VCA back to the same old routine


Viper Owner
Jul 30, 2013
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Willis, Tx
Hi Jon ! Welcome back from us as well! Thanks for your email to all of us expressing your appreciation this morning. The NEW *** is happy to have you posting again. We 're working, working, working to get lots of things corrected and changed. We are well on our
way ! It's a great car, we have the best members in the world, and YOU were a part of starting this great club. Welcome! Cathy and Jim

I haven't seen anyone answer FOViper's questions yet. One question was about Chris Marshall, Lee Stubberfield, Marv Spatz and Dan Everts.

My question is, are any of them (or their family members) still involved with anything having to do with the "new and improved" Viper Club of America.? and;

Who is "John B", and why did he leave the club that he "was a part of starting". ?

Oops, sorry. One more. It has been said that you are not allowing all the members of your region the choice or vote in staying or leaving the vca.
Could you answer that, and perhaps shed some light on the matter.

Thank you,
A Viper owner.


Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
Apopka, FL
Oops, sorry. One more. It has been said that you are not allowing all the members of your region the choice or vote in staying or leaving the vca.
Could you answer that, and perhaps shed some light on the matter.

Thank you,
A Viper owner.

Last one is a little inaccurate. In the end everyone has a choice and it will be with their wallets and it will be like this for EVERY member no matter what the region has decided to do as a whole.

Nobody has said Cathy hasn't let her region vote. What has been said is that there was a selective polling done in her region. Cathy has said he made phone calls to "most" of the people in her region. Not sure what her definition of "most" is as some members have talked amongst each other and none of them were polled. I'm sure some people were called but the actual # is unclear. Most regions have used the regional email list and polled ALL members on the matter.

If you really want answers to your questions go read some of the huge threads on the Viper Alley on the VCA.


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
I haven't seen anyone answer FOViper's questions yet. One question was about Chris Marshall, Lee Stubberfield, Marv Spatz and Dan Everts.

My question is, are any of them (or their family members) still involved with anything having to do with the "new and improved" Viper Club of America.? and;

Dan is the current president of the club. He is the one that assisted Lee Stubberfield in suspending Maurice, Randall, Jim, etc... and removing them from the club.
Chris was allowed to choose to stay with the VPA.
Mary and her company are now month to month and will eventually give up managing the club. She will then move over to the VPA.
Not sure if their son will still be involved with the magazine as that really hasn't been going to well either
Lee has stepped down but is still posting in the *** section which is interesting....
Oh, and Tim W. is still getting checks from the VCA after sending letters to Ralph's boss slandering him.

Some of this kinda explains why not very many people believe all of the "change" and "moving forward" that the new *** is talking about. The new *** is trying but I don't think they still have all the facts about what has gone on. (Cathy and Greg, did you get Marv's 8 page letter that was discussed on the last conference call?) Things like that are examples of the huge hill they have to climb. There are very good reasons that people no longer wish to be associated with this club and this *** needs to accept that.


Oct 2, 2000
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This is a better "old routine" to return to. Bold and threatening. SRT needs to offer this configuration as an option.
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May 29, 2003
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Dan is the current president of the club. He is the one that assisted Lee Stubberfield in suspending Maurice, Randall, Jim, etc... and removing them from the club.
Chris was allowed to choose to stay with the VPA.
Mary and her company are now month to month and will eventually give up managing the club. She will then move over to the VPA.
Not sure if their son will still be involved with the magazine as that really hasn't been going to well either
Lee has stepped down but is still posting in the *** section which is interesting....
Oh, and Tim W. is still getting checks from the VCA after sending letters to Ralph's boss slandering him.

Some of this kinda explains why not very many people believe all of the "change" and "moving forward" that the new *** is talking about. The new *** is trying but I don't think they still have all the facts about what has gone on. (Cathy and Greg, did you get Marv's 8 page letter that was discussed on the last conference call?) Things like that are examples of the huge hill they have to climb. There are very good reasons that people no longer wish to be associated with this club and this *** needs to accept that.

How did Dan assist Lee is suspending Randall and Jim? Remember, Maurice was technically not suspended. Lee had executive power to do it himself. This is something we are correcting in revised bylaws.

The letter from Chrysler clearly states that there is a conflict of interest. Having C2C no longer manage the club gets rid of this conflict of interest and in accordance to the letter from Chrysler, satisfies them.

The magazines have been fine. In fact they have been much better than they were a few years ago. Everyone should enjoy the content of the magazine that is at printers. If you are referring to lack of magazine distribution, previous *** voted to delay magazines and instead pay regional stipends.

