What age is the Viper Owner ?


Sep 26, 2001
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Road1, you point of finacial responsibility is well taken, however, I for one disagree. Do you work to live or live to work? What if that 20 year old has an untimely departing---missed the fun! Or he gets married and has so many kids living in the shoe he never can afford a toy. Or his wife/ mother/father/ children have hospital needs that prevent the toy? I don't condone living for today, but you have plenty of time for saving for the future from 30 on. Wife and I have always lived under our means so I didn't buy my toy until 51. I had serious buyers remorse spending that kind of money for a weekend car. Wife said "it's not like it's gone-you just moved it from one place to another." These kids nowadays are smart with their money for the most part (well the ones I see on this board). Hey guys, go spend the money--have fun----remember--one day--- inheritence. John the old fart, but young at heart.


Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Put me down on the list for 51. IMHO no one should own a Viper until they are at least 30 years old, although that's not always a popular humble opinion on here.

Why 30, Jeff?

Glad you asked. It gets into a touchy subject of something called financial responsibility, which a lot of young people don't like to dwell on. I know I didn't when I was in my 20s. However, if someone would take that Viper money and invest it in a good 401(k) or IRA in their younger years the compound interest will greatly reward them later in life. Once they have a retirement fund established THEN they can start looking for that 11 mpg Viper.

Oops...there I go being practical.

That is great advice. Although alot of people may have the means to buy a sports car like the viper, there are issues that should always be addressed before buying a "toy". Personally, I am going to be looking to sell my gen III before I buy a new gen IV. I can't rationalize keeping another toy that I will only drive on weekends, esp. when I only have 2,300 on my viper now. Living in CT we get all the nice breaks such as property taxes on our vechiles. Gotta love living here, can't wait to get out of this state!


Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
Road1, you point of finacial responsibility is well taken, however, I for one disagree. Do you work to live or live to work? What if that 20 year old has an untimely departing---missed the fun! Or he gets married and has so many kids living in the shoe he never can afford a toy. Or his wife/ mother/father/ children have hospital needs that prevent the toy? I don't condone living for today, but you have plenty of time for saving for the future from 30 on. Wife and I have always lived under our means so I didn't buy my toy until 51. I had serious buyers remorse spending that kind of money for a weekend car. Wife said "it's not like it's gone-you just moved it from one place to another." These kids nowadays are smart with their money for the most part (well the ones I see on this board). Hey guys, go spend the money--have fun----remember--one day--- inheritence. John the old fart, but young at heart.

Great point, John. NOONE is promised tomorrow. I don't care if you're 19 or 79. If I die tomorrow, I leave a Viper with way too many miles on it and way too many memories of the fun I had with it. Does that help resale? No. But, I'm dead, what do I care? Buy em' and drive em'!!!

Sweet Ride

Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
I bought mine now because I have the means and someday if kids come along I don't want to have missed the opportunity to own this car. I could have bought something cheap and/or practical, but then I would have been pissed that my golden opportunity was wasted.

I drive mine every day in hopes that one day I can reach Chad's mileage mark... :cool:

Viper Specialty

Legacy/Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Feb 14, 2002
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Cape Coral, FL
Put me down on the list for 51. IMHO no one should own a Viper until they are at least 30 years old, although that's not always a popular humble opinion on here.

Why 30, Jeff?

Glad you asked. It gets into a touchy subject of something called financial responsibility, which a lot of young people don't like to dwell on. I know I didn't when I was in my 20s. However, if someone would take that Viper money and invest it in a good 401(k) or IRA in their younger years the compound interest will greatly reward them later in life. Once they have a retirement fund established THEN they can start looking for that 11 mpg Viper.

Oops...there I go being practical.

I must disagree as well. "Everyone" is a VERY strong term. I think "Majority" would be more fitting.

As a specific example, for someone in my situation, the Viper is my livelihood. Purchasing both of my Vipers was not only for "fun", but also for business. In my profession, you have to spend money to make money, and knowing/driving/experimenting on the platform is paramount, and not something that should be done on a customers car unless specifically requested. And lets not even get into the rolling advertisement aspect of it!

However, as a more broad example, I also think that many people in their 20's plan to have children in their 30's. Plain and simple, it is a lot easier to aquire the toys before children. If you have the means NOW, get your toys, enjor your 20's, and pay them off long before the children come into the picture. The car will not be a burden in that case down the road, and will likely not end up on the chopping block as such... which may help you keep your sanity when dealing with family life. Realistically, what will most 20 year olds blow all their money on anyway? Chances are its going to be nothing of any importance, return, or value to them in their 30's anyway. At least a Viper can be viewed somewhat as an investment.

The other examples above also make quite a bit of sense. There is no promised tomorrow. Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?


