I'm sorry to disagree but some of us don't have that much invested in our Vipers. I'm running a $ 16,950.00 package on my car.
I have always been a proponent of dollars vs. hp, but when it comes down to race day, it shouldn't matter how much you have invested, but how well you can use the power in an effort to win. I have succumed to the fact that the Viper "world" is different from most of the sanctioned racing that I have participated in over the years. Viper folks like to spend lots of money on mods.......some of these folks never race, they just like to have the bragging rights to the most expensive stuff. Thats a good thing..I guess.
So don't worry about how much you have invested, we are all in the same arena and equal on race day. My mid 9 second Viper will be going head to head with cars that have 3 to 4 times the investment. A victory for you then, becomes that much more sweeter. I've got cavities in my sweet tooth from these victorys over time!
P.S. Bricks in the trunk will only help with traction and will not handicap your competition. The street tire shootout at this event will be met with a few surprizes from the JEDI hut!