I just checked the National Officers Section of the web site. Lee has not posted in there since 8/21/13. So you comment that he is posting is *** section is wrong and untruthful.

To my knowledge, Tim Wolleson is not getting checks from VCA. When he was a board member he secured a lease for storage of manufacturing equipment. We are paying rent to store molds and manufacturing equipment. Tim should not be making any money on this. If he is, it's a issue for me as well.

As far as making changes, we are. Have enough been made yet? Absolutely not, but it's a start. It has taken a lot of years to get VCA to lowest point it was recently and it will take a while to get everything fixed. We probably don't have all the facts and truthfully we probably never will get all the facts. But rest assured, we are acting in what's in the Regional Presidents and members best interests.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
I haven't seen anyone answer FOViper's questions yet. One question was about Chris Marshall, Lee Stubberfield, Marv Spatz and Dan Everts.

My question is, are any of them (or their family members) still involved with anything having to do with the "new and improved" Viper Club of America.? and;

Who is "John B", and why did he leave the club that he "was a part of starting". ?

Oops, sorry. One more. It has been said that you are not allowing all the members of your region the choice or vote in staying or leaving the vca.
Could you answer that, and perhaps shed some light on the matter.

Thank you,
A Viper owner.


Your first question was answered. It's also worth noting the Dan wants to step down in beginning of year. None of the other names or family members of theirs, have anything to do with "new and improved" club. We definitely aren't new, but we are trying to improve it.

Jon B is one of VCA founding fathers. He also owns Partsrack and has been helping Viper owners for a long time.


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
How did Dan assist Lee is suspending Randall and Jim? Remember, Maurice was technically not suspended. Lee had executive power to do it himself. This is something we are correcting in revised bylaws.

Maurice wasn't suspended now?? What is this then?

Maurices suspension letter:

Mr. Maurice Q. Liang
Via: xxxxxxxx

Dear Maurice,

This is to notify you that effective as of the date of this notice, your membership in the VCA is suspended for disruptive conduct in accordance with the authority in the VCA Bylaws Article II, Section 3c. Additionally, along with your status as suspended member is loss of any VCA Membership rights and privileges including the disqualification to hold any position within the VCA. This means that you are no longer a director or hold any positions including being on the Magazine Committee.

Some specifics of your unauthorized and disruptive conduct that has directly harmed the Club include:

Continued non-compliance of Article V, Section 1 that states “…, no National Officer may contemporaneously hold a Region or Zone officer position.†Despite being notified eight months ago and repeatedly thereafter that you would have to either resign your position as Northern California Region President or National Secretary, you have refused to comply with this requirement.

Direct violation of the Conflict of Interest, Confidentiality, Conduct and Insurance Policy. This includes your unauthorized alteration of the board approved form and specific violations of Article II (j) as well as incomplete disclosure of financial matters between you and SRT that could present a conflict of interest. Despite being notified of your violations on in this area you have refused to correct your actions..

Direct violation of the VCA Board decision relating to Jon Brobst attending VCA events while being suspended from the club. The board made you aware of this decision early in 2012. Despite that, you acted contrary to this board decision and facilitated meetings between Ralph Gilles and Jon Brobst at Northern California Region events. This undermining and contempt of a Board decision harmed the club in several ways, including degrading the relationship between the VCA and Ralph.

You informed Ralph of your opinion of a needed wholesale cleansing of the board. This is a flagrant and detrimental violation of the fiduciary obligation that you had as a director. It specifically and severely violates the abovementioned Policy relating to conduct. Just because you crossed out the section does not give you a free pass to violate that section.

Maurice, several of your actions that have been directly contrary to specific decisions of the board are not correctable. Month after month Randall, Dan, and I struggled to work with you despite your ongoing refusal to correct the items that you could. But even worse was the undermining by you that we observed. While you may not agree with things that don’t go your way and have tossed out your “founding†status as a license to do whatever you want to, you were still obligated to abide by the rules of the club and the Conduct Policy.

To understand the level of financial conflict you have with SRT, you are required to submit full and detailed compensation agreements you have had relating to services you have provided them. Quite simply, the board needs to understand how much money or compensation is involved that you have gotten from SRT for books, trips, photos, etc. and if that is a factor in you placing the club in a secondary position in your statements. There will be no agenda item for your membership reinstatement until you have provided this information.

As counsel explained during the call this past week, as President, the bylaws provide me the authority to take this action, particularly as half of the national officers are in agreement.


