Re: Viper Party "LIVE" Online Auction - April 27th, 2013 - Pirelli, Corsa, Hoosier, m
How does the Ohio region get Thousands of dollars of Wheels and Viper seats from Viper Parts Of America year after year when other regions get nothing.
Hi Jim! We believe that this was posted in the officer's section last year, but here is a refresher:
Viper Parts of America donates parts based on a number of factors, starting with the most important one - you have to ask. We don't know of a single region that has EVER been turned down for a request, although we screwed up with Motor City last year and personally apologized for that oversight. We have since made up for that screw up, as they will attest. With that request we review the size of the region, ask for the size of the event itself (number of attendees), how the items will be distributed (door prizes, auction, etc.), and how the funds will be used.
The logic is simple: If the region is simply giving away door prizes we will send more smaller items so everybody gets a chance. If there is an auction with a lot of attendees, such as Ohio, we will send a bigger item to help them raise funds. If there are only a handful of attendees but still an auction we will send some decent items that should help them raise money, but not necessarily something big like a wheel set. If they say they are only raising money to cover the cost of the event itself, we look at what those costs are and try to send something that will help with that as well.
So far this year we have sent Viper office chairs to Maryland, New York, Motor City, Ohio, and Illinois. We have made other donations to
all of the other regions that have requested them including Oklahoma and even Switzerland. There has never been a single request from Colorado/Utah. We have donated over $10,000 worth of parts so far this year.
As for Ohio, the chair was donated to their region, while the wheels are actually a donation to the national club - as are the set of 2013 wheels we are donating for the upcoming VCA raffle. Illinois has a larger gathering than Ohio and so they received more stuff than Ohio - as they always do. Make sense?
Feel free to send an email to us at to let us know about any upcoming event where we can help you raise money for your club or charity. Happy to help!