GTS Bruce
Save some mailing money in the future. This issue throw out pages 10 and 11. This article should have been in bikers digest or ricer (kawasaki) and rider. The thing with 2 wheels is not a Viper GTS. The listed specs are not of a Viper GTS and the thing with 4 wheels is not a Viper GTS. Its one of those srt things or something. Obviously the writers let these mistakes slip through because they were focusing on blondies tata's a little too much. Pages 14 and 15. Your tax dollars at work. Instead of selling the car and hiring another law enforcement officer they keep it as a parade vehicle. Pages 24 and 25.At first I thought I was looking at the back end of a corvette. Then I realized it was a cow. Really now occasional tata's are ok but ***********? Page 38 Herb Helbig states the obvious "see your viper tech asap but in the meantine have another beer and call me in the morning" Page 40. Bite my lip and say nothing about where to put the grease. LIfestyles page 49. A 1970's fu man chu, rag head and all the pharmaceutical enhancements one could stand and still be considered human. Page 58,Rub a dub dub. Cruising in a tub. GTS Bruce