Lee Stubberfield, President
Viper Club of America

Notice the LAST line. "half of the National Officers are in agreement" Since there are 4 National Officers and 2 were suspended the other 2 left would have been the half in agreement right? That would be........Lee and Dan.


Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
Apopka, FL
How did Dan assist Lee is suspending Randall and Jim?

how about this John???

"Your multiple resignations submitted to both Dan Everts and myself as National Vice President are accepted. Further, this is to notify you that effective as of the date of this notice, your membership in the VCA is suspended for disruptive conduct in accordance with the authority in the VCA Bylaws Article II, Section 3c. Additionally, along with your status as suspended member is loss of any VCA Membership rights and privileges including the disqualification to hold any position within the VCA. This means that you are no longer a director or hold any positions within the club.

Your actions in attempting to seize power, unsettling the organization and the membership, illegally removing the elected President, and issuing demands to others that usurp the presidency have damaged and harmed the club and are quite unacceptable.

As counsel explained during the call this past week, as President, the bylaws provide me the authority to take this action, particularly as half of the national officers are in agreement.


Lee Stubberfield, President
Viper Club of America"

Look at the last sentence. Dan had everything to do with the suspension.

".....particularly as half of the national officers are in agreement. "

The national officers were Lee, Randall, Dan, and Maurice. Since Maurice and Randall were kicked out, half of the national board consisted of Lee and Dan.


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
The magazines have been fine. In fact they have been much better than they were a few years ago. Everyone should enjoy the content of the magazine that is at printers. If you are referring to lack of magazine distribution, previous *** voted to delay magazines and instead pay regional stipends.

Yes, I am referring to the fact that members are not getting the magazines not that the magazine is of poor quality. The fact that the club doesn't have enough $$ to pay for the magazine to be printed should raise RED FLAGS for everyone and gets into a whole other discussion.


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
distribution, previous *** voted to delay magazines and instead pay regional stipends.

I just checked the National Officers Section of the web site. Lee has not posted in there since 8/21/13. So you comment that he is posting is *** section is wrong and untruthful.

So there wasn't an update from Lee in their about the IRS tax audit that had been going on? Maybe it was deleted as most of the stuff from Lee was a lie anyways. He had stated that the audit had been completed during the gov. shutdown which would be a lie. The gov. had suspended all auditing during the shutdown. BobP will even verify that.


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
To my knowledge, Tim Wolleson is not getting checks from VCA. When he was a board member he secured a lease for storage of manufacturing equipment. We are paying rent to store molds and manufacturing equipment. Tim should not be making any money on this. If he is, it's a issue for me as well.

Maybe he's getting a check from the VPA but good luck at getting a look at any of those financials. It was a known fact that Tim owned the warehouse where VPA operated and or stored parts. That is why he wrote the letter to Sergio because he had a direct monetary interest in the VPA as if it went away then his checks would stop. If it is a huge issue for you as it should be for anyone demand some answers from Chris.


Viper Owner
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Willis, Tx

Your first question was answered. It's also worth noting the Dan wants to step down in beginning of year. None of the other names or family members of theirs, have anything to do with "new and improved" club. We definitely aren't new, but we are trying to improve it.

Jon B is one of VCA founding fathers. He also owns Partsrack and has been helping Viper owners for a long time.

Thanks for the answers.

"Chris was allowed to choose to stay with the VPA.
Mary and her company are now month to month and will eventually give up managing the club. She will then move over to the VPA."

"None of the other names or family members of theirs, have anything to do with "new and improved" club. We definitely aren't new, but we are trying to improve it.

So which is it?. Are the Marshall's gone, or not.? As far as I can tell VPA is still part of the Club right.? So if the Marshalls are involved with VPA, then that means they are still involved with the VCA. Which, is not what the members have indicated they want going forward. Keeping the Marshalls involved while saying that the Chrysler issue with them was satisfied is disingenuous. I say that because I followed Plumcrazy's advice, and read that letter on the viper alley site. I am one of the in-house legal counsels for a big corporation here in Houston. I'm very used to corporate "legal speak." That letter from Chrysler was a thinly veiled warning to remove the people mentioned. Believe me when I say that means removed from all entities of this club.

Bob Pentax, why do you keep posting the same picture of a non-existent Generation 5 Viper?. We are getting answers to some questions here.

Viper owner


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
The letter from Chrysler clearly states that there is a conflict of interest. Having C2C no longer manage the club gets rid of this conflict of interest and in accordance to the letter from Chrysler, satisfies them.

Please read the Chrylser letter again.

