Well mr dean I know that one was for me so here is what transpired with mr brunton:
Mike sends me an e-mail that he needs access to PVO drawings on the SRT/10 so he can further develop aftermarket parts for it. At this point Mike does not mention that he is not a VCA member. I forward the e-mail to PVO In hopes of a response. I have Mike call me to further explain what he needs, since I have and will never understand any automotive technical jargon, and Mike calls me. He explains all kinds of neat things, and I then call PVO to try and fill their ears before I forget what it is about. At that point John Fernandez himself tells me that PVO is going to have one dedicated person working with outside vendors and suppliers. At the time of the call that person is TBD. I let Mike know that they have his e-mail and will get a hold of him as soon as they assign the person.
All this was done with me under the impression that Mike is a VCA member, since everyone spoke well of him and since he was so active.
Now, Mike makes it known he IS NOT A MEMBER. Great. To that I say, "go the route of all the other non-members and approach Dodge or PVO on your own". I have no obligation to make in roads for people that have nothing to do with the VCA. And in this particular case, with the way I view Mike's actions and attitude, I am thrilled that I did inform those involved that HE IS NOT PART OF THE VCA AND SHOULD NOT BE VIEWED AS SUCH.
But I must say this venue is invaluable in learning what people are all about, since one of the PVO people who initially got the e-mail is in disbelief that I ever initiated the contact. I will guarantee that in the future, unless I have a verified VCA number, that I will not assist anyone in making contact with Dodge or PVO.
There are multiple ways to do things. The VCA has and will be a road map for it's members.