Viper Trial results

Russ M

Nov 1, 2000
Reaction score
LA, California
Now I have seen it all!!!

A law suit based on the fact that the guy could not drive. Blaming the viper for its handleing problems
, if the viper has problems than the majority of the auto's out there on the marker are death traps on wheels.

The law suit is obsured, and who ever brought it on deserves to blow all their hard earned money on the **** of the earth who is reprisenting them.


Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
Crow Canyon Road, CA
This trial of the Viper is quite interesting to me. It's something that I think about a lot while I'm driving around town. As I'm powering into traffic, or when I slip the rear end a bit around a corner, I find myself wondering about Viper's and powerful cars in general lacking traction control. They really do take skill to drive when the throttle gets depressed more than halfway (1/4 way for viper (= ) I spun mine a few months ago for doing nothing more than breaking too hard heading into a turn, for example, and I've been driving more than 300 horsepower since 95, and motorcycles before that.

I'm happy that we have cars like the Viper, that are right on the edge, a bit raw. I don't want to be protected from myself! It's always tragic when someone is so sad...The anger from the loss finds a target. It's great that Viper escaped this time, but will it always?

I drive my ACR around, and I'm proud of the fact that it's one of the last sports cars that will ever be built without ABS and TCS. I love that! At the same time, sometimes, when I'm accelerating on the freeway up to 140 (easing into traffic), I wonder if I'm going to meet my end in this car...I look around at the A-pillar, at the window and the ceiling, and sometimes wish for a helmet...I don't think you are allowed to wear a helmet in a car in California--I think a cop told me that once. Clearly the ACR (and maybe the GTS) were desiged with enough room for a helmet...I bet those guys would have survived if they were wearing them...

I'm going to find out more about that...But in the meantime, here's to crazy cars, and doing what you love! Viva Viper, Viva sports cars!


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Zionsville,IN. USA
IN MY opinion, the above points of discussion and concern underscore the importance of encouraging ALL to attend and participate in VIPER DAYS. This event is very "user friendly"...especially for the novice. The classroom instruction imparts a BASIC understanding of the Viper, including discussions about maintenance, handling, general safety tips AND track techniques...ALL of which are aimed at elevating EACH driver to a higher level of driving skill and SAFETY, and therefore, a pleasurable Viper ownership experience. As planning of the events for the 2002 season evolve, the Ind/Ky Region hopes to offer a "pretech session" in the spring (following the LEAD of the North Carolina Region)in hopes of attracting even more member participation in the SAFETY course portion of Viper Days. Once again, it is noted that "Viper Days" is NOT just a "racing program"...though it certainly does a GREAT JOB of fielding a wide variety of run groups and a very exciting wheel-to-wheel league.