Weight saving? What\'s the easiest?
After reading about the Carbon SRT-10 at the SEMA show and how it shed 150 lbs, I have been wondering what I could do to lighten up my GTS!
Wheels, seats, spare. How much can weight can one shed by changing the stock parts?
Any other options for weight savings for street setup? Of course, I would kick the passenger out of the car!
And I don't think I can lose any weight myself, so that's not an option! 
After reading about the Carbon SRT-10 at the SEMA show and how it shed 150 lbs, I have been wondering what I could do to lighten up my GTS!
Wheels, seats, spare. How much can weight can one shed by changing the stock parts?
Any other options for weight savings for street setup? Of course, I would kick the passenger out of the car!