Hell you couldn't even drive at 50% of my ability?
On a serious note though, I was under the impression that you are covered as long as it's a "driving school".
Here's something else to think about. My Life insurance agent was a neighbor of mine (few blocks away) and knew I had a Viper and would come nosing around with his kids. One day when he came around he noticed me unloading my trailer. He asked me where I was etc.. Me not thinking, but proud to show him my trophy from Viper Days at BIR, told him that I just got back from a HP Driving school.
The following year when I bought my other store I needed to up my life insurance another couple mil, he said oh ya, you race cars don't you? I told him no, I participate in HP driving schools.
Long story short, if I even come close to the track with my car, they will void my Life insurance policy. Infact the wanted to increase my premium because of it.
I of coarse was not impressed.
He insisted that they needed to raise my premium because of my "life style".
I told him that driving in a HP driving school was no more hazardious then going to a Scorpions concert, so he agreed that I was right and did not raise my premium.
But you see, I caught him and his buddy smoking *** at the back of the local arena a couple years earlier during a Scorpians concert! I'm sure he didn't disclose that little bit of info when he bought his own personal policy