Thanks for all of the very good advice!

Please keep it coming!
To answer the questions that are asked as an answer to my questions.

To clarify, I am making plans for the next couple of years. I cannot go out and get a car with where I currently sit today.
First off, I would like to eventually race as opposed to just track days. My intent would be the VRL. All going well in the next few years I will be in a position to be able to take my dream that far, however sitting here today I have a few other commitments that I would have to see through before I can purchase another car. I would do another car as I would like to keep my current car in one piece without needing to worry about stone chips.
That being said, I think for now I should gain experience with Viper Days, TD's, and yes, I do plan on a driving school at somepoint as well as I know I do not have profesional skills. By the time I finish that I will have the experience and hopefully will also then have the resources to get the track car and do REAL racing.
Frank - You asked the most hard questions!
The car - My budget for a car today is zero, however I made the intent to get my first Viper and I got it, and now I will set my goal on a second. It will only be a matter of time for this one but depending on class and race series, that will depend on how soon I can afford the car. I imagine the faster the series, the more expensive the car. For starters, I would be content with mid pack but I know I will not be happy there in the long run.
Transportation - I already have a tow rig with trailer so I would be all set there.
Budget - I do not know this one so much. This is part of the reason I am asking these questions so I can see if it would even be feasible. My guess for yearly budget would be $10,000-15,000ish. Is that workable?
Damage - If the car was damaged, I can do all of my own work, all I would need is parts. I would then go with your suggestion regarding insurance.
Series - I do not know most of the short form lettering that was posted (HPDE, PCA, NARRA, NASA, SCCA) nor do I know what is involved with each, so I am having a hard time answering that one. As mentioned, I am VERY green thumbed at this.

I do non't want to confuse everyone here. I WILL go racing in the next few years, but as with all things I get into, I do my reasearch in advance so I now what I am getting into. Hence the reason this post is so general. I honestly do not know the answers to some of the posts, hence the reason I am looking for the advice from you experienced folk on what I need to do. I have little track experience but I know I want to learn.