about 1/2 tank) and 20( too much) gallons only.)
any thoughts/facts/ numbers on using torco with gen4 vipers in terms of performance,hp gain and safety ??
I have mopar pcm and 93oct available in my area that is why i asked for the mix with 93 octane.
How much Torco (oz ) must be added with 15 gal of 93 octane pump gas to get 97, 104 , 107 octane ???
(Torco web site provide mixing for for 10(about 1/2 tank) and 20( too much) gallons only.)
any thoughts/facts/ numbers on using torco with gen4 vipers in terms of performance,hp gain and safety ??
I have mopar pcm and 93oct available in my area that is why i asked for the mix with 93 octane.