The Sebring Speedfest event is being set up for Chuck Babel to find some chicks. Chuck, you asked Gary L. if there would be chicks there, and let me leave you with this theory listed below;
a) The Sebring Speedfest will have a Viper Corral for all Viper owners to congregate.
b) Those that sign up soon can stay in the Dodge Suite.
c) Gary L. politely puts down that beverages will be available in the Suite ------------ GARY THE CORRECT WORDING FOR VIPER OWNERS IS " BEER HERE!!!"
d) You can do a Parade lap and wave at all the Florida Babes.
e) The other vehicles racing are Stock Cars, Sport-Trucks, and NASA sport sedans, so which car do you think the women will flock to Chuck???
f) I am thinking Chuck is in " BIG TIME " with a Viper !!!!
g) VCA sponsors Viper Days, and this is their first support race, so it is not just a gathering for club socializing, it is to promote VCA and Viper Racing.
h) Chuck with Viper = Loverly Ladies
Chuck with Sport-Truck = Bubba and Darrell swilling Pabst Blue
Ribbon , while scratching their guts - easy to do, since their
T-shirts don't reach anywhere near their waists.
i) All this fun for $130. This includes tickets, paddock pass,
Viper corral, air conditioned suite, parade lap, and "BEER'!
j) ViperBrat can come and wave at Bubba and Darrell during the Parade Lap and give them the thrill of their lives !!
k) Currently 22 GT-1 Vipers will be pounding the tarmac.
l) With 10-15,000 people attending, who wants to bet the Viper Corral isn't the place to be ---- SnakeCharmers unite, and go !
Call Gary Lashinsky ( 407-366-0366 ) to get in on the " Suite Deal !"