Last Sunday was my first, and hopefully only ever experience of airbags being deployed. These things strike like a coiled snake, they drew blood, and left two fang-like marks on the nose!!
It's a painful time for me right now...I had a car without indicating, pull out, straight in front of my Beloved GTS, the love of my life. The crash was a big and bad one, luckily all persons involved walked away physically with just cuts and bruises. Considering the car that pulled into my path, went into a roll, taking another vehicle out, and ended upside-down, it's a miracle nobody was killed.
Seeing Beloved scraped up onto a truck in bits, almost killed me. He's suffered extensive damage, including to his front chassis, and front pulleys broken on the engine where the Ali cross-member got pushed back so far. I switched off ignition quick, but can anyone advise me please, as to if you think I could have any internal engine damage done?
I will do what ever it Beloved is going to be rebuilt, and he will be making the journey to Europe / Le Mans, next year with the rest of the UK region.
Safe Vipering to all owners, there are some idiots on the roads out there, I pray to God nobody ever has to face the torture of seeing your Viper hurt.