...... I don't know where to start here. Thank you for the confirmation.....
I think every one reading this understands my point. Have a nice day Dan.
Oh boy, the invisible PM's to the rescue. Here we go.
And I don't know where to start with you. I am still waiting to find out where I said it won't work anywhere in my original post.
While you are at it, try and explain how this sentence can mean anything other than me saying it CAN BE MADE TO WORK:
"A Plug and Play system for a Gen-4 like the old Gen-2 AEM setup is not feasible. It is a much more complicated system that at a minimum would require a complete adapter harness, or else your entire dashboard would not function, and a number of engine accessory features would not work."
This comment is exactly right. If you knew about the Gen-2 AEM vs. the Gen-3 AEM, you would know it is a whole different ball game between the two type of implementation. You seem to be suggesting that all of this info is wrong, and its all my imagination... and ironically, its the EXACT same position that AEM was in with the Gen-3 cars! While it does look like Pro-EFI can supply these patch harnesses for the Gen-3's as would be expected since they are available elsewhere as well, the Gen-4 harness is not yet available from them or anyone else, nor in my opinion is it the best way to go overall, because with differing applications, come differing options and setup. A one-size-fits-all harness often lacks key items that certain customers want. You cant simply make a harness that covers ALL the bases, and as the engine gets more complicated as in Gen-4, so do the available options and number of directions you can go.
Why are you ignoring the fact that this is the case with
every AEM, Pectel, Motec, and even Pro-EFI car in existence that isn't a full-blown race car with all of the factory modules and controllers removed? Even Gen-2's needed a much smaller patch harness for the SCI Bus, and those are worlds simpler to deal with in this regard. I have not, and did not ever say it wouldn't work. What I did say is that it will require a patch harness, and more than likely tuner intervention, just as all of the other professional level systems require, and there are other options to consider that would be best discussed with a tuner/installer.
The guy asked for a comparison and explanation of Pro-EFI and Motec-Like system implementation, and I gave him as wide of a gathering on the topic as I could without getting too specific. I don't know why you seem so hell-bent on telling me that well-known facts are wrong.
FACT: The PRO-EFI can probably run a Gen-4 without a problem, especially street/drag cars that dont need road-race options.
FACT: You need a patch harness to do it, which currently isn't available. A plug and play computer only is not feasible.
FACT: Even without a patch harness, you could still install a custom one-off like you do with a Pectel/Motec, and probably do it today without a problem.
FACT: Generic plug and play patch harnesses, while simple, are not as good as a full MIL-spec harness built from scratch for a specific application.
FACT: Pectel/Motec may have options that certain people would like, that the Pro-EFI does not have or is not compatible with.
FACT: Pretty much anything beyond a basic installation is going to require tuner intervention on ANY of the systems.
FACT: When you start building custom harnesses, the price among controllers is near the same, and the price gap overall starts to close as a function of % total cost.
FACT: You can't call it "Viper Tax" when it is the same price for ANY car.
FACT: All of this was in the previous posts.
FACT: This is a pointless argument because you are only seeing it the way you want to see it.
FACT: I am probably wasting my time by typing this.
If you are so hell-bent on getting one of these in a Gen-4, then find the cash, buy one, and pay a professional to install and tune it like any other Pectel or Motec application would have to do. Its easy to "want" it, but its not so easy to be the one who "did" it. There is nothing stopping you from doing it tomorrow other than ponying up the money and being the first one.