hi there, here my story (excuse my bad English, I'm German but S.Fla. VCA Member since 6th April !!):
I would sell my SRT last year, but nobody bought it...
It is in Germany a very expensive car! The D.C. price is 105,000 € (about 82,000 bucks). But here in Berlin we have a lot of unemployed workers, in average 20 %. And the income is lowering because the east european comes and try to work under limit...
So I have got back the snake! The dealer said:...don't shut up the engine because the battery is empty...
As he was gone I turned off and opened the fold-roof (??!)(or persenning ?) I don't know the correct word...
Then I would start the engine again.... the only thing was a klack,klack,klack,klack noise from the starter-pinion.
A neighbour gave starthelp for me, but nothing as the same noise! I called back the dealer but he said he have made only the thame thing with a Jeep.
Just now I charge the battery and will hope that I tomorrow can hear the sound of snake!!