May 5, 2008
Reaction score
Richmond, Virginia
I see both sides of this. However, I also see my Viper as "therapy" after a hard day at the office. Nothing like going home, opening the garage and taking the Viper for a spin with the top down.

Yet, I also make sure that my bills are paid and I have something set aside for the future...so your typical Viper owner will have both fun and future in mind. Besides, you don't throw down the kind of cash you need for a Viper and not take into account fuel, tires, oil changes, taxes, etc. It's the kids that don't take the hidden costs into account that will be hurting down the road.


Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Lake Worth, FL
Alpine, you are right on. I just turned the big 5-0. Bought my dream car Sapphire GTS 2 yrs ago as a reward for becoming a grandfather, and after putting 2 of my 4 kids through college. Therapy baby! Keeps you from growing old!! :D

mini viper

Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Put me down on the list for 51. IMHO no one should own a Viper until they are at least 30 years old, although that's not always a popular humble opinion on here.

Why 30, Jeff?

Glad you asked. It gets into a touchy subject of something called financial responsibility, which a lot of young people don't like to dwell on. I know I didn't when I was in my 20s. However, if someone would take that Viper money and invest it in a good 401(k) or IRA in their younger years the compound interest will greatly reward them later in life. Once they have a retirement fund established THEN they can start looking for that 11 mpg Viper.

Oops...there I go being practical.

Meh...figured out that buying my Viper at age 24 cost me something like $400k at age 54. I will definitely have $400k of fun out of it for the next 30 years, I felt it was worth the cost. Having what I felt was a near death experience also put me over the edge and made me bite the bullet and buy the car. Haven't questioned that decision yet. Not a single ounce of buyer's remorse.


Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Wait, have to find my teeth, now my glasses....ahhh, much better!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I must say, I'm having fun reading everyone's posts...hot as much fun as having a 36 year old wife, but okay then!:headbang:

Seriously, I think anyone at any age can have an appreciation for Vipers and, if one can afford to own a Viper regardless of age, then they should. :) Being (virtually) 60, and having loved cars since I knew what a car was, I have had that appreciation for both design and power. Growing up, had Corvettes mostly, but when the Viper came out in 1992, that became my key goal... to own one.:2tu::2tu:

Now, I have two young children and three cars...two SUVs and a Viper...what could be better!:drive::drive:

Life is good, always smiling!:D:D:D:D

And, I'm still a rocker!!!:guitar:


1998 RT/10, Viper Red :evilmad: (5k miles) "Tatorized"




Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
I am 30. Got mine when I was 29. Just 2 more months and I will be home to enjoy the Viper. Its good to see a variety of ages owning a Viper.


Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Put me down on the list for 51. IMHO no one should own a Viper until they are at least 30 years old, although that's not always a popular humble opinion on here.

Why 30, Jeff?

Glad you asked. It gets into a touchy subject of something called financial responsibility, which a lot of young people don't like to dwell on. I know I didn't when I was in my 20s. However, if someone would take that Viper money and invest it in a good 401(k) or IRA in their younger years the compound interest will greatly reward them later in life. Once they have a retirement fund established THEN they can start looking for that 11 mpg Viper.

Oops...there I go being practical.
I can see your point but at the same time that doesnt apply to everyone that is in their 20's. Some of us have worked very hard, have a good education and a good job and may in fact have already invested a good amount into a 401k. If that is the case then why not be able to get a Viper? There is a balance between being able to live while you are still young and investing for when you are older. So all I am saying is some may already have a 401k compounding interest even while they are in their 20's and can still afford to get a viper. I am one of those examples although I turned 30 a few months ago.


Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Belleville, IL. (St. Louis Area)
26 here.

I Bought my viper when I was 23 and in the Marine Corps. I figured if I was going to be overseas serving my country then when I came home i'd have something for myself. Before I bought my Viper, I had only seen 1 up close when I was about 14 years old and never again, until one day (21 yrs old) I was driving my Mustang GT and a Viper came up along side of me when I was stationed in Flordia. Although the driver was arrogant and asked if I had any money to lose, I said unfortunately i'm a poor marine after which I turned on the nitrous in my Mustang and blew his doors off, laughing as he had a bewildered look on his face. I had always wanted a Viper since I was a kid and thought it was impossible, but with hard work and dedication anyone can have one if they REALLY want it.


Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Belleville, IL. (St. Louis Area)
Put me down on the list for 51. IMHO no one should own a Viper until they are at least 30 years old, although that's not always a popular humble opinion on here.

Why 30, Jeff?

Glad you asked. It gets into a touchy subject of something called financial responsibility, which a lot of young people don't like to dwell on. I know I didn't when I was in my 20s. However, if someone would take that Viper money and invest it in a good 401(k) or IRA in their younger years the compound interest will greatly reward them later in life. Once they have a retirement fund established THEN they can start looking for that 11 mpg Viper.

Oops...there I go being practical.

