Cycleryan, Jerry Dobson, Thanks for voting!
I am going to add the following names into this poll who have voted in the older thread in "off topic" but have not voted here. The known VCA members approving are:
Bigs, Brunton, Lil Schuey
Known Non-Members approving: Joker
Known VCA Members disapproving Are: Bill Lunden, Marv S,
with the above results included, the current tally is as follows:
VCA For Dark Viper Alley: 38
VCA Against Dark Viper Alley: 6
Overall: 51 For, 6 against
The following names voted in the other thread but have unknown VCA Membership status:
Approving: 1tony1,ssssssnkae, mopar steve, steve miehe, motor city mad man, randall, silverviper, el diablo viper
disapproving: garolittle
Unclear vote: Janni, wingking, Steve Fergusen.
If your name is on these lists, please clarify your VCA status and/or clarify your vote.
Tell a friend about this poll. Keep on Voting!