Hi Kory,
Sorry we weren't able to hook up. I called at about 8:30 this morning (Sunday) and you called back later in the day. But my cell phone didn't ring and gave me a message indicator about 2 hours later (sometimes I think about switching from Sprint).
Anyway, I guess you didn't get a chance to try it out at the dyno day today. From the sounds of it, between your message and this post, you're writing a program to a card, but not specifying the box serial number and code. The VEC2 will not read a card which is not coded for it, as we ship them out locked.
With the VEC2 software open, click on "find reader". If it says "card reader ok", then proceed to reading a card or opening a sample program from the CD. The samples we saved to disc are saved as "Unlocked", encryption code "0000000000", as shown in the data protection field on the left. Before you write that program to the card for your VEC2, you have to specify the box number (BC30XXX) in the "box serial number" field and encryption code in the field below it. Then click on "write card". The display should say "coded card write ok". Power up the VEC2 by turning the key on and slide the card with the gold chip up, toward the LED's. It should read the card and blink the last green. If it's not doing anything, you may not be pushing the card in until it stops (or the card is dirty).
Regarding the error light, there's only one error that makes it blink when a card is put in. The card being inserted is not coded for the box (blank, wrong code, or bad).
Though we have not had any reader problems, it is possible there could be a problem with it. However, it's unlikely.
Sorry if the instructions were not clear enough on this proceedure. We'll make changes based on your input. It can be difficult to write software instructions after spending a year and a half creating and working with the program every day.