I knew that I would get smoked for that....oh well. It was still fun. I tell you what, when it's your turn it is simply your turn. I am a paramedic and just two days ago a Ryder moving truck was towing a mid-sized car. The bolts and tongue sheared and then the safety chains broke. The driverless car went accross the median of interstate-30 and struck an oncoming vehicle at highway speeds. Driver was 22 (dead on scene), front passenger 18 in critical condition, rear passenger 20 (died on hour later). All were females who died in their hometown. A whole life ahead of them, they were just beggining to savor the joys of living and now they are gone.
When the man upstairs says he needs you it will happen.
I still try to keep it as safe as possible but you still have to find out what your car can do....right? Even if it is not on a closed course? Maybe?...... No?........ OK. I screwed up.