Got Venom,
I have the Dyno day scheduled for Mar 4th, If there is no rain turnout should be great!
This thread is a post by a guy who dyno tested his car and got real world results, he does not deserve to have the likes of you bash him and as Dennis points out, neither does anybody else on this site.
You have proven in your own little mind and on your SUPER DYNO that you use that K&N filters give NO HORSEPOWER GAIN, according to YOU and YOUR tests everybody who has dyno'd their car and gotten any gain with K&N's did it WRONG and you are RIGHT, THEY are WRONG , THEY DID IT WRONG,THE DYNO OPERATOR WAS INEPT, YOU DID IT RIGHT,,... RIGHT ???? RUSS ?????
You have proven in your own little mind and on your SUPER DYNO that you use that SMOOTH TUBES give NO HORSEPOWER GAIN, according to YOU and YOUR tests everybody who has dyno'd their car and gotten any gain with SMOOTH TUBES did it WRONG and you are RIGHT, THEY are WRONG, THEY DID IT WRONG,THE DYNO OPERATOR WAS INEPT, YOU DID IT RIGHT ,,... RIGHT ???? RUSS ?????
You have proven in your own little mind and on your SUPER DYNO that you use that ANY COLD AIR DEVICE FOR VIPERS gives NO HORSEPOWER GAIN, according to YOU and YOUR tests everybody who has dyno'd their car and gotten any gain with ANY COLD AIR DEVICE FOR VIPERS did it WRONG and you are RIGHT, THEY are WRONG, THEY DID IT WRONG,THE DYNO OPERATOR WAS INEPT, YOU DID IT RIGHT ,,... RIGHT ???? RUSS ?????
You have proven in your own little mind and on your SUPER DYNO that you use that A VIPAIR gives NO HORSEPOWER GAIN, according to YOU and YOUR tests everybody who has dyno'd their car and gotten any gain with A VIPAIR did it WRONG and you are RIGHT, THEY are WRONG, THEY DID IT WRONG, THE DYNO OPERATOR WAS INEPT, YOU DID IT RIGHT ,,... RIGHT ???? RUSS ?????
SO RUSS, When Chrysler advertises the ACR package and a 10 HP gain they are WRONG and you are right, RIGHT???
When the GTSR race TEAM said that by blocking out the NACA duct and drawing air from the FACIA , they stopped losing power and gained power, THEY WERE WRONG, THEY won LEMANS ,,, BUT YOU ARE RIGHT, THEY ARE WRONG, They are LIARS, YOU ARE NOT
When Sean ROE advertises his S&B filters and a 10 HP gain HE is LYING and you are RIGHT, Right???
When Dan Cragin advertises his GREEN filter and a 10 HP gain he is lying and you are RIGHT, RIGHT???
When Jon B advertises K&N's and a 10 HP gain, he is lying and you are right , RIGHT?
Evrybody on this site who has ever dyno'd their car with K&N's and Smooth Tubes and got a GAIN, did it WRONG and the dyno operators across america did it WRONG and you are the only SUPER BEING who can do it RIGHT, RIGHT ? RUSS ??? EVERYBODY ELSE IS WRONG ??? RIGHT RUSS ???, EVERYBODY ELSE ON THIS SITE THAT HAS EITHER DYNO'D SMOOTH TUBES OR K&N's AND GOT A GAIN IS WRONG BECAUSE YOU GOT NOTTA THING, ZILCH, ZERO, on your dyno runs of the same thing RIGHT RUSS ???
And the Vipair is just the same, the same deception as Chrysler, DODGE, THE GTSR race TEAM, ALL THE VENDORS ON THIS SITE who sell K&N's and Smooth Tubes,..........AND THE SAME.....RESULTS NOTTA, ZILCH , ZERO..... RIGHT ?????
SUPER RUSS ????????
You are still the only guy who ever got a ZERO, uhhh, NO HORSEPOWER GAIN, on all the above..............