Not to hijack or tke anything away from the discussion....
To me (personally) it is all about the the intentions and the "Spirit of the event". If Dodge had wanted to make 'em for everyone, and make them available...they would have (and could have), but they didn't. The only way to honor their efforts is to stick to the spirit of the "competition". Not to digress....but the same held true during a recent drag event. The spirit of the competition was called into question (or, rather, the actions of someone). Some argured no rule was broken, some argued there was. The end result, I think, is that most agree it wasn't wrong, AND it wasn't was just not what the planner had intended. What happens next? Well, as a result, the planner (in our case, DODGE) will re-examine how they do things with regard to the VCA, and they will likely put into place some type of safeguards to attempt to prevent it from happening (much like the planner of the Drag Event will likely re-word things to make it clearer).
Which is why I wouldn't be surprised if something like what I hypothesized above happens. Maybe on a case-by-case basis, to review the issues surrounding the sale of said vehicle.
I will not call into question the issues surrounding this particular truck....but it is sad (and possibly telling) that it went to Ebay first...instead of the VCA community. That would be a huge issue if this VCA member was reviewed for possible disqualification from any other raffles.
BadVenm....I can't comment on the Comp Coupes...but I would apply the same logic to them as well. I am not sure...but I THINK most of the CC that went up for sale were late in the game....but please don't hold me to it, and if I recall correctly, the only things stopping ANYONE from having one of them there CC was that they needed to have some race license or something. There weren't just 50 of them made for a select group of lucky people. I am not sure if I see a difference between the CC and the truck...I'll have to think on it and do some research. In principle, I is the facts surrounding it all that I need to have a better understanding of.
Obviously there are two sides two the discussion (at least).

I do feel that there is NOTHING wrong with turning a buck or 20K.....while I also think this is wrong (talking about the issue....NOT this particular truck as there seem to be extenuating circumstances).
And I'll be DEAD HONEST.....I am part jealous 'cause I want one!!