"Without an understanding from the VCA as to the concrete steps that will be taken by the VCA to create a meaningful wall between the "for profit" business and the "club", this will be a difficult meeting with an unknown outcome"

The for profit business they are referring to is NOT C2C, it's the VPA.


Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
Apopka, FL
Also, Randall never formally resigned. Randall threatened to resign many times because of the things he was finding out and not finding out. But Lee kept begging him, and begging him not to resign.

Lee also had a conversation with a well known VCA member who is a personal friend of Randall's. Lee told him that the only reason Randall and Maurice were suspended was because of VPA. Randall had mentioned in the Officer's section, after the letter came out, that the VCA may have to sell VPA to satisfy Chrysler. And concerning Maurice, Lee stated that there was a rumor that Maurice had been looking for someone to buy VPA before the election at VOI 12. That rumor was false. The suspensions of Maurice and Randall had nothing to do with what is in those suspension letters, but had everything to do with VPA. Period.


Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
This is the answer that still ****** A LOT of people off:
"The letter from Chrysler clearly states that there is a conflict of interest. Having C2C no longer manage the club gets rid of this conflict of interest and in accordance to the letter from Chrysler, satisfies them."

Chris has proven to be completely defiant and shady when it comes to the VPA. Even if it does satisfy the letter form Chrysler (which I don't think it does), the fact that this is a major issue for people yet the VCA doesn't seem to give a damn, is the problem.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
So there wasn't an update from Lee in their about the IRS tax audit that had been going on? Maybe it was deleted as most of the stuff from Lee was a lie anyways. He had stated that the audit had been completed during the gov. shutdown which would be a lie. The gov. had suspended all auditing during the shutdown. BobP will even verify that.

I had not seen that post, nor did I see when I looked back at Lee's posts. I searched under his name before making the claim he hadn't posted in case I missed something. His last post on record was 9/6/13.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Maurice wasn't suspended now??.

Notice I said technically not suspended. It was deemed that his suspension was not valid. Maurice was notified of that fact the next day, within 24 hours I believe. Unfortunately, he chose to not come back.

Again, I can't defend or explain for anyone else, as I wasn't involved on board when all this went down. One thing of interest I noticed in the letter is that Maurice claimed the board needed a wholesale cleansing. In a round about way, that's happened. As far as the other violations against Maurice, I don't know if I agree with them. Although a not fully executed Confidentiality Agreement is kinda odd, don't you think?


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for the answers.

"Chris was allowed to choose to stay with the VPA.
Mary and her company are now month to month and will eventually give up managing the club. She will then move over to the VPA."

"None of the other names or family members of theirs, have anything to do with "new and improved" club. We definitely aren't new, but we are trying to improve it.

So which is it?. Are the Marshall's gone, or not.? As far as I can tell VPA is still part of the Club right.? So if the Marshalls are involved with VPA, then that means they are still involved with the VCA. Which, is not what the members have indicated they want going forward. Keeping the Marshalls involved while saying that the Chrysler issue with them was satisfied is disingenuous. I say that because I followed Plumcrazy's advice, and read that letter on the viper alley site. I am one of the in-house legal counsels for a big corporation here in Houston. I'm very used to corporate "legal speak." That letter from Chrysler was a thinly veiled warning to remove the people mentioned. Believe me when I say that means removed from all entities of this club.

Bob Pentax, why do you keep posting the same picture of a non-existent Generation 5 Viper?. We are getting answers to some questions here.

Viper owner

Even though the VCA owns 100% of the VPA, it's separate. It was set up by a previous *** and I am not familiar yet with how it is governed or controlled. To be honest, getting the conflict of interest resolved first was a priority. I will have to go back and reread the Chrysler letter to see if I interpret it differently. But when I initially read it, what glared to me was a conflict of interest. One created by previous boards I might add again.

You say the members have indicated they want them gone. It would be more fair to say, some members want them gone. I personally have never bought anything from VPA, but many of my members had. Everyone had given positive feedback. As an example, they saved one member $1100.00 for an alarm module relay for his Gen 2. Dealers in Florida and in MD couldn't fix problem without replacing entire module. Finally please don't interpret my post as saying that Marshalls should be left at VPA. We are knocking things out as fast as we can. But it will take more time.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
This is the answer that still ****** A LOT of people off:
"The letter from Chrysler clearly states that there is a conflict of interest. Having C2C no longer manage the club gets rid of this conflict of interest and in accordance to the letter from Chrysler, satisfies them."

