I'll be 97 on Friday. Now where did I park that car.
Hey I've fallen and I can't get up.
Hey I've fallen and I can't get up.

Chip are you kidding me? Thought you were in your 30's.
60 here. Hard to believe I've had my '93 for 15 years! That's over half the age of some of you youngsters!!
Hmmm,I'm 45 right now, but it kinda depends on what gear I'm in, really. Neutral=45, 1st=35 2nd=25, 3rd=21, 4th=18,
5th=29, 6th=45.
I see the the average age declining, as the prices of GenI/GenII's start to fall, and become affordable.
I think the older guys buy Vipers out of loyatly and nostalgia. We tend to remain loyal to the brand. I think (but its just and unfounded position) that the younger guys buy Vipers if they can afford them. Run them, race them, and many wreck them, then they move on to other interests. I could be wrong, but I simply feel Viper owners are of a unique American brand.
To me, buying the traditional big block American sports car was an overwhelming part of my decision to own a Viper. I simply dont understand the concept around a small high revving twin turbo awd 4 ******. I would rather grow **** and drink milk at a bar than drive or even consider something like that a sports car.
In my case, you'd be wrong. I wanted a Viper more than anything as soon as they came out in 92' (I was 11 at the time). 12 years of begging my parents to buy one did no good (my dad would tell me "if I had enough money for a Viper, I'd spend it on putting you in counseling instead"), so as soon as I had the $$ myself, I bought one
I'm here to stay
Also, I remember one thread on here a while ago about some kid (17 yrs old I think) whose dad had already bought him his 3rd Viper (06' SRT-C). So, he would add a really young youngster to the mix![]()