I know the formula too.....the numbers given were right off the dyno printout and not from a calculator. Further, the dyno/software was Winpep Dynojet and how well it has been calibrated and serviced is anybody's guess. How well dynos are run, maintained, calibrated, corrected for and standardized is almost as variable as the weather and the garage itself (size number and speed of fans, A/C, exhaust evacuation, garage circulation etc.) All I can say is that there were a bunch of other Gen II's there making mostly less than 400 rwhp and Gen I's in the low 300's if that's any indicator of the kind of power the TT's laying down. The exciting thing is that the car has not really been tuned, has no intercooling and is otherwise completely stock. Thanks for your question by the way. Both Rob and I are not really sure what's up with it and have just written it off as one of the quirks of messing with dynos.