Jeff, have I ever met you?:dunno: Just curious as your a Gateway meber also. I believe we got into an arguement a while back when you said this before. But hey it's your OPINION in which your more than welcome to post. But I think the majority would disagree, or at least us younger guys would. Either way i'm enjoying life in my 20's driving a Viper and wouldn't have it any other way. :2tu:You never know when your time is up so have fun while you can right?:drive:


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Bentonville, Arkansas
61. Mine is in D1 status.

I have been a Vette owner since 85 and I'm betting the average age for Viper owners is a lot younger than Vette owners.


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Bentonville, Arkansas
Sounds like us young guys just might have some of that wisdom you old folks talk about. Just joking I like vettes also....kinda lol:2tu:

I have owned four Vettes, a restored 67 Coupe, 94 coupe, 2002 Z06 and currently own a 2006 Z06. The biggest difference is you never ever mistake a Viper for anything else and everyone pays attention. Not true with a Vette, most except car nuts don't know the difference between a Z06 and regular Vette.

Want to hear something funny though? My wife of 41 years told me I need to keep the Z06 for a daily driver!


Jun 9, 2007
Reaction score
South CT
No regret here...

24 as previously mentioned, but I already have the 401k, stock investments and a nice savings.

I studied hard in school, now just reaping the benefits.


Viper Owner
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Arlington VA
Put me down on the list for 51. IMHO no one should own a Viper until they are at least 30 years old, although that's not always a popular humble opinion on here.

Why 30, Jeff?

Glad you asked. It gets into a touchy subject of something called financial responsibility, which a lot of young people don't like to dwell on. I know I didn't when I was in my 20s. However, if someone would take that Viper money and invest it in a good 401(k) or IRA in their younger years the compound interest will greatly reward them later in life. Once they have a retirement fund established THEN they can start looking for that 11 mpg Viper.

Oops...there I go being practical.

I figure that as long as I'm maxing out a 401k and a Roth each year, I shouldn't feel too bad about spending money on my vehicle habit. I didn't pay cash for my car, but it's very conservatively financed. The money I've tossed in those retirement accounts this year would more than cover the balance. :dunno:


May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
I am 42, but my my first pseudo Viper(Ram) in 2005 and then bought another 2005 Viper Ram. I currently own a 2008 Viper that I have had for 3 months now. I have had High performance Mopar products since I was 17.



Apr 6, 2007
Reaction score
Rockford, MI
With that kind of money in the family you should be able to afford to join the VCA... :D

Venom member actually, but my dad paid for it and that is the problem. Technically I am not the "owner" since I didn't pay for it, so I can't get venom member put beneath my name. O well....


Viper Owner
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Northwestern Wisconsin
I'm 47, after two tours overseas, I gave myself a homecoming gift. A 94 RT/10. I'm doing my own Mods. and updates. Runs great and people love to look at it. Only in America.:usa:

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio

"No one would believe me anyway at first. I usually dont answer these posts as there are some people out there that think young does not ever equal knowledgeable. Though, I hope with the thousands of posts and PM's I have answered that those people wouldnt start to look down upon me about it... at least until they need a question answered or the Viper Universe explained from the Big Bang through Doomsday.

I was 17 when I bought my first Viper, and technically 16 when I ordered it. It was a new 2002 Final Edition. It was not paid for by my parents whatsoever. By that age I already had my first business, primarily internet based. Time to dust off the 'ol 2003 Viper Mag... Spring Issue 2003... Page 11 if you want some other info. I bought my second two years later in 2004... though I have a love affair with this one, so I'm not selling! I may add an '09 or '10 though at some point. I have to say however, even being in the boat at one time, I still would not recomend the Viper to 99% of <20 year olds. Our society seems to breed some pretty ignorant people/parents, and many teenages that have ZERO responsibility. I would never say 100% as there is the always exceptions, however I can still think of dozens of times I *could* easily have been put into bad situations if I hadnt had been responsible enough and appreciate the car for what it was and what it could do.

I am 23 right now. And wow, I cannot believe I have been at Vipers for over 6 years already. Another statistic I think many people would be surprised about is the average age of the Viper tuners out there. Its a new world, thats for sure."

Agreed 100% with everything you are saying including mentioning my age! You have to be resopnsible when and where you take your Viper. This is not a car that you can just take anywhere or do anything with. There are many who disaproove of people our age owning cars like this even though we may have paid for them from our own savings. You have no choice but to take on that responsibily, drive smart, and don't be stupid.

As for age, I am 23, bought the car when I was 21 (1 month before my 22nd birthday). For more info see the last page of the current Viper Magazine, Summer 2008.

Last edited:


Viper Owner
May 6, 2008
Reaction score
NorCal -530-
Picked up my '08 2 days before my 27th birthday. Drove it from Virgina to Northern Cali. Was a great birthday on the road.

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