2 more on ebay now......
And I stand by what I wrote yesterday.....more people should have friends like you!No negative intention ever was meant to be the outcome of this,Just trying to help a friend in need.![]()
No, if they are smart they will still be the registered owners the next time a raffle comes along.If those guys are smart,they wont give their reasons
Yet another person who is under the impression that something is only "wrong" if it is written down somewhere.Once again, no laws or contracts were broken
Of course, if the special offers were eliminated the cheaters would be first in line to complain.
You guys crack me up. If it is not contractual or illegal it must be okay.
Why are the guys selling branded as "cheaters"?I dont understand.And when do you think it is ok for one of the 50 guys to sell?How much time has to pass?Who makes that decision?If I dont like the truck,or if things change in my personal life,when is it ok to sell?If you have a problem with 7 people selling their vehicles now,when is it ok?How long do you think it has to be kept?Of course you cant answer that,you cant put a timetable of any sort on that.I had a call from one of the guys who has a truck.He hates it.He thought it would be cool,but he doesnt like it.He is not trying to make a huge profit,just trying to get rid of something he doesnt like.Alot of people who entered arent truck guys,there Viper guys.But you never know till you try.
Oh, you hit the nail on the head. As things go in life, people TRY to give others the benefit of the doubt...at first. They like to think that when given an opportunity that people will AUTOMATICALLY do not just the legally "right" thing to do...but the morally "right" thing (as DODGES has done for us). Only when people prove that they cannot be trusted....new "rules and regulations" are created to prevent it from happening again. Neverending story...those that have gone before us have literally ruined it for us. Speaking in general terms, or course. Given the choice of following the spirit of a program....and not....human nature has us doing what WE want. Oh, I see more special deals....but I also see more rules. We ALL hate rules......but they are a result of issues like this. It goes back to the simple idea that something doesn't have to be illegal/"in the rules" for it to be wrong.If they are that concerned about allowing a loyal customer to make a profit by flipping a car then they should stipulate that in the contract. Otherwise it is completely fair and square. I think rewarding the loyal customer by allowing this opportunity is part of the loyalty program.
Just like Jaguar did with the XJ220. The buyers had to sign a contract that they would not sell for 2 years.
I guess you are in charge of moral right and wrong. It must be a tough responsibility.![]()
Rules will make everyone's intentions clear, so it isn't up to individual interpretation of morality.
The good news is that the highest estimate I've seen of the VCA Edition Rams for sale is 7. If true, 86% of us are holding the vehicles. Hopefully Dodge will focus on this rather than the 14% when deciding on special offers in the future.
Do you consider dealers pricing vehicles well above MSRP as cheating the consumers?