Chris has proven to be completely defiant and shady when it comes to the VPA. Even if it does satisfy the letter form Chrysler (which I don't think it does), the fact that this is a major issue for people yet the VCA doesn't seem to give a damn, is the problem.

I wouldn't say we don't give a damn. It simply requires research and time.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Also, Randall never formally resigned. Randall threatened to resign many times because of the things he was finding out and not finding out. But Lee kept begging him, and begging him not to resign.

Lee also had a conversation with a well known VCA member who is a personal friend of Randall's. Lee told him that the only reason Randall and Maurice were suspended was because of VPA. Randall had mentioned in the Officer's section, after the letter came out, that the VCA may have to sell VPA to satisfy Chrysler. And concerning Maurice, Lee stated that there was a rumor that Maurice had been looking for someone to buy VPA before the election at VOI 12. That rumor was false. The suspensions of Maurice and Randall had nothing to do with what is in those suspension letters, but had everything to do with VPA. Period.

Who was the well known member Lee disclosed this to? If it can't be disclosed, it may or may not have happened.

I also can't say whether Randall resigned previously or not. I also haven't seen previous communications/phone calls, etc that Randall had with Lee and other board members to make a judgement call as to whether he threatened to quit multiple times or in fact quit and was talked out of it. As far as what else is in the letter, he did try to take over VCA didn't he? Wasn't he part of the "illegal" board meeting held to remove Lee from office? The meeting was illegal because not all board members were invited and there needed to be a 20 day notice for board meetings.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Has there been any movement on when the bylaw changes will happen and when/if a vote will happen to elect new board members?

The recommendations for changes are still being made. We are also getting feedback from regional presidents. While most agree that change is needed, we still need to work through what changes should be and how they should be worded. I recently discovered that our bylaws have been altered quite a few times in the last 5-7 years.

As far as the election, I believe the plan is to have candidacy period open later this year with elections occurring at Presidents meeting in January.


Has Left the Room!
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Dothan, AL
The recommendations for changes are still being made. We are also getting feedback from regional presidents. While most agree that change is needed, we still need to work through what changes should be and how they should be worded. I recently discovered that our bylaws have been altered quite a few times in the last 5-7 years.

As far as the election, I believe the plan is to have candidacy period open later this year with elections occurring at Presidents meeting in January.

Now that is funny. Which regional presidents are you getting feed back from? Since most have voted to leave the VCA, you must be talking about SOCAL, Central FL and VA? That IS a lot of feedback.

Every time the bylaws were changed, they were changed to benefit CM, Lee and Dan. Because of those changes, the VCA is in it's death throws. Nice job guys.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Now that is funny. Which regional presidents are you getting feed back from? Since most have voted to leave the VCA, you must be talking about SOCAL, Central FL and VA? That IS a lot of feedback.

Every time the bylaws were changed, they were changed to benefit CM, Lee and Dan. Because of those changes, the VCA is in it's death throws. Nice job guys.

There is a thread in the President section started by Presidents requesting bylaw changes. As far as the committee, I am not on it, I don't believe Lance is (socal) and neither is Cathy for that matter. The committee was open to all Presidents. Hopefully we got some good input.


May 29, 2003
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I will be away from computer for weekend, hopefully! I'll check back on this thread early part of next week.

Brian GTS

Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
This is the answer that still ****** A LOT of people off:
"The letter from Chrysler clearly states that there is a conflict of interest. Having C2C no longer manage the club gets rid of this conflict of interest and in accordance to the letter from Chrysler, satisfies them."

Chris has proven to be completely defiant and shady when it comes to the VPA. Even if it does satisfy the letter from Chrysler (which I don't think it does), the fact that this is a major issue for people yet the VCA doesn't seem to give a damn, is the problem.

I'd have to agree. The VPA is a great asset to Viper owners, but some are boycotting based on this fact. Just like the VCA, I feel the VPA also needs new blood.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
"Bob Pentax, why do you keep posting the same picture of a non-existent Generation 5 Viper?. We are getting answers to some questions here."

I thought it provided a nice intermission from reading about a horse that has been beaten to death. All of the data above is old and was in a different thread days, if not weeks, ago. For instance, there is no reference to the Colpits post showing the letter inviting Maurice back as National Vice President. That was posted in the members section and in a public thread and discussed ad nauseum. At this point, I would guess that most people have made up there mind one way or the other and would like to return to discussing Viper related topics and some non related Viper topics in the relevant subforums. Most of us, regardless of whther we are VCA or not VCA, are Viper fans. I wish everyone well